If you want to stop getting distracted by stuff and things thus procrastinating, I'd advise to block one or two hours of a day this week. Be sure that you have nothing to do and that you won't be called by anyone. Turn off and put away your phone, your social networks and whatever may be a distraction and write. Now, you could maybe find a place where you like to write, like a café for example. The customers might be able to feed your imagination!
To improve your skills I don't really have an advice other than read. A lot. And practise. Also, you don't have to write an entire book everytime you are taking your pencil/keyboard out. You can also write short stories (like you are planning to if I understood), telling the tale of something that happened today, someone you met or even a complete stranger; that could be a solution if you can't create an entire story on your own, yet.
Speaking of characters, don't make them flat and boring. In case of long stories, heroes have to have flaws and evolve with the story and vilains have to be somewhat relatable.
Finally, I'd advice showing some of your stories to your friends or family and demand an honest critic and then correct your flaws.
Everyone has it differently when it comes to creational stuff like writing, even I, don't follow most of the advice above. But I tried to take in consideration what you said to give you a general solution. I hope it's helpful!
If you want to stop getting distracted by stuff and things thus procrastinating, I'd advise to block one or two hours of a day this week. Be… more sure that you have nothing to do and that you won't be called by anyone. Turn off and put away your phone, your social networks and whatever may be a distraction and write. Now, you could maybe find a place where you like to write, like a café for example. The customers might be able to feed your imagination!
To improve your skills I don't really have an advice other than read. A lot. And practise. Also, you don't have to write an entire book everytime you are taking your pencil/keyboard out. You can also write short stories (like you are planning to if I understood), telling the tale of something that happened today, someone you met or even a complete stranger; that could be a solution if you can't create an entire story on your own, yet.
Speaking of characters, don't make them flat and boring. In… [view original content]
well me and my friend ps3 are making a minecraft story 3 parts are out and uh we are involved with a big project called walking dead untold which still exists so i guess we could throw you some useful advice do you got skype?
well me and my friend ps3 are making a minecraft story 3 parts are out and uh we are involved with a big project called walking dead untold which still exists so i guess we could throw you some useful advice do you got skype?
Ok so what are you struggling with? What do you need help with? I think it would be better if we all do it from this thread, that way everyone can contribute, I think PMS would be a waste IMO. The more minds coming up with ideas imo the better.
Alright, think of one person. Someone you know really well. Friend, family... It doesn't matter as long as you know how they work. Now imagine your story and include that person. Write your story wondering everytime you have a doubt "What would that person do in that situation?", you can even ask them to be sure. It's, for me at least, a sure way of having characters who feel real, making them relatable. Eventually you'll get used to it and will be able to create your own characters from scratch.
You could begin by choosing yourself as a character, not necessarily the hero, seeing as you know yourself the best.
And once again, I wish you good luck and inspiration!
I like CatySky's response, but you can also create characters totally unlike everyone you know by imagining how they got the way they are, and how that history will guide their decisions in the remainder of your story. You don't have to write every character's history into the story, though if you have a sneaky way of alluding to it, it helps to make them relatable as well.
Say your story calls for a male character who is just aggressive and mad at the world. How did he get that way? Did he have a rotten childhood? Has one bad thing after another happened to him over the years, and he's just decided that life has it in for him and there's no point in being happy? Has he been in prison and learned these coping methods that he is still following? Try to imagine specific events, even if they're not going directly into your story. Then ask yourself, what would a person like that do? He sure wouldn't care about another character, unless he had a damn good reason. Or maybe he does, surprising himself, as it rekindles a memory long ago repressed of a time when he wasn't as angry. How would he react to these contradictory feelings? Jeez, I feel for the guy already.
I was talking to Lehfeels yesterday and told him my plot and main character. He said it was a good start and gave me some examples of character from his future project. I just need help with the character sketch. Yes I know the relateable thing, but I really needs help with character sketches. I rented out a creative writing for dummies book to help too.
The genre was zombie apocolypse because I like zombies.
The main character was a female Baseball player who soon has to protect herself from deranged flesh eating maniacs after one of her team players tried to kill her during the final game of the season and the whole city becomes filled with them. These zombies come in different stages depending on the situation. She also has to find her grandmother who she lost during an escape. She'll meet others who she can and can not trust.
