Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited March 2015

    It's only the last conversation with Kate that decides her fate, if you choose the correct or incorrect dialogue options she will either kill herself or not no matter what actions you choose in previous episodes.

    Edit: Just to add to this i looked up how to save Kate and found this and can see what mistake i made.

    For the fourth prompt i chose "there are billions of videos" that caused her to step back and triggered the sixth prompt and i chose "suicide is a sin" which is what caused her to jump :(.

  • edited March 2015

    So where do I begin? There's so much I want to cover from this episode. Well the episode certainly has increased my interest by 3 times the amount. I WANT MOAR! Anyway plenty of stuff happened. Further characterization. More interactions. Plenty of humor. And more mystery as well delve deeper in. And things are getting darker and more depressing.

    Thoughts on Characters

    The more I see Max, the more connected to her I get. I'm loving her humor. She shows she's caring despite being snoopy (well I should call myself snoopy too since I'm in control of her actions. Sorry Max, your puppeteer just can't help it.), but being snoopy is important when you have to investigate. That's why detectives are hired, and that's how we get our stories on newspapers too. Only depends if you're being snoopy for the good reasons or the bad. But anyway, in this episode I truly bonded with her at the end. I really felt like I was Max! And I got concerned when the nosebleeds, bad headaches, dizziness, fainting, time power malfunction, visions happening. I'm worried that if she overuses it she'll die in the end.

    Now Chloe. I can definitely see her as a very controversial character. Mainly because she's like the female version of S1 Kenny in some ways. She kinda annoyed me a bit, but I didn't let it strain my likeness for her. In fact, I understood why she's trying to have Max with her every chance she got. After all the shit she's been through, and finally having someone back in her life recently she wants to hold onto Max as much as she can. She may get pissed for the littlest reasons but she definitely showed she cares for Max. In the end I don't think she was pissed at Max but felt guilt for being a douche to Max about Kate's call. Most likely she didn't know Kate had depression. She seemed oblivious to it through out (or she didn't care? I'll take the former thought I guess). She really hates emojis but it makes me laugh a bit. And we learned more about her with Rachelle at the junkyard and train tracks (and we learned Max and Rachel are similar). It was great seeing Chloe so happy in the diner and junkyard. She was very playful. And of course excited to test Max's power so she can truly believe it. She did act like she wanted Max to use the power for selfish reasons but after Max's nosebleeds and passing out, I don't think she'll consider taking the chances of endangering Max's life with overusing it. Although I wish she treated Joyce more nicely, her mother does care for her. And so does David (I'll get to these two later). It's Chloe rebellious manner that causes the arguing. Although I can relate to that I guess, I often argue with my sister (who's been like a mother to me as well) as I got older.

    Warren is a pretty okay guy. He really wants to hang out with Max. Which I know makes Brooke jealous. The scene with Warren in the science lab with the potassium was hilarious. And I feel like these two are going to REALLY close to each other in the end.

    Joyce has a great attitude and manages to keep good control in the diner. She won't take anyone's shit. But she is very polite and nice. She's done a lot of good for the people at/around her diner, like Max is trying to do at/around the academy. Joyce truly cares for both David and Chloe and wishes for the better of them, and like she said she knows Max can help turn Chloe's life back up. David is less of an ass and seems to be troubled. I take his word that he wants to protect everyone in the academy and at home. He's just rough about it. I think I can trust him.

    The homeless lady is quite mysterious, and I don't think she's crazy for saying she lived thousands of years. I don't know why but I believed her (you can call me crazy lol). She's very knowledgeable like Ms. Grant about Arcadia Bay. I feel like she'll be important later in the story.

    Nathan and Victoria... well, that's easy how to describe them. Assholes. Nate is a creep, whiny, arrogant prick. Victoria is a bitch. I'm glad I comforted her anyway, I just did that to end one little piece of drama. And Vic thought she fooled me, lmao! But... I do feel Nate is controlling her in some way. I don't know how though.

    Jefferson, Frank and Samuel are suspicious. Jefferson was a lot more aggressive this episode. He didn't seemed like the one to get angry so much before. And that call makes me wonder who was calling him, it obviously made him paranoid. Frank obviously is connected to Rachel, but in what way? Could he have done something to her and caused her disappearance? The officer in the diner described him as sketchy. And he indeed is. Samuel is also a little creepy, not weird this time. He definitely has great admiration of Rachel. With how he spoke in Ep1 and 2, and the photos of her. But he's probably just an admirer.

