Coal boy's boss
Now it's pretty much been confirmed that he does work for someone whose intent is to keep Mira alive no matter what.
Personally, I think it might be Varys. People speculate that he might be Targaryen fanboy, and the Forrester family has ties of loyalty to the Targaryens through Mama Forrester[née Branfield]'s family. For those who don't know, the Branfields were a house loyal to the Targaryens, and they were wiped out alongside them for such.
Perhaps he doesn't want another remaining "part" of the Targaryen legacy to be wiped out completely? I don't see many other reasons anyone would want to help Mira in King's Landing.
Do you guys have any other suspects? Particular reasonings?
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Malcolm is the last of the Branfield line they aren't dead yet!
I think people need to consider the possibility that Tom's boss isn't a canon character from the show/books. I can't see Tom being a spy for Varys as he is a little more direct then most of them usually his spys just hear things.
I also don't think it is varys. Mira is not important enough for such a big help from him. But Varys little birds aren't watching only all the time. The death of K.L proves it.
I think Tom's a Faceless Man, from Braavos. While his employer is likely not a character from the show, I can see Mira going to Braavos with him and meeting Arya in Season 2--she clearly won't be able to stay in King's Landing for long.
I think Tom's boss is some new, unseen telltale character who serves Stannis Baratheon.
Well...It would be awesome if Varys was Tom`s master, but I doubt could be littlefinger, but I doubt that as well.
Other suspects...hmm well, perhaps Lord Whitehill himself, Margaery or Cersei.
I have been thinking that since Gwyn Whitehill seems to be the only person putting themselves at risk for your family maybe Coalboy works for her. Coalboys purpose so far has been to keep Mira alive for someone and that is all we know about him.
Coal boy is the ward of greatest detective - Mira Forrester.
He didn't have any children though. Although that could change I suppose.
But theres always the possibility of him having children.
Faceless Men aren't children.
Tell to that Arya Stark
She just started to learn to be one in the distant future. Assuming she will finish her training some day, I'm pretty sure it takes quite a few time.
Tom's young but he's not too young to be one, if the depth of his voice is anything to go by at least. Even if he's just a trainee, like Arya, it'd certainly explain the stuff he's able to do (not to mention his very single-minded devotion to protecting Mira).
Like what, exactly? His awkward disscusions with Mira or eavesdropping the conversation of lords and ladies too lofty to see a coal boy under their feet? He's just a kid no one cares about, who can be invisible if he wants to. It's not rocket sience for him, ya know.
Well if you choose to leave him to die at the end of episode 2, he shows up in the next episode having killed Damien and hidden the body himself. While Damien does seem to suck at his job, it's still pretty surprising a servant could kill a trained soldier without any kind of additional help. Even if he's not a Faceless Man he's definitely far more than he seems and has obviously received some form of training.
Many things happen if plot demands it.