Her weapon is a Golden Baseball Bat that her father gave to her when she was a child. He also played Baseball during his time. She named her bat The Golden Laci because of it's beauty and 99.9% hit rate and strength. Her father was the main reason she wanted to play Baseball and a huge influence on her life. He was her only parent because her mom died after birth which makes her sad thinking about it. He always spoiled her and made sure she grew up to be a respectable person. After he died, her world fell apart and the only care taker in her life was her grandmother who did not believe in spoiling children. She made sure to make her father proud by trying to do right and become a Baseball player. Yes she has flaws and and weaknesses. I think people could relate. I'll do my best to add more to her ark. I'm interested in my character for once.
She'll realize that Golden Laci will not be enough to survive the nightmare and will have to use other weapons which will be an issue for her. Others will join the quest and I'll do my best to make it awesome.
Creative writing book said don't worry about the dislikes because it takes time to make it better. Oh and powers and stuff will be in this. Difficult decison in this and things to make her fail her goal and change her.
I don't know. I just want to give this a chance. I want my dream to become a reality. People will probably hate it or like it but, I'm not worried about that till I get it done. This is another idea that came to my head while sleeping. I think my minds telling me to start working on it.
I already have the tittle in mind too. Thanks community. I thank you again for the support.
Ok so what are you struggling with? What do you need help with? I think it would be better if we all do it from this thread, that way every… moreone can contribute, I think PMS would be a waste IMO. The more minds coming up with ideas imo the better.
Do you need help with Characters, plot.
Sounds like a good start! Here's what I got from your description.
She's dealt with death before of those very close to her. It wasn't any fun, but she came out a stronger person, and that will help her cope with additional deaths she's likely to witness. Not that that will be any fun, either. She has some self-confidence, though.
She has a magic baseball bat. I'm sure the other players are furious at this unfair advantage, and no wonder one of them tried to kill her! Oh, right, that's because the player was a zombie. Anyway, this magic bat isn't perfect, or she would be too powerful, and that wouldn't give her any challenges. So she'll need to find another way. That's good.
She has to save someone who hasn't really treated her that well in the past. Is it out of love or duty? Maybe she's not sure yet.
She's not a loner, but other people make decisions more complicated, because they'll have other goals, and saving her grandmother might not be one of them. Are their goals any less worthy, though? We revisit love versus duty.
Characters, plot, Setting, theme,
I was talking to Lehfeels yesterday and told him my plot and main character. He said it was a good star… moret and gave me some examples of character from his future project. I just need help with the character sketch. Yes I know the relateable thing, but I really needs help with character sketches. I rented out a creative writing for dummies book to help too.
The genre was zombie apocolypse because I like zombies.
The main character was a female Baseball player who soon has to protect herself from deranged flesh eating maniacs after one of her team players tried to kill her during the final game of the season and the whole city becomes filled with them. These zombies come in different stages depending on the situation. She also has to find her grandmother who she lost during an escape. She'll meet others who she can and can not trust.
Her weapon is a Golden Baseball Bat that her father gave to her when… [view original content]
IMO i think you should try to write yourself as inspiration, for part of the main protagonist, like take yourself as a example of who to base the main character on, that imo is a easy way to make it relatable, because everyone can relate to someone, after all we are all human. Sounds good so far.
Characters, plot, Setting, theme,
I was talking to Lehfeels yesterday and told him my plot and main character. He said it was a good star… moret and gave me some examples of character from his future project. I just need help with the character sketch. Yes I know the relateable thing, but I really needs help with character sketches. I rented out a creative writing for dummies book to help too.
The genre was zombie apocolypse because I like zombies.
The main character was a female Baseball player who soon has to protect herself from deranged flesh eating maniacs after one of her team players tried to kill her during the final game of the season and the whole city becomes filled with them. These zombies come in different stages depending on the situation. She also has to find her grandmother who she lost during an escape. She'll meet others who she can and can not trust.
Her weapon is a Golden Baseball Bat that her father gave to her when… [view original content]
Wow analyzing my post made me more motivated and hesitant to start on it lol. That's exactly what I got out of it . I'm def going to plan out my scene 1 and the character. Everyone here is so kind and helpful. With ya'll's help. I know I can stay motivated and succeed.
Hopefully it goes well. I'm not trying to make a book just a short story for now that could possibly turn into one in the future. I'm pushing all negative thoughts aside and getting to work.
My goal is to write 500 words every 10 minutes. I get most of my inspiration from walking dead, resident evil, and zombie media.
She's relatable to me because everyone lost someone important in there lives, wants to play sports, and has things that shapes who she is.
Sounds like a good start! Here's what I got from your description.
* She's dealt with death before of those very close to her. It was… moren't any fun, but she came out a stronger person, and that will help her cope with additional deaths she's likely to witness. Not that that will be any fun, either. She has some self-confidence, though.
