New 5th playable character..

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

In episode 3 at the end. Talia was talking to Rodrik about changing. That seems like a BIG hint that she could be a playable character in episode 4. What do you guys think? :)


  • It was episode 3 and I don't think we will get another playable character. We have 5. Even though Ethan is done he was still one of the 5.

  • No, like @unseenclass has said, we already have had five total playable characters. Ethan counts.

  • edited March 2015

    Talia is Ethan's twin though, wouldn't be a stretch to have her "take his place",metaphoricaly speaking.

    Like Rodrik said, "now is not the time for her to act yet".

    Perhaps it could by the very last chapter that we get to control her.

    Besides, I don't trust Game of Thrones to resist the temptation of killing another main perspective character. She could take their place.

  • I hope not, we don't need another tragedy. 8U RIP in peace, Ethan.

  • But it's been said we're gonna be playing as five people in or involved with House Forrester. We have already.

    Pride posted: »

    Talia is Ethan's twin though, wouldn't be a stretch to have her "take his place",metaphoricaly speaking. Like Rodrik said, "now is not th

  • Could have been a limitation, could have been that they meant simultaneously at some point.

    But it's been said we're gonna be playing as five people in or involved with House Forrester. We have already.

  • Don't overthink it. We're not getting another PC.

    Pride posted: »

    Could have been a limitation, could have been that they meant simultaneously at some point.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't even care if she is. I just want her to live. :/

    EDIT: This wasn't meant to be a reply, I apologise.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I hope not, we don't need another tragedy. 8U RIP in peace, Ethan.

  • What's with you and stating things as though they were facts? First with the voice actors, and now this.

    It's not as though you work there or have knowledge beyond us, is it?

    Don't overthink it. We're not getting another PC.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm fairly certain they're setting her up to be playable in a second season. Like The Walking Dead Game, the deal with HBO was Multi-Year, Multi-title if I remember correctly. Plus the achievement you get at the end of the season has the description "Completed Season One of Game of Thrones."

    Even if they're not planning to make a sequel at the moment, they need to keep their options open and they probably intend on keeping the Forresters as important characters in their storyline.

  • I'm actually hoping we'll get to play as one of the older Whitehill brothers in Season 2. Talia already has a set personality, so I don't think it's likely we'll play as her.

  • edited March 2015

    It's literally been stated we're getting five PCs this season. Accept that you're wrong and move on.

    Pride posted: »

    What's with you and stating things as though they were facts? First with the voice actors, and now this. It's not as though you work there or have knowledge beyond us, is it?

  • All the playable characters have a set personality, it's just a matter of keeping the dialogue options and choices within the boundaries their personality sets. If anything, Talia saying she's ready to change is an ideal point to make it so the player can direct her character.

    ranger563 posted: »

    I'm actually hoping we'll get to play as one of the older Whitehill brothers in Season 2. Talia already has a set personality, so I don't think it's likely we'll play as her.

  • Unless Rodrik dies, I don't think we will (Even if he does we probably won't). None of the playable characters have interacted with each other/been in the same place at the same time, and doing so would cause a rift between how you play that character and the text that Telltale puts in. And Talia has her own set personality, so a sudden change wouldn't make sense.

  • Not really. You get small hints through other dialogue--Rodrik is serious, Asher's impulsive, etc.--but the pattern seems to be that you don't hear these new POV characters speak until you've assumed control of them, the game therefore allowing you to dictate their personality/actions yourself. Talia just seems too established to work as a player character, working by this logic.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    All the playable characters have a set personality, it's just a matter of keeping the dialogue options and choices within the boundaries the

  • Accept that you're wrong and move on.

    No need to be like that, friend.

    Anyway no one knows for sure if we'll get another PC until it actually happens. Who knows, TT might just throw us for a loop.

    It's literally been stated we're getting five PCs this season. Accept that you're wrong and move on.

  • [removed]

    It's literally been stated we're getting five PCs this season. Accept that you're wrong and move on.

  • edited March 2015

    Wow, what the hell, dude? Chill out.

  • The possibility both bothers me and interests me, because if you can start choosing things as Talia, then she might end up dying horribly somehow, even though your decisions might be amazing to see play out.

    But then, anyone can die in this game, so, yeah, I can see playing as Talia and saving Lady Forrester or Roderick somewhere along the line, with either cunning or brutal force.

  • Disclaimer: I (mostly)agree with your points.

    To be fair Clementine had a pre-established character.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Not really. You get small hints through other dialogue--Rodrik is serious, Asher's impulsive, etc.--but the pattern seems to be that you don

  • I doubt it because Talia's in the same location as Roderick and there's no point in controlling two characters who are dealing with the same set of problems.

    Unless Roderick goes off to visit the Whitehall's while Griff holds Talia at Ironrath

    Oh man i still don't think that would happen but it would be pretty sweet if I could screw myself over by having talia headbutting Whitehill soldiers while he families away.

  • It's unlikely, but possible I think. I didn't exactly thought so, but I miss Ethan. He would have been an awesome Lord, probably.

    Ryon could be possible (but also unlikely),too.

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