    And Kate... oh man. Poor girl. She didn't deserve any of that. I tried to help her as much as I can, with the boards, web link, everything. Thank god I paid attention to everything in her room and looked around (see? Being snoopy can bring good stuff.). When she jumped off the roof, my heart stopped for a moment. When Max rewound and it happened again I was like 'COME ON!'. Then when Max froze time I was shocked but I shrugged it off and put focus on Kate, moving as fast as I could to her as my heart beat rapidly and I felt nervous as hell. Then I made it to the roof and when I couldn't rewind I knew I had to make the right choices and not fuck up at all (I had to help people who were suicidal before, so I knew what I had to say and do.) The intensity I felt in this moment felt very real, I really felt like it was those other times where I had to save those who were suicidal. Thankfully I saved her, and she's in a hospital under watch and recuperating. Get well, Kate! <3

    Thoughts on Scenes/Plot

    I thought the pacing was pretty okay. I loved the introduction and playing zombie mode Max lol The neat thing was that you got to see what Max and Dana looks like without make-up. Entering Kate's room was a completely different atmosphere and described how much her life turned upside down before even talking to her about it. I knew from the bathroom part this episode will focus on Kate. I promised Warren for a movie so I'll probably get a bonus scene or something. Then the pace slowed down a bit as we got to the diner and junkyard. We learned about the state of Arcadia Bay is in. More depth to the mystery in the setting, with the ghostly doe that appeared in the junkyard was trying to tell us something and Frank about his connection to Rachel and Chloe. We're going have a big confrontation with him later on, I just know it. I feel like we're gonna sneak into his trailer for clues later in the game. And that choice involving the gun will seriously impact the confrontation. Although it bothered me that Chloe and Max laid on the train tracks. Stupid move, girls. And we're back at school, getting to do stuff on the side before speaking to Jefferson. I should've signed up for the party, I maybe would have got clues of what goes on. Shit. Anyway when seeing David take a picture of Kate, it did make a little curious as to why he took a picture. Then the scene with Kate on the roof happened. I seriously never felt so tensed in a game before, Telltale never done that. And yeah I wonder how they will handle a determinate Kate as we continue, she still has more story to be covered. I hope she doesn't die anyway like Telltale sets their determinants. And came the part where I had to decide who to put the fault on. Jefferson didn't had much on him so it wouldn't make sense. Jeopardizing David's job would be bad not only him but the whole family of the Prices. They need the money. So the obvious one was Nathan since he was more connected than the others, and he deserved it. I know it'll cause more problems but I wanted punishment on 'the little rich bitch kid'. And there's the eclipse. I have no clue how that happened but that is NOT good! The endings left some foreshadowing, especially with Nate and Victoria. And I can't wait for Episode 3, I wonder who's chasing Max and Chloe and why they're in the school(looks like it) at night.

    Thoughts on Choices/Impacts

    Definitely a breath of fresh air. It's so good to see my choices actually matter even if there's some linear parts in the story like Telltale's. But I feel Dontnod's choices left more impact, especially on the fate of Kate. Take notes Telltale! This time the baby will be the teacher.

  • edited March 2015

    Bacon omelette all the way, fuck Belgian waffles.

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    Look at that shit, you can't touch that. I'm 'bout to make me one right now too, excuse me.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Bacon Omelette or Belgian Waffle?

  • It all depends on what you did in the previous episode. If you told the truth about Nathan to the principal in Ep1 and say that he is responsible for Kate's breakdown the principal will actually suspend Nathan. If you don't tell the principle the truth about Nathan in Ep1 AND take the blame for Chloe in Ep1 David will accuse Max of doing drugs and the principle will suspend her.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Wait, I don't understand. In the release version, Max is suspended right? But in the leaked version, you have a choice to get him or us suspended?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just finished the episode and i did enjoy it but i there where some boring moments like looking for the bottles as it felt like a filler. I got Chloe to shoot the cars bumper and the bullet ricocheted and shot her and it did make me laugh a little bit and i felt bad afterwards :P

    Kate died in my game because i chose the wrong dialogue options after being nice to her through the episode apart from not telling her to go to the police, it will be interesting to see what affect her determinate status will have on other episodes.

    Overall i give it a 8.5/10 and i am interested in seeing where the story goes from here.

    My Choices

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  • edited March 2015

    Sadly, I had a really awful experience with this episode. I tried to like it and give it a chance, but this game is clearly not for me. My first complaint would some technical issues. I play it on the 360 and of course there is going to be problems since now it is now an inferior system, but it got to be way too much. Every other line of dialogue stuttered and the lip synching was at it's worst, that really ruined the immersion. This was a problem in episode 1, but it wasn't as bad.