* She has a magic baseball bat. I'm sure the other players are furious at this unfair advantage, and no wonder one of them tried to kill her! Oh, right, that's because the player was a zombie. Anyway, this magic bat isn't perfect, or she would be too powerful, and that wouldn't give her any challenges. So she'll need to find another way. That's good.
* She has to save someone who hasn't really treated her that well in the past. Is it out of love or duty? Maybe she's not sure yet.
* She's not a loner, but other people make decisions more complicated, because they'll have other goals, and saving h… [view original content]
IMO i think you should try to write yourself as inspiration, for part of the main protagonist, like take yourself as a example of who to b… morease the main character on, that imo is a easy way to make it relatable, because everyone can relate to someone, after all we are all human. Sounds good so far.
Use the best, and worst parts about you, then embellish it a little to make it a little more interesting, IMO that is the best way to come up with creating characters. The way i have always done it. Don't make a character perfect, people hate that, people want a flawed character.
50 words a minute is a lot, so don't beat yourself up if you don't quite achieve that but still make progress. It sounds like you're on your way! Keep it up!
Wow analyzing my post made me more motivated and hesitant to start on it lol. That's exactly what I got out of it . I'm def going to plan ou… moret my scene 1 and the character. Everyone here is so kind and helpful. With ya'll's help. I know I can stay motivated and succeed.
Hopefully it goes well. I'm not trying to make a book just a short story for now that could possibly turn into one in the future. I'm pushing all negative thoughts aside and getting to work.
My goal is to write 500 words every 10 minutes. I get most of my inspiration from walking dead, resident evil, and zombie media.
She's relatable to me because everyone lost someone important in there lives, wants to play sports, and has things that shapes who she is.
We both need to start somewhere. I'm starting my outline soon for part 1. Then write another for the next part after that. Best of luck to you my friend .
Use the best, and worst parts about you, then embellish it a little to make it a little more interesting, IMO that is the best way to come u… morep with creating characters. The way i have always done it. Don't make a character perfect, people hate that, people want a flawed character.
We both need to start somewhere. I'm starting my outline soon for part 1. Then write another for the next part after that. Best of luck to you my friend .
If anyone needs help to write characters and stuff, this is a great place to start here. People here give great advice. I even shared some of my ideas.
I'm disappointed in myself though. I'm eagar to start, but continue to not give my writing a chance. Everyone's writing is not the same and I'm still doing my best.
IMO i think you should try to write yourself as inspiration, for part of the main protagonist, like take yourself as a example of who to base the main character on, that imo is a easy way to make it relatable, because everyone can relate to someone, after all we are all human. Sounds good so far.
Use the best, and worst parts about you, then embellish it a little to make it a little more interesting, IMO that is the best way to come up with creating characters. The way i have always done it. Don't make a character perfect, people hate that, people want a flawed character.
This is what CrazyGeorge told me. Also feel free to read through the thread. It has some more tips from users
Calling all writers. I'd like some help with a character I'm creating any advice would be appreciated
I'm planning on doing what I call The Emotion Series: Where there are 3 stories based on a certain emotion, there'll be an iteration for each emotion lol
I'm planning on doing what I call The Emotion Series: Where there are 3 stories based on a certain emotion, there'll be an iteration for each emotion lol
I'm planning on doing what I call The Emotion Series: Where there are 3 stories based on a certain emotion, there'll be an iteration for each emotion lol
That reminded me of another Story I randomly came up with called 'Earth' where the different countries are ruled by a Warlord of the same name, and they start a World War lol
I've got a bit of unconventional advice, as it's helped me in the past and led to a well-received story:
Basically, pick an ordinary scene in someone's life that you can relate to and try to explore the character's thoughts and feelings. The catch? It should have emotional aspects, like two people sitting by a dying family member's bed. Or two people talking about a troubling event. Something like that. If nothing else, it'll force you to try and up your writing, in my view, in order to do the characters/issues justice. It might even provide you with something you can turn into a full-fledged story.
Really now? "How will a dictionary help?" It can help you find synonyms, as well as new words to use, allowing you to create more diverse and complex sentences, while not recycling the same words over and over.
Like, for example: "The room was great, all in it was good."
Instead, with dictionary's help, you can write something like this: "The room was a rather spectacular sight, everything within it caught my eye with its splendour."
First time asking this, thoe.
If you are still interested reply, and i will give you some ideas.
