Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • I'm liking it. It's very much standard fare DA:I though, it's not gonna change your opinion on anything in it. It's just a fun bit of side content if you want more.

    There's some really interesting lore on the Avvar, who are frankly one of the more interesting groups in Thedas.

    Lingvort posted: »

    So, pals and fellow fans, I haven't been able to play DA:I lately due to... well, just read any of my countless rants about it. That's not t

  • edited March 2015

    You know what's horrifying about this DLC, though?

    Level motherfucking 26 Pride Demons.

    You know what's even more horrifying?

    5 level motherfucking 26 Pride Demons.

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    Somebody hold me.

    At least Cole now does ungodly damage with the amount I've managed to overpower the hell out of him.

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  • So I've decided not to get the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, as many people say it's not much more and it's 15 fucking bucks so....
    Anything important to learn from it? Thanks in advance

  • Spoiler

    Story wise?

    I'd say the biggest thing was that the leader of the first Inquisition 1000 years ago was an elf mage named Ameridan. Dalish, and was in love with a dreamer mage. The parallels between him and my Lavellan romancing Solas are crazy.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    So I've decided not to get the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, as many people say it's not much more and it's 15 fucking bucks so.... Anything important to learn from it? Thanks in advance

  • Hmmm interesting, too bad I don't have an elf Inquisitor

  • Yeah Female Elf Inquisitior is definitely canon lol

  • I know it's an April fool's joke, but damn that sounds like it would he fun dlc honestly lol

    Pipas posted: »

    ZITHER! is coming!!!

  • OMG, this is so awesome! Playing right now! Which nug did you choose?

    OMG two DLCs announced in one day

  • The one with armor, Alpha nug I think

    Pipas posted: »

    OMG, this is so awesome! Playing right now! Which nug did you choose?

  • I felt like rogueish skills would come in handy for a nug just trying to get by in a world that wants to turn you into a set of leather armour.

    Pipas posted: »

    OMG, this is so awesome! Playing right now! Which nug did you choose?

  • LOL, ends up this is actually real. Isabela is a multiplayer character now too.

    Pipas posted: »

    ZITHER! is coming!!!

  • Well, these information aren't official as far as I know and I don't think we'll get a character named ZITHER!, but they could pull off a similar bard. I'd like a bard, would be cool. :P

    LOL, ends up this is actually real. Isabela is a multiplayer character now too.

  • No, seriously.

    Isabela too.

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    Pipas posted: »

    Well, these information aren't official as far as I know and I don't think we'll get a character named ZITHER!, but they could pull off a similar bard. I'd like a bard, would be cool. :P

  • Hah, I was going to gift you a game at the time, but figured you didn't respond because you didn't have an account.

    Ah, well.

    Lingvort posted: »

    By the way, do you have a Steam account? Been going through this thread once more and saw this line. Don't know why I'd respond to i

  • I didn't respond because I don't think you've asked me about it in your original post. It seems that you've edited it, but I didn't see it in time.

    Ah, well, I didn't really lose anything.

    Katalept posted: »

    Hah, I was going to gift you a game at the time, but figured you didn't respond because you didn't have an account. Ah, well.

  • edited May 2015

    Okay, now it's official. Avvar warrior, ZITHER! and Isabela confirmed for upcoming multiplayer expansion Dragonslayer. It'll available on Tuesday, May 5 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360—at no additional cost.

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    I can already see it, there'll be a lot of Isabelas in the game. :D

    At the same date also comes out the Black Emporium DLC. Finally you'll be able to customize your Inquisitor even after the beginning of the game. More info.

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  • Don't care for multiplayer. I want more single player lol

    Pipas posted: »

    Okay, now it's official. Avvar warrior, ZITHER! and Isabela confirmed for upcoming multiplayer expansion Dragonslayer. It'll available on Tu

  • Aaand the multiplayer DLC is out, also with a trailer.


  • I tried playing multiplayer, but I just don't get it.