    The story felt really lame and uninteresting in almost every scene. I already knew that people (Nathan) wanted Max dead and I already knew the extent of my powers, but the game just hammered it in anyway. Although I would have been fine with this, but just being around Chloe all the damn time was not helping me like the story. I can't tolerate her personality and her constant judgment/bull shit that she keeps spewing out every time she talks. The other characters are still uninteresting and seems pointless to interact with them, because it's all about trying the dialogue option to get them to like you (for now). I'm always trying to get the other useless characters to like Max, but damn can't anyone be on her side for once? Where I don't have to impress anyone, just be cool.

    Still not a fan of the soundtrack, but I'm not going to judge the game badly for that, it's just a matter of taste. The straw that broke the camels back was the suicide scene. I was nothing but nice to Kate and the game kept note of that and I thought "great". Then her personality does a complete 180 and she is ready to kill herself again and then I'm thinking "WTF?, why?" I vaguely remembered that she had a mother and used that as a way to talk her down, but apparently she doesn't like her mom and then the choice to quote the bible pops up and I just sat there puzzled as hell. Of course she didn't make it on my first run, but damn did I feel ripped off (I realized what needed to done and what I needed to notice only later).

    This also went along with the feeling that the choices were not well done. I noticed this in ep. 1 where you get a set of 2 choices, but they were essentially the same choice just saying it differently with the same reaction. This happened very frequently (not all the time). All this just added up and even more problems that I could go on about, but mainly that I just can't relate to these characters at all. As I said it's just not for me, but I will continue to keep my eye on this game and hope for the best for it.

  • edited March 2015

    It occurred to me I never gave the 2nd episode a score. I would give it a 9.5/10. I really love this game and this episode was some of the most fun I've ever had while playing a game. I loved how it seems like choices actually matter and I really found myself caring for the characters and I think the voice acting was really good and the writing while not the greatest of all time I definitely think it improved from the first episode and maybe it's because I was playing on Xbox one or just because I was so immersed in the game, but I actually didn't experience any bugs and the lip-synching wasn't bad. I really don't have any complaints about the game so far, the only reason I don't give it a 10/10 is because I want to leave some wiggle room for episode 3-5 :).


    Max x Chloe!

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I was nothing but nice to Kate and the game kept note of that and I thought "great".

    I felt the same as i was her friend throughout most of the game but i messed up on the dialogue options at the end. I found this guide that explains how to save her and i can see i messed up on the fourth prompt by choosing "there are billions of videos" that made her step back and on the sixth by choosing "suicide is a sin" which caused her to jump.

  • But the choices DID matter

    finlander posted: »

    Yeah, I've played it, but it wasn't so good :C

  • I think Jefferson is gonna turn out to be a 'Harrison Wells' (if you know what i mean)

  • What happened to considering Max X Warren?

    It occurred to me I never gave the 2nd episode a score. I would give it a 9.5/10. I really love this game and this episode was some of the m

  • To be honest, I thought that was a "HELL NO" dialogue choice when I saw it. I was being quite cautious with my choices.

    Felt like a boss saving her on the first playthrough though.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I was nothing but nice to Kate and the game kept note of that and I thought "great". I felt the same as i was her friend throughout

  • Max X Chloe

    Max X Warren

    Chloe X Rachel

    Max X Kate

    what more????

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    What happened to considering Max X Warren?

  • Since you didn't have a spoiler warning on your comment, I started to read your review. BUT I HAVE GOT A SPOLER FROM YOUR COMMENT.

    Then her [Kate's] personality does a complete 180 and she is ready to kill herself again.

    Thanks for the spoiler about Kate trying or thinking about suicide.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited March 2015

    That was surprisingly a better episode than the first in my opinion. I like how the game is implementing your rewind power for more than just picking up items, accidentally dropping them or, doing an alternate variant of your choice. I enjoyed having to memorise the events that happened around Max and Chloe as well as remembering what she had in her pocket. Quite fun, I really hope Dontnod manages to keep the time mechanic fresh for three more episodes.

    And wow, I really didn't expect Kate to have an arc like that. Was truly messed up, and sadly quite realistic to problems some teenage girls really have in life. I managed to save her on my first playthough luckily. It was a really tense scene overall too.
    And man, I really hate that Nathan twat. I take every chance I can get to bring him up in a negative manner.

