Rant about Schools (At least in my experience)
This might not apply to everybody. This is my experience with schools in the area I live in (Victoria, Australia). I'm pretty sick of the attitude a lot of people here have, teachers and students. Just the other day a teacher told me off for being on my phone during school photos. We had finished having our pictures taken and we were waiting to go back to class, so me being on my phone wasn't a problem. But I still got told off for it because it was during time usually occupied by classes. And there have been plenty of times when the teachers have kept the entire class in because a few people were screwing around. This is pointless because you're just punishing the people who did the right thing and wanna go out to lunch. The people who screw around in class don't care if they're outside or not.
The point is, what happened to there being consequences for treating people like shit? Kids at my school walk around like they can treat others however they want. I've had people try to take my laptop right out of my lap, and then I get in trouble for doing something for it. It's pathetic behavior and schools do nothing whatsoever to put a stop to it. The people who do the right thing cop the consequences while the dickheads get to walk away. I'm fed up with it. It makes my blood boil.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone else feels or felt like this during school?
Why do you need a phone at school? I never had a phone going to school. Entitlement right?
Um, you're a bit older than me and even when I was in school most people didn't have cell phones. We had one cell phone, for the family, in case somebody was going out and might need it.
Sounds like when I was a kid, except the cellphone part. Any cellphones or walkmen (this was before Mp3s...) were confiscated immediately, at least until high school, and certainly if you brought them out in class.
The point of keeping everybody after class is to make everybody hate you for making them late. It's usuing peer pressure just after the class where they tell you not to succumb to peer pressure. It's hypocritical bullshit - welcome to the world.
Edit: Some words of wisdom
Exactly, i don't understand this.
I brought to school my books, my notebooks, my pens and that is it. School is a time for learning, teachers have it really hard. I have sympathy for the teachers, because my first wife was a teacher, and she would constantly complain about how "bad" the children were, and it would physically upset her.
Did you have a trapper keeper? ... I remember trapper keepers... boy were those the days (and a huge ripoff). Sorry that was random.
Honestly, in a lot of cases I blame the parents - not because their children are acting out, but because in a lot of cases the parents side with the kids and blame the teacher, whether it comes to discipline or grades.
The way things look, I'm pretty much inevitably going to be a teacher, and I hope to at least be teaching high school... Younger than that I can't imagine...
You're not alone.
I don't know why, but I was expecting this a rant to be about how awful the school system in general is.
it's the age old case of "make their peers punish them." It's often more useful to have a student tell a student off than to have the annoying and always incorrect authority figure do the same.
Being on your phone isn't a matter of wherever you finished your work or not, it's all about discipline. In a place where rules matter so much, they can't let someone violate them. Other students could, for example, take it for granted that they can be on their phone in class. Sometimes, there can be no exceptions if you want the rules to be followed.
But I agree with your other points, especially on the fact that punishing an entire class because of one or two people is just bad pedagogy.
My niece goes into a school called TED in Turkey which is praised by many of Turkish people. But my niece keeps telling me that teachers don't respect them at all which is indeed very true. Teachers just scare kids away when they try to express themselves. What bullshit.
It's not that I need to have it at school, but it does have some benefits. My school uses an online system for timetables and homework and stuff, and it's the only way for me to check my timetable at school quickly. I hate going on the school computers since they don't get looked after (dickheads rip parts of them off) and I can't exactly break out my laptop whenever I want.
And I also feel that it's my property and that I have a right to take it wherever I please. If it gets lost or broken, that's on me. And besides, there was no actual teaching going on and I wasn't disrespecting anybody, so there was no logical reason to enforce that rule at the time.
well to be honest, it kinda is (at least over here).
I feel ya. It's awful here in America, too.
This wasn't technically during class though. This was an exception where I was doing no harm to anybody, and if what you say is true, then all it does is making an example out of students. That's not right. Teachers should punish students when they do something that hurts others, and it's not fair on trustworthy students.
I got trapper keeper, oh yeah.
Personally I would rather not, tbh. Go for the doctrine.
