How do you do your Hair?

in General Chat
Right now I am rocking a Rambo, its pretty epic right now. I didn't intend for it to get this long, but now that it is, i like it. I think having longer hair makes you look attractive, thoughts? Opinions? Hair style opinions?
I find women with long hair to be more attractive than women with shorter hair, but that is just personal preference.
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My hair is pretty long, but it's not really as wavy or curly, or whatever you'd want to call it, as the Rambo. I pretty much just keep it in a ponytail.
For most of my life, especially while going through JROTC, my head was always shaved. Then I grew it out when I decided not to join the military, after my highschool graduation. Since then it's been long, and though it's not as easy to wash (it's still easy, but any hair is harder to wash than none), and I have to brush it like once or twice a day, I still prefer it. I can't say I necessarily look better with it, but I do like it.
As for my hair length preference on a woman, I think it depends on the style. Some women wear short hair better than some women wear long hair. For a general take, I'd say medium or long is preferable.
My hair is bullshit and no matter what I do with it, will look like shit. So I wear a hat.
You could always try buzzing it off.
I have the "I just woke up" hair.
I usually wear it short. That being said, I usually get haircuts in 3-4 (rarely 5) months.
One does not simply do natural curly hair. If I dare to brush it, I'll look like the Lion King. If it's humid outside, I'll look like the Lion King. If I use a hair dryer, I'll look like the Lion King.
I just wash them once or twice a week, it depends, and let them dry naturally. Even if it can be frustating sometimes, I still love my hair and would never straignten it up.
I do.
Here's a picture of myself I took today, so you can look at it: (I apologize for the picture quality, I was to lazy to get a real camera).
Its usually a bit more fluffed out, sometimes its really curly in the front or kinda crazy. But I took this picture with somewhat greasy hair so it isn't exactly what I wear usually.
I've had all different styles of hair...
I've had a conservative cut with a swoop.
My hair has been really long at one point.
I've had two separate Mohawks. One which was the regular straight line and another in which I just shaved the two sides of my head and left the entire top, much like a punk do.
I've shaved my head buzzed.
I've had it slicked back much like a greaser.
But now my hair is medium length and just parted to the side. Pretty boring.
cut by machine... clips 3and2
An odd question lol. I just let it flow, bro
I wash it. The end.
I dont dare touch my curly locks.
I keep it long. It's naturally wavy, which I hate, so I straighten it and/or use a curling iron.
Also, I prefer men with longer hair.
My hair's basically Harry Potter meets Troy from TWD S2.
It's shoulder-length and always has tufts sticking out. Can't tame it, can't change it. Apparently haircuts don't do shit. I wash it, and I try combing it once in a while. In return, it grants me curious looks from my peers and snarky remarks from all my siblings. Pretty solid relationship.
Mine's short to shaved.
I don't really style my hair I just let it do it's own thing, so it's really messy.
As for my preference of hair length on women, I would have to say short.
You're not related to Guy Pearce by any chance, are you?
With how My Hair has grown, I don't style my hair, My hair styles me, I have WAY too much Hair, and this is a Pic from 3 months ago, Basicily, I dunk my Head under water, Brush it, Blow dry it, and mess it the fuck up.
I love women with long hair, more so than short.
I think long hair really adds to their beauty.
My ex girlfriend had beautiful hair!
On myself, I think my hair looks better short.
It fits my face better.
Although when I was dating my ex, my hair was longer, and my ex loved it.
She really loved running her fingers through it!
I wash it, then dry it with a towel, work gel through and comb and style it
I just keep it buzzed. That way I don't ever have to mess with it. Everyone says they don't like me with short hair, but I like it.
The Goal:
The Reality
I don't mean to trash Meatloaf, he's awesome, and (I'm guessing from his name, success, and role as "Bob, Bob has bitchtits") comfortable with is body. I, however, am not.
My hair's really long. It's colored dark brown with blonde at the bottom (Ombre). Got it done for spring/summer. Sometimes I like to give it ringlets at the ends.
I have long brown wavy hair and doing it is really really time-consuming, but it's worth it. I use old-school big plastic curlers (like granny style) but the result is gorgeous. I used to straighten my hair but it was a windmill fight. The weather, the blow dryer and the comb is also my enemy, if I let it dry by itself it looks like I'm a cocker spaniel. I like my hair curly
Personally I prefer men with longer hair.
It's not straight, but I still love my hair
It's like a girlfriend. Yeah, I REALLY REALLY love my hair.
My worst nightmare is be bald = /
Oh, I really don't do nothing with my hair, I mean... I wash my hair. That's enough, I think.
What is stopping you brother from going to the Gym and getting that body you deserve?
I work out every day. I am addicted to it at this point in my life, if i miss a day, i feel sick.
What I try for:
How it turns out:
Kinda sucks when you have to redo your ponytail 5 times a day.
You look so chill.
I shampoo it, rinse it, massage conditioner into the middle and bottom part, leave it to soak in for a few minutes, and then rinse with cold water. The cold water helps lock in the shine. I don't blowdry or use any heat tools on it. I let it airdry by gently toweling it and then brushing it out. This keeps it real soft and silky. My hair goes down to the small of my back, so it's important to me to make sure it looks nice.
I don't spend that much time on it when I go out- I just brush through it and I'm out the door. If I'm lounging, running errands, or working out, I put it up into a high ponytail. I wish I could do a bunch of pretty braids but I'm awful at even simple ones.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my hair, I'm sure it appreciates your interest.
Quite a hairy process.
I do nothing to it. I love it so much. I wake up and my two callous find a way to give me stunning, gorgeous, beautiful hair.
Oh yeah that.
All A Clockwork Orange up in that bitch :P
I have a Max Caulfield-esque hair, and I seriously do not comb it or anything.
Hell, I'd just wipe off as much water as I can with my towel and run to my room -- letting the fan do it's work.
Wish I could understand half of what you said but I just let nature be my hairstyler. Usually works and makes my hair look fabulous
It's sort of a variety of factors - one being money, I'm looking for a job right now (I need some paperwork in, so I should be able to teach by the end of the month or the beginning of May. It's not ideal but the money is good and there is a lot of free time). I can't afford to go to a Muay Thai gym and as for regular weight and trendmill, I hate it and just to get through it I need music, but honestly, I'm too depressed to enjoy anything and working out only makes me more depressed. Plus with the jobhunt (namely not teaching) my schedule is all over the place (probably another excuse).
The real big thing is not having a kitchen, so I'm pretty much eating out or ordering out every meal, and once I get a job I can get a better place and that should help me eat better as well. I might be making excuses for myself, but I keep telling myself it's almost over. By end of April/early May I should at least be on the right track again.