    I also like how in the latter half of the episode Max was becoming a far more confident person, she was saying things I didn't expect her to have the guts to say at all in the first episode. Not just when she was accusing Nathan but she was also speaking more to people and wanting to stop a confrontation herself. Was quite noticeable, especially since most of her dialogue in-game is in her head. She was speaking far more up-front in the Academy in general (for me anyway).

    Also, props to Dontnod for making me constantly rewind having to pick a good choice, that one with the gun and that guy Chloe owes money to was a genuine tough call for me. That's something this game is really doing well so far, making the choices feel really weighty. And thankfully since we have this quite brilliant mechanic we can overthink it all we want with no time limit attached.

    l'd give the episode an 8.5, I'd push it to a 9 but I was really getting frustrated trying to find one of the bottles, the one by the campfire literally took me 20 minutes to find.

    The music was still great too, really sets the relaxed (but hellish) atmosphere of Blackwell.

  • leaked version:

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    final version:

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  • The last choice was the only choice that actually mattered imo.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    But the choices DID matter

  • Nathan gon get rekt

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Found this super legit leaked photo from Episode 3, predictions? I can only wonder what this photo means. (Seriously though whoever made this is amazing)

  • God those bottles, I hate puzzles so much. The railway one wasnt that bad because I got to enjoy chole screaming her head off

    CathalOHara posted: »

    That was surprisingly a better episode than the first in my opinion. I like how the game is implementing your rewind power for more than jus

  • edited March 2015

    This guy reminds me of someone... He reminds me of a boat...

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  • That's exactly how it is in the US

  • But instead of a boat fetish, he has a truck fetish.

  • #TeamMoe

    It occurred to me I never gave the 2nd episode a score. I would give it a 9.5/10. I really love this game and this episode was some of the m

  • Not really surprised about Chloe being a possible love interest.

    I was starting to think that Warren wasn't going to be an option, since Max seems to friend zone him into oblivion.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Small spoiler: I has been CONFIRMED there will be a determinant love relationship with Chloe if the player choses. The same goes for Warren.

  • edited March 2015

    Sorry @FauDeef, but I thought going into this topic to expect spoilers from the game, especially from ep. 2. I'll edit it.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Since you didn't have a spoiler warning on your comment, I started to read your review. BUT I HAVE GOT A SPOLER FROM YOUR COMMENT. The

  • It's okay. Don't worry. It's kind of my fault, too... I could have not read it.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Sorry @FauDeef, but I thought going into this topic to expect spoilers from the game, especially from ep. 2. I'll edit it.

  • Pretty glad I waited for Episode 2.

  • Am I the only one who liked the whole " searching for bottles " scene? I mean, I really like to just walk around and Interact with stuff and people in this game.

  • It was fine until I had to look for the campfire one. Heck I enjoyed it even. I even sat down a few times. The game has a really nice atmosphere.

    Am I the only one who liked the whole " searching for bottles " scene? I mean, I really like to just walk around and Interact with stuff and people in this game.

  • Kate's room in the leaked version is A LOT darker, than the final.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Pretty glad I waited for Episode 2.

  • Huh, I did every dialogue right. That's cool.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I was nothing but nice to Kate and the game kept note of that and I thought "great". I felt the same as i was her friend throughout

  • Even though I love my bacon, I have to go with the waffles. I haven't had any in such a long time, come to think of it.

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    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Bacon Omelette or Belgian Waffle?

  • Bacon Omelet. And holy crap I didn't even see Max eat it, but the plate was empty :O

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Bacon Omelette or Belgian Waffle?

  • I believe I picked all the right dialogue choices until the family stuff and made all the right choices to not screw her over. I recall that she had a mother, but that was it (I'm surprised I remembered that, I have a shit memory). Unfortunately for me there was bad blood between the two and everything went wrong after that. So weird though, cause it looked like I was getting her off the edge with the previous dialogue.

    I went back and picked the right choices to save her after that, but damn that left a bad impression on me.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    To be honest, I thought that was a "HELL NO" dialogue choice when I saw it. I was being quite cautious with my choices. Felt like a boss saving her on the first playthrough though.

  • does it show the video??

    In case if anyone needs to talk Here's a neat Easter egg from the game.

  • Bacon Omelette, all the way.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Bacon Omelette or Belgian Waffle?

  • I couldn't rewind time... Though the checkpoint could. She died, I hit the checkpoint, and saved her life... Fuck man, that was some scary shit.

  • What would you rate episode 2?

    I'd probably give it a solid 9.

  • Well the others changed scenes and backstory so they also did :P

    finlander posted: »

    The last choice was the only choice that actually mattered imo.

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