I went to catholic school in the 80s 90s and got the scars to prove it.
Again I don't get it.
Anybody else that had a teacher that would always target certain students,watching their every move to yell at them everytime they have chance?
The real question is, are phones allowed in your school? During class and/or activities? If they are, then the teacher had absolutely no right to punish you. If they aren't, I'll just reiterate what I said: it doesn't matter if you are a good student or if you were not harming anyone, there are rules which need to be respected. If everyone was acting like you, the world would fall into anarchy; your anticonformism is, therefore, a threat to the human kind.
I was joking in that last line if you couldn't tell :P We both have different point of views and even if I don't agree with yours, I do understand it. I hope it's also your case with mine as, for me, the very core of a civil argument is not necesseraly to have the last word but to comprehend your interlocutor's way of thinking. Have a good day sir
I have seen teachers lift someone out of a desk by their neck, punch them twice in the face then give her detention for bleeding on school property.
It's unfair how teachers can manipulate your grades, and get away with it.
I got a C- once in my Science even though I aced the exam and most of my quizzes. I looked back on recent events and I honestly believe that I never said anything or did anything to the teacher or during the class.
EDIT: It could be that because I didn't turn in my project, but then I would get a B/B- instead of a C-.
The fuck? Surely not! Don't tell me teachers can actually get away with that over there?
I may have had a few teachers like that in primary school. My older brother had gone to the same school and he didn't get along well with the teachers. I think a few of them were wary of me when I showed up years later.
Uhh, I've seen teachers get away with some pretty awful things, actually.
CrazyGeorge has mentioned going to catholic school above which is a religious school, therefore, separating it from law. While that treatment is banned from public schools, it's very much possible to get away with it when it comes to a private school.
Yes, the nuns with their rulers.
Doesn't happen much anymore though. (I go to a Catholic school)
What the fuck is wrong with your education system? America loves to talk about freedom, but religious schools get to do whatever the fuck they please? WTF.
Long live the land of the free.
I hate school but it's my only social life.
maybe 40 years ago yea but not now i go to a catholic school and they can't do any of this shit i guess it all depends on where you live and how well the school actually is
I've never been to a private or religious school, so I can't really say.
However, a majority of my family members have gone and have some horror stories to share. I'm sure that it has changed over time, like most education has.
So i was correct, entitlement.
When i was in school, i got suspended right before finals for fighting. I was doing really well at the time, and i ended the school year with a D-, barely passed the ninth grade because of it. You never know how one grade might affect your score at the end of the day.
Maybe do some clubs outside of school?
My school used to be my social life, which sucked cause I hated school, but going to clubs helped me meet better people
Still reasonable though.
That deserves it's own thread. What happened to America? Whenever people talk about America these days, they're always talking about the government spying on people, states making bullshit laws or arresting people for stupid reason. Where's this "great country" people talk about?
I'd do that but the problem here is there are barely any Clubs
even within school. I'm afraid my social life at school will be gone since everyone is either too busy making new friends or too busy texting the person next to them.
I have no idea, honestly.
I'm not going to hate on the country, it is my homeland and despite being raised into poverty, I still owe it that much. I'm not very patriotic and I can pull out a handful of court cases and reasons as to why I don't like it, but I'm also not naive and aware most other countries suffer from other, similar problems.
Either way, I'll probably move to Germany in the future, at least for a while, having taken the language for some time now.
I wish i could go back to highschool as i am now. It would be so much fun,
Did anyone at the school look into the reasons for it? Because I think there can be some very reasonable explanations for fighting. Not that I'm justifying it, but schools should look into the reasons for fights before they hand out punishments.
I'm currently in high school. Just another misfit in the halls of the building. I have been on the receiving end of bulling multiple times, and I'm sick of it. Everyone likes to talk about it. "Bulling is bad, we need to stop it". Bullshit. Its all fucking bullshit. They talk a big game, but when it comes time to deliver they come up short. For once I'd like to see a little less conversation and a little more action. Please.
How could that teacher get away with that? Detention for bleeding on school property, really?