If you want to stop getting distracted by stuff and things thus procrastinating, I'd advise to block one or two hours of a day this week. Be sure that you have nothing to do and that you won't be called by anyone. Turn off and put away your phone, your social networks and whatever may be a distraction and write. Now, you could maybe find a place where you like to write, like a café for example. The customers might be able to feed your imagination!
To improve your skills I don't really have an advice other than read. A lot. And practise. Also, you don't have to write an entire book everytime you are taking your pencil/keyboard out. You can also write short stories (like you are planning to if I understood), telling the tale of something that happened today, someone you met or even a complete stranger; that could be a solution if you can't create an entire story on your own, yet.
Speaking of characters, don't make them flat and boring. In case of long stories, heroes have to have flaws and evolve with the story and vilains have to be somewhat relatable.
Finally, I'd advice showing some of your stories to your friends or family and demand an honest critic and then correct your flaws.
Everyone has it differently when it comes to creational stuff like writing, even I, don't follow most of the advice above. But I tried to take in consideration what you said to give you a general solution. I hope it's helpful!
Good luck
Yes I'm still interested with some assistance
. Thank you everyone
Thanks and that's my question and issue. How do I make a character relateable and stuff? I know others said base them on people you know, but how?
ok so you need help with writing stories?
Yes please
well me and my friend ps3 are making a minecraft story 3 parts are out and uh we are involved with a big project called walking dead untold which still exists so i guess we could throw you some useful advice do you got skype?
I don't have skype and it would be easier to pm me the advice so we can work on it
Ok so what are you struggling with? What do you need help with? I think it would be better if we all do it from this thread, that way everyone can contribute, I think PMS would be a waste IMO. The more minds coming up with ideas imo the better.
Do you need help with Characters, plot.
Alright, think of one person. Someone you know really well. Friend, family... It doesn't matter as long as you know how they work. Now imagine your story and include that person. Write your story wondering everytime you have a doubt "What would that person do in that situation?", you can even ask them to be sure. It's, for me at least, a sure way of having characters who feel real, making them relatable. Eventually you'll get used to it and will be able to create your own characters from scratch.
You could begin by choosing yourself as a character, not necessarily the hero, seeing as you know yourself the best.
And once again, I wish you good luck and inspiration!
I like CatySky's response, but you can also create characters totally unlike everyone you know by imagining how they got the way they are, and how that history will guide their decisions in the remainder of your story. You don't have to write every character's history into the story, though if you have a sneaky way of alluding to it, it helps to make them relatable as well.
Say your story calls for a male character who is just aggressive and mad at the world. How did he get that way? Did he have a rotten childhood? Has one bad thing after another happened to him over the years, and he's just decided that life has it in for him and there's no point in being happy? Has he been in prison and learned these coping methods that he is still following? Try to imagine specific events, even if they're not going directly into your story. Then ask yourself, what would a person like that do? He sure wouldn't care about another character, unless he had a damn good reason. Or maybe he does, surprising himself, as it rekindles a memory long ago repressed of a time when he wasn't as angry. How would he react to these contradictory feelings? Jeez, I feel for the guy already.
I'm a part time writer, but all I do is instinctive, I've never even thought about telling others how to do it.
Hmm. I'll think.
You could read through these rants;
Click here
They might help you along.
Characters, plot, Setting, theme,
I was talking to Lehfeels yesterday and told him my plot and main character. He said it was a good start and gave me some examples of character from his future project. I just need help with the character sketch. Yes I know the relateable thing, but I really needs help with character sketches. I rented out a creative writing for dummies book to help too.
The genre was zombie apocolypse because I like zombies.
The main character was a female Baseball player who soon has to protect herself from deranged flesh eating maniacs after one of her team players tried to kill her during the final game of the season and the whole city becomes filled with them. These zombies come in different stages depending on the situation. She also has to find her grandmother who she lost during an escape. She'll meet others who she can and can not trust.
Her weapon is a Golden Baseball Bat that her father gave to her when she was a child. He also played Baseball during his time. She named her bat The Golden Laci because of it's beauty and 99.9% hit rate and strength. Her father was the main reason she wanted to play Baseball and a huge influence on her life. He was her only parent because her mom died after birth which makes her sad thinking about it. He always spoiled her and made sure she grew up to be a respectable person. After he died, her world fell apart and the only care taker in her life was her grandmother who did not believe in spoiling children. She made sure to make her father proud by trying to do right and become a Baseball player. Yes she has flaws and and weaknesses. I think people could relate. I'll do my best to add more to her ark. I'm interested in my character for once.
