You favorite game?
My favorite game is Jetboom jetpack dash hero kill, here is the picture:
what about yours?
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My favorite game is Jetboom jetpack dash hero kill, here is the picture:
what about yours?
thinly veiled advertisement is thinly veiled
I've been playing this glorious game for 10 years now and it still hasn't gotten old. Will always be my favorite game ever.
Good, it's Mario Bros. I like the pic..hahaha
Nope,dear. I don't post any advertisement info..
Super Mario sunshine. Best game ever created.
Yep, I will try it! Thanx
It's a tie between the Walking Dead and the Mass Effect trilogy.
It's difficult to pick one because i love all the games in the MGS seried but this one wins just by a little bit, maybe it's just nostalgia because it was the first game i played from the franchise
This was the first game i completed 100%,i simply love it.
Omg guyz taylor swift is on our forum
Hard to pick one and my answer always seems to change, but as of now....this feels like a Mass Effect Trilogy day.(Mass effect 2 to be specific)
Mario Bros?... That's an entirely different game?...
This is probably the 3rd time I'm saying this but there will never be a better game than psychonauts. (Unless Tim Schafer gets on if and makes Psychonauts 2)
Great characters, great story, great gameplay, great everything.
Great choice
. I was thinking about putting it as my favorite, but it was hard to decide. Lol. It's definitely in my top 5.
It may sound stupid, but my favorite game would have to be this:
It's the game that introduced me to Metallica's music, which has got me to listen to other great bands like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, Paantera, Judas Priest, and so much more.
Toss up between the MGS games, Half-Life 2, TLoZ OoT/WW, Metroid Prime, or Fallout 2.
The Sly Cooper trilogy and Walking dead season 1 for me.
"Quiet uncle!"
This game is a good insight into how i felt in my early twenties. If you ever experienced someone you love die in a hospital bed, you will know what i am talking about, it changes you forever. You don't lose them immediately, then all the anger/resentment comes and washes over you. Then you watch your loved one, who was perfectly healthy, slowly wither away and die. That is love, you know someone loves you when they will stay with you at your last days, because they aren't pretty, and die like James has, i would say its probably 85 percent of the reason why i am now, it changes your outlook, it changes everything.
Well said sir.
My all time Favorite game (besides Walking Dead Season 1) is:
This game made my inner 8 year old scream!

"Murder your son, seduce your sister, plot and scheme against even the lowliest of courtiers! And we haven't even gotten to strategic aspects of the game yet!"
My review of the game on Steam:
At the age of 21 I had lost count at 25 lovers, and I had 16 legitimized bastards (I didn't legitimize the ones with birth defects). This didn't sit well with the cuckolded kings of Christendom however, and I was promptly assassinated. I left my mark in more ways than one though, because now they all have herpes. I live on in the memories of the Frankish and Lombard kings; every time they feel the itch they think of me.
I just say the role in the picture. haha..
Not that famous star,hahahaha...
ok, first music game here.
Good, thanks for sharing..
Looks great...maybe I will like it!
I can't really say I have a favourite game. It depends on what I feel like playing at the time.
Although, if we're talking about which game I have the best memories of, I used to love playing the old GTA games from the Xbox and PS2 era. It's probably because I rarely got to play them that I loved them so much.
What's the name of this game?
is it the android version?