  • You run around and kill demons/templars/whatever with others. That's about it.

    I tried playing multiplayer, but I just don't get it.

  • So today I was walking around the Black Emporium and look who I found.

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    Hi Meredith.

  • Deja Vu

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    Pipas posted: »

    ZITHER! is coming!!!

  • When you first meet Sera

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  • Oh my god, you're right!

    Btw, the guitar player was the best part of the movie. :D

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Deja Vu

  • New DLC is coming out this Tuesday. Friggin' Deep Roads.

    The descent

  • YES

    Pipas posted: »

    New DLC is coming out this Tuesday. Friggin' Deep Roads. The descent

  • Good Lord, I still haven't beaten the game ... I honestly just lost interest. I know this sounds like a stupid thing to say, but the game was too big. I mean, it's a good game. But it's overwhelming to me personally. I hope Mass Effect Andromeda won't end up like this too...

  • Looks like a proper story driven and lore filled DLC. Excellent.

    Pipas posted: »

    New DLC is coming out this Tuesday. Friggin' Deep Roads. The descent

  • edited August 2015

    You don't have to visit all areas, if you just do story content it's a pretty average length game, like Skyrim is.

    Good Lord, I still haven't beaten the game ... I honestly just lost interest. I know this sounds like a stupid thing to say, but the game wa

  • I'm aware of that, but to progress the main story line you have to get those Inquisition points which are used to unlock areas to make more points to unlock the story line. And while the huge expansive world exploration works for others, it's just too overwhelming to me even on the main story line aspect. But I enjoyed and still enjoy Skyrim more than this game. Despite how much exploration aspect there's been in Bioware games, I've enjoyed Mass Effect 1 exploration way more than Dragon Age Inquisition. Overall Inquisition isn't really a game I should force myself to play if I'm not enjoying it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't have to visit all areas, if you just do story content it's a pretty average length game, like Skyrim is.

  • Hopefully it's great dlc. Haven't really liked the other dlc that much.

  • I didn't even get the previous one. From what I heard it's only one big area with a little story. Meh.

    Hopefully it's great dlc. Haven't really liked the other dlc that much.

  • I want a dlc with all old characters returning something like The citadel dlc of mass effect 3 or a dlc with the Warden :3

    Pipas posted: »

    I didn't even get the previous one. From what I heard it's only one big area with a little story. Meh.

  • edited August 2015

    Aww... I thought they would do a DLC about The Warden's quest to cure the calling. I guess we'll never see the Hero of Ferelden again...

    Anywasy, it doesn't take from the fact that this DLC seems pretty cool.

  • We knew that the warden wouldn't return months ago, Mark/Mike said they have no plans to introduce them against because it would be very controversial no matter what they did. Not to mention the fact that the warden can be dead!

    I mean people blew up over the fact that a dalish warden called humans 'shemlen' in a letter, imagine how people would react at being given only 3 dialogue options instead of 8.

    CatySky posted: »

    Aww... I thought they would do a DLC about The Warden's quest to cure the calling. I guess we'll never see the Hero of Ferelden again... Anywasy, it doesn't take from the fact that this DLC seems pretty cool.

  • Yeah but getting those points takes very little time. Doing about half of one area would get you enough for a main quest, which is maybe an hour and a half of questing

    I'm aware of that, but to progress the main story line you have to get those Inquisition points which are used to unlock areas to make more

  • Mark/Mike said they have no plans to introduce them against

    I already knew that, but kept hope that we would have at least a cameo where The Warden says one or two generic enough sentences so that they don't create a polemic on his/her personality. Even a silent cameo would have satisfied me...

    Flog61 posted: »

    We knew that the warden wouldn't return months ago, Mark/Mike said they have no plans to introduce them against because it would be very con

  • The best we can hope for I reckon is a statue of the warden in Denerim which changes based on class and race.

    CatySky posted: »

    Mark/Mike said they have no plans to introduce them against I already knew that, but kept hope that we would have at least a cameo w

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