She'll realize that Golden Laci will not be enough to survive the nightmare and will have to use other weapons which will be an issue for her. Others will join the quest and I'll do my best to make it awesome.
Creative writing book said don't worry about the dislikes because it takes time to make it better. Oh and powers and stuff will be in this. Difficult decison in this and things to make her fail her goal and change her.
I don't know. I just want to give this a chance. I want my dream to become a reality. People will probably hate it or like it but, I'm not worried about that till I get it done. This is another idea that came to my head while sleeping. I think my minds telling me to start working on it.
I already have the tittle in mind too. Thanks community. I thank you again for the support.
Sounds like a good start! Here's what I got from your description.
IMO i think you should try to write yourself as inspiration, for part of the main protagonist, like take yourself as a example of who to base the main character on, that imo is a easy way to make it relatable, because everyone can relate to someone, after all we are all human. Sounds good so far.
Wow analyzing my post made me more motivated and hesitant to start on it lol. That's exactly what I got out of it
. I'm def going to plan out my scene 1 and the character. Everyone here is so kind and helpful. With ya'll's help. I know I can stay motivated and succeed.
Hopefully it goes well. I'm not trying to make a book just a short story for now that could possibly turn into one in the future. I'm pushing all negative thoughts aside and getting to work.
My goal is to write 500 words every 10 minutes. I get most of my inspiration from walking dead, resident evil, and zombie media.
She's relatable to me because everyone lost someone important in there lives, wants to play sports, and has things that shapes who she is.
Thank you. That's a great idea.
I should really start on mine soon, promised to show my friends a draft next week :x
Use the best, and worst parts about you, then embellish it a little to make it a little more interesting, IMO that is the best way to come up with creating characters. The way i have always done it. Don't make a character perfect, people hate that, people want a flawed character.
50 words a minute is a lot, so don't beat yourself up if you don't quite achieve that but still make progress. It sounds like you're on your way! Keep it up!
We both need to start somewhere. I'm starting my outline soon for part 1. Then write another for the next part after that. Best of luck to you my friend
Christan Grey is perfect character, but people like him, so is Anastasia Grey from Fifthy shades of grey lol. Those characters never change.
Best of luck to you as well
If anyone needs help to write characters and stuff, this is a great place to start here. People here give great advice. I even shared some of my ideas.
I'm disappointed in myself though. I'm eagar to start, but continue to not give my writing a chance. Everyone's writing is not the same and I'm still doing my best.
Calling all writers. I'd like some help with a character I'm creating any advice would be appreciated
IMO i think you should try to write yourself as inspiration, for part of the main protagonist, like take yourself as a example of who to base the main character on, that imo is a easy way to make it relatable, because everyone can relate to someone, after all we are all human. Sounds good so far.
Use the best, and worst parts about you, then embellish it a little to make it a little more interesting, IMO that is the best way to come up with creating characters. The way i have always done it. Don't make a character perfect, people hate that, people want a flawed character.
This is what CrazyGeorge told me. Also feel free to read through the thread. It has some more tips from users
I'm planning on doing what I call The Emotion Series: Where there are 3 stories based on a certain emotion, there'll be an iteration for each emotion lol
Cool, and then write crossovers where the different emotions meet and clash!
I'm not much of a writer, but I have this masterpost saved in my bookmarks.
Hope it helps
What happened to your other story you were working on?
They're still in development lol, I've got everything down, except the beginning, which is currently the most difficult to do for me lol
That reminded me of another Story I randomly came up with called 'Earth' where the different countries are ruled by a Warlord of the same name, and they start a World War lol
I should probably get started soon lol
I've got a bit of unconventional advice, as it's helped me in the past and led to a well-received story:
Basically, pick an ordinary scene in someone's life that you can relate to and try to explore the character's thoughts and feelings. The catch? It should have emotional aspects, like two people sitting by a dying family member's bed. Or two people talking about a troubling event. Something like that. If nothing else, it'll force you to try and up your writing, in my view, in order to do the characters/issues justice. It might even provide you with something you can turn into a full-fledged story.
I recommend reading books from proffesional authors, or read a dictionary. It helps you describe a certain scene well
How will a dictionary help? And thanks again everyone
Really now? "How will a dictionary help?" It can help you find synonyms, as well as new words to use, allowing you to create more diverse and complex sentences, while not recycling the same words over and over.
Like, for example: "The room was great, all in it was good."
Instead, with dictionary's help, you can write something like this: "The room was a rather spectacular sight, everything within it caught my eye with its splendour."