Anyone else tired of feeling this way..
In my play through I've stood up to the Whitehills every chance I've gotten. I've also told Gwyn that there is no chance for peace, because I hate her father. Only peace there would be for her is if she joined my side by marrying Asher. The way I see it our houses are going to war, and that's what I want. We both can't live while the other survives. At least that's how Game of Thrones works, you either win or you die. So if we die oh well that's how it was meant to be. Just like the Starks.
But this route pains me a little bit because Rodrick is so helpless. He use to be one of the most feared fighters in the North, now he's broken. Sure you get to hit people, but it always ends up bad, or you getting beat up. I'm just tired of not being able to do anything. Back in Rodrick's hay day no fourth son would ever dare getting in a fight with him. I'm just ready for Rodrick to be Rodrick, or kill him so we can actually defend ourselves.
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Rodrik is already getting better, Maester Ortengryn said so in the godswood.
He will be his old, fighting self by the Season's end - of course only if he lives to see it.
Rodrik being broken is what's making his character interesting.
Rodrik getting tossed around as a cripple is what will make the inevitable moment where he drops the crutch and beats the everloving shit out of someone that much more satisfying.
The feeling of helplessness is what makes it good.
I in no way think this is bad, I love Rodrick's character, and the game. I'm just ready to get down to business.
But the thing is Rodrik's ruined body and his return to his old self is symbolism of House Forrester. A once great warrior (or House) beaten and broken which will eventually rise again and "get down to business."
His ruined sense is what makes his character good and when he is ready to fight, it'll make it 10x better.
[Beat the shit out of Gryff]
[Give Gryff your walking cane]
"Who's the criple now, bitch?"
You're probably right about the symbolism... and I LOVE IT!!!!
This game is really doing a number on my head, especially with the reveal of a traitor in our midst, or not.
I cant decide who to trust. I mean, i Want to trust Gwynn, but what if she's lying? Just trying to divide us from within to make the eventual takeover easier. The Whitehills are her Family, just as the Forresters are ours.
She seems to genuinely disagree with her fathers methods....but, what does that really mean in her eyes? What would she be willing to do to her father? What does that mean for us? She claims she wants peace, that it is the only hope we have. And if we want to survive we must submit.
Fine, and then? She never mentions any other plans, or what happens after the 'submission'. Or what price either side will have to pay for this peace. No ideas on how to attain it, or maintain it. Are we to give everything up to Gryff and Ludd and they will allow us to leave unmolested? Will there be some 'fair' distribution of lands and tracts of wood? And who would decide such things, because we all know we are in this very position from the Last decision of the very same matter by Ramsay Snow.
And what of the Boltons? Does Gwynn speak for them as well? I would doubt that very much. And even if we came to some agreement with Ludd and Gryff, who is to say the Boltons would honor it? They are backstabbing, guest right breaking creepy assed psychopaths.
But, if she's telling the truth, then i can't really trust anyone on my council, let alone form plans to change our situation. And where does that leave us, besides weakened further.
So, is it better to feign weakness even to our own people, our Council, and wait for an opportunity to strike back? Even though our pride may be injured? Or is it, like Royland keeps repeating, imperative to project strength and confidence when we do not have it, even to our own and our peoples detriment?
Our House and it's members are strong of will, but not of arms. So how do we win?