Being an Episodic Game Writer Questions
I'm an aspiring writer looking to someday join the staff of Telltale Games. Until I garner enough confidence in my abilities, experience, and some mentoring, I would like to ask several questions on the Episodic Writer position, given that I have no way of contacting their HR staff and writers, so that I can better prep myself and my application in the future.
The job listing mentions "degree or 5 years equivalent experience", but what kind of degree? Associates, bachelors, etc. or what about a mix of education and experience?
I've read through several film scripts already, but what example script exactly entails "samples demonstrating mastery of narrative structure, character development and dialog"? Something from the Godfather, LOTR, etc.? What exactly?
How many applicants are accepted and rejected?
What is the work environment like and work hours?
Are Episodic Game Writers temporary? That is, are they hired for one project, then let go/fired after the Episodic Game is completed?
How do Episodic Game Writers feel about their job?
How stressful are deadlines per episode? What happens if deadlines are missed?
I guess it'd be them wanting people with experience from working on other projects and being qualified for the job o.o and I'd imagine like any job it'd be stressful at times, since I mean writing's not always a relaxing walk in the park. Imagine getting serious writer's block on something that needs to be finished within a few, like, soons, that'd be super stressful that you'd probably throw in something random like an unneccessary lake of stupid, without any real proper research over the physics of ice breaking and-[banned] alright! alright! But you get my point in that the role probably has it's challenges.
But I hope they get back to you; those things you listed did make me curious. Maybe you could try messaging them somehow? o.o some of the Telltale team have personal user accounts on here if I'm right, so perhaps you could try private messaging one of those and see if anybody answers...and if they don't, sue them! >.>
IMO i think TTG should hire new writers directly from the forums, I'm sure we could easily come up with a interesting but compelling story, that would leave everyone wanting more. >.> I have a "unique" perspective.
No, I've seen writers for TWD also write for TWAU, TFTBL, and GOT. It's not like they're hired for one project, and when it's done, they're kicked out the door. They are actual employees of the company and work on whatever game the company tells them to work on.
No idea.
No idea, but a good idea to look at video game scripts not film scripts, as choice based games progress wildly differently to films narrative-wise.
This will depend on the specific job you one day might apply for, so there's no way of answering it. Also depends on how many people apply, of course.
Probably better saved for the interview - you'll be told work hours before you can legally accept a job anyway.
Nah, they're hired by the company itself, as Metallica says above.
Again, better save that for interviews :P
Lots of these questions could be answered i you go to a convention where Telltale have a stall. Also, I know that some companies such as Bioware have people at the stalls detailing how to get a job at bioware and stuff, so Telltale might have an equivalent. Going to a convention and talking to Telltale employees is definitely a good starting point for getting a feel for the job.
I'm not too shabby myself >.> just you know, FYI. And Sialark too! And PablofOfTheDead he's got some fire in his belly, and uuum...uh....crap ;_; who was the one who wrote that Molly story where she's in Season 2 at Amid the Ruins? I can't remember his/her name!
We should all just team up and make our own Season 3; make Telltale jealous of our pure awesomeness >.> <.< what do you say George old buddy old bro bro?