The Nickelodeon discussion thread
Hey, wanna hear a joke? Nickelodeon. I'll be making a discussion about nick, but first, let me reiterate. Nick was once one of the greatest companies ever. It then got purchased by Viacom, and the company went down hill. It went from Spongebob season's 1-3, to Sanjay and Craig, and a suicide joke gone wrong, courtesy of Spongebob. So. Discuss away.
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The new TMNT show is pretty fucking rad and since Korra is over....That's about it.
Yeah. The new TMNT is getting a fourth season, FYI
NIckelodeon still exists? Do they still slime people and play endless reruns of Legends of the Hidden Temple?
Nickelodeon was the shit when I was younger.
The old Spongebob (when Spongebob was actually smart, before all the characters became dumbasses and the creