The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • hey, that's mine... never mind take him.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    /フフ        ム`ヽ / ノ)    /\     ) ヽ / |   ༼ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ / ノ⌒_⌒ゝーく  \ / 丶_ ノ    ノ、  | /    ヽ ー-‘人`ーノ /     丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ    /`ヽ /_' \ You sent me this shit

  • Blame copyright, he will copyright because he loves to.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    hey, that's mine... never mind take him.

  • Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • edited April 2015


  • edited April 2015

    This game was announced months ago...

    Alt text

    It's a blatant ripoff of the borderlands games put into an online and Blizzard enviroment. I'm still waiting for it though. Probably not gonna get to play it cause mu PC sucks

    ualexen92 posted: »

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbssss

    I found out about this last night.... I was pretty devastated by this. She was fantastic and the greatest diva of the generation. Actually,

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Blame copyright, he will copyright because he loves to.


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    /フフ        ム`ヽ / ノ)    /\     ) ヽ / |   ༼ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ / ノ⌒_⌒ゝーく  \ / 丶_ ノ    ノ、  | /    ヽ ー-‘人`ーノ /     丶  ̄ _人’彡ノ    /`ヽ /_' \ You sent me this shit

  • edited April 2015

    well, I really know the gameplay when it was announcement but never watch trailer thinking is will be just stupid game... foolish of me but the trailer is awesome!!!

    Alt text

    This game was announced months ago... It's a blatant ripoff of the borderlands games put into an online and Blizzard enviroment. I'm still waiting for it though. Probably not gonna get to play it cause mu PC sucks

  • Oh god... Not Smosh.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Non   sense   dubstep   on   every   think! ░█▀▄░█░█░█▀█░░█▀▀░▀█▀░█▀▀░█▀█░ ░█░█░█░█░█▀▀█░▀▀█░░█░░█▀▀░█▀▀░ ░▀▀░░▀▀▀░▀▀▀▀░▀▀▀░░▀░░▀▀▀░▀░░░

  • I know that Blind keeps an eye on this place, because we're his favorites c:

    And we get kinda crazy sometimes, so.... there's that.

  • Alt text

    Cheesecake can be exciting!

    Happy birthday!

    Post photos. Lmao the only thing I'm going to do it sleep and eat some cheesecake.

  • Crazy? We are not crazy! HA HA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Runs away laughing like a maniac

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I know that Blind keeps an eye on this place, because we're his favorites c: And we get kinda crazy sometimes, so.... there's that.

  • They used to have to delete each comment individually...

  • I killed the scorpion last night. I had stayed up for 28 hours, and it finally showed itself again. This house is clear.

  • Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Oh god... Not Smosh.

  • Wrong, all hail Metallica

    Alt text

  • Wait your birthday is coming?! Happy early birthday! :3

    What my quinceanera is going to look like tomorrow.

  • Yeah... UM... girls with abs like those is sorta my kryptonite.... ummmm.... (blushes)


  • It's not like I just opened the door and invited it in. I found it in the hallway and chose a hockey stick to kill it with the first time, this was a poor choice. I got it with a shoe the second time.

  • Where do you live that scorpions are outside your door? o.o

    It's not like I just opened the door and invited it in. I found it in the hallway and chose a hockey stick to kill it with the first time, this was a poor choice. I got it with a shoe the second time.

  • Phoenix.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Where do you live that scorpions are outside your door? o.o

  • It's today, so you're just on time. And thank you!! ^-^

    Wait your birthday is coming?! Happy early birthday!

  • I just beat Borderlands 2 and my god, fuck those two last bosses.

  • It's a blatant ripoff of the Team Fortress put into an online and Blizzard enviroment. I'm still waiting for it though. Probably not gonna get to play it cause mu PC sucks.

    FTFY m8

    This game was announced months ago... It's a blatant ripoff of the borderlands games put into an online and Blizzard enviroment. I'm still waiting for it though. Probably not gonna get to play it cause mu PC sucks

  • Anyone remember me and Golden getting in that big fight about drugs?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I know that Blind keeps an eye on this place, because we're his favorites c: And we get kinda crazy sometimes, so.... there's that.

  • And Duke just killed Michigan State. Wisconsin and Kentucky are playing now.

  • Nice...I got the Final 4 right and I better get the whole thing right....(I had Duke beating Michigan and Kentucky beating Wisconsin, and then Duke beating Kentucky)

    And Duke just killed Michigan State. Wisconsin and Kentucky are playing now.

  • I finished the main story at level 30. I'm not even going to try UVHM.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Cool, I'm trying to get to level 50 right now, currently I'm level 49. Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode is pretty swank.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Cool, I'm trying to get to level 50 right now, currently I'm level 49. Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode is pretty swank.

    I just beat Borderlands 2 and my god, fuck those two last bosses.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah, I didn't start UVHM until I was level 40, that was after I beat all the DLCs I had.

    I finished the main story at level 30. I'm not even going to try UVHM.

  • What kind of weapons do you have.

    I'm wearing:

    • A purple Assault rifle
    • A purple pistol
    • A legendary Sniper rifle
    • A purple shotgun
    • And the only other mentionable thing is a legendary grenade mod...I got it from a loot midget. He killed me and I was so upset then I got back to where I was and he dropped a legendary grenade and I was so happy.
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah, I didn't start UVHM until I was level 40, that was after I beat all the DLCs I had.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Well my favorite weapon is definitely the "Casual SWORDSPLOSION!!!!" which even though it's level 35, it still greatly helps me out in UVHM. (It's a weapon you can get in the DLC "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep, which is the DLC I'd save for last because I think its the best and it's better to get that gun at the highest level possible).

    What kind of weapons do you have. I'm wearing: * A purple Assault rifle * A purple pistol * A legendary Sniper rifle * A purple s

  • I'm planning to do the DLC in order which means:

    1. Captain Scarlett
    2. Mr.Torgue
    3. Sir Hammerlocks's Big Game Hunt
    4. Tiny Tina's AoDK
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well my favorite weapon is definitely the "Casual SWORDSPLOSION!!!!" which even though it's level 35, it still greatly helps me out in UVHM.

  • Finally saw it today and it was damn good.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Cool, I definitely loved 1 and 4 the most out of 'em though. (oddly that's the order I did them in without knowing).

    I'm planning to do the DLC in order which means: * Captain Scarlett * Mr.Torgue * Sir Hammerlocks's Big Game Hunt * Tiny Tina's AoDK

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