The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • And Louis right now the crickets have arthritis.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There’s not enough miracles to go around kid, And there’s too many people petitioning God for the winning lotto ticket. And for every

  • furiously spams darude button

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • that was quick

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • It's 7 minutes ya dingus

    ComingSoon posted: »

    that was quick

  • I actually did it, too.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    furiously spams darude button

  • You forgot: And I think that's beautiful

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There’s not enough miracles to go around kid, And there’s too many people petitioning God for the winning lotto ticket. And for every

  • Nah you're mixing shit up

    just listen to this

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You forgot: And I think that's beautiful

  • Youtube added an Add Music button on all videos.


  • I went to Darude Sandstorm and mashed the button like crazy.

    Youtube added an Add Music button on all videos. Darude-Sandstorm

  • ^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I went to Darude Sandstorm and mashed the button like crazy.

  • Thanks James :)

    @kiwi_walking_dead congratulations man! You will be a great mod. )

  • lol thanks man. i will certainly remember that ;)

    I would also like to congratulate @kiwi_walking_dead on becoming the community's newest moderator.

  • Nope, we can't blame Phil yet. He hasn't had his chance yet. This off-season will truly define his fate.

    When in doubt, blame Phil.

  • Why does it have to fake? Why?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    IGN's April fools joke pretty cool, I think they even have Dave Fennoy "narrating" it.

  • With a promo like that I would have already pre-ordered.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Congrats to @kiwi_walking_dead for becoming moderator.

    Please don't kill us.

  • lol thanks :)

    Congrats to @kiwi_walking_dead for becoming moderator. Please don't kill us.

  • Whispers to Ingen He doesn't have the Mod Tag yet! We can take him! And it was totally not me who said that :P

    Congrats to @kiwi_walking_dead for becoming moderator. Please don't kill us.

  • @EpicMustacheGuy and @Saltlick123

    He’s taken us into our dreams. He’s taken us to the stars. Now Christopher Nolan has been tapped to direct Jurassic World 2, the sequel that was greenlit late last night.

    A firm believer in good old-fashioned movie magic, Nolan has revealed that he has also been secretly developing, breeding, and training a pack of living dinosaurs for the film, which is slated for release on July 28, 2018.

    The famed Dark Knight director is well known for using practical effects, camera tricks, and elaborate sets in order to achieve his vision, but he ranks this feat among his most ambitious.

    “For Interstellar, I had the massive challenge of shooting on location in a number of incredible locales, and I also faced the logical obstacle of building a black hole from just theories and all that,” said Nolan. “But what most people don’t realize is that during the shooting of both The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar, I was actually also genetically cloning dinosaurs for this project.”

    Universal announced this decision at their annual end-of-March shareholders meeting late last night.

    “We’re proud to bring Christopher Nolan into the Jurassic Park-World family,” said Universal President Carl Laemmle. “As always, it is Christopher’s level of ambition, tenacity, and thirst for realism that has brought us to this mutual decision.”

    “The hardest part was keeping it a secret for the past four years,” said Nolan, who led the project, which utilized the aid of hundreds of researchers from around the globe.


    “I had no idea that he had a background in bio-engineering of this degree,” said Alexander Scientist, the second-in-command of Dinosaur Engineering for the film. His only superior is Nolan himself.

    “If it weren’t for Christopher, we wouldn’t have had any idea of where to start,” said Scientist.

    “The easy part was figuring out how to do it,” said Nolan, who admitted that he simply used frog DNA as explained in the first Jurassic Park film.

    “I was surprised no one had tried it before,” said Nolan.

    Although he says he has no regrets, the director admits that going further than any living scientist to replicate dino DNA meant that he had less time to work on the finale to the Dark Knight franchise.

    “Unfortunately, the R&D process cut into a lot of the planning for The Dark Knight Rises,” said Nolan. “I still think we made a very good film, but if I hadn’t been defying the laws of creation in that same timeframe, well, then who knows. Maybe it could have been better.”

    The director said that when it came time to direct his science fiction masterpiece, he had more time to devote to his film projects. “Most of the raptors were born by the time Interstellar came around,” said Nolan.

    There’s no word yet on a potential story, especially since Jurassic World has yet to hit theaters, but we maintain hope that Christopher Nolan will bring his unique vision to this thrilling anthology.

  • edited April 2015

    You can't hide, Blind.

    How did you find my browsing history?!? [Puts on Tin Foil Hat]

  • I was about to type in April Fools but I realized that it was real :)

    So it's confirmed Jurassic World 2 and not just Jurassic Park 5? Hmmmmmmm

    Let's see if Nolan can do this....If he screws up then.....

    Alt text

    @EpicMustacheGuy and @Saltlick123 He’s

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2015

    ...But I can always delete the browsing history. Hah! I'm one step ahead of you!

    You can't hide, Blind.

  • Hows everyones April Fools going?

    At my school our principal went around at lunch saying Taylor Swift was critically injured in a car accident and might have brain damage. About four girls were crying in the cafeteria before they remembered what day it was.

  • principal got no chilll damn

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hows everyones April Fools going? At my school our principal went around at lunch saying Taylor Swift was critically injured in a car acc

  • lol

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Whispers to Ingen He doesn't have the Mod Tag yet! We can take him! And it was totally not me who said that :P

  • You and- uh.

    You know.


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • ur g4y

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Your profile picture is always so suitable for whatever you say, I love it.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hows everyones April Fools going? At my school our principal went around at lunch saying Taylor Swift was critically injured in a car acc

  • Lol that's so fake. No one is that fucked up.


  • Who are you referring to? The dad or the son?

    Lol that's so fake. No one is that fucked up.

  • The son... Lol

    Who are you referring to? The dad or the son?

  • edited April 2015

    Great! I saved my tooth!

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Hows everyones April Fools going? At my school our principal went around at lunch saying Taylor Swift was critically injured in a car acc

  • This is actually the latest in a series of videos that went viral in 2013. One video from February shows the dad smashing his son's 100K subscriber award from Youtube because him and his brother were fighting over who actually deserved it. This is their planned revenge video that they uploaded yesterday and I gotta say they both have a right to be angry. You don't just destroy someone's award that they put effort into.. It meant something to both of them, and for him to just destroy is just disrespectful. So I have trouble feeling sorry for the dad in this scenario because the way he treats his son in these videos is pathetic. And yes, I think they're real and not staged.

    The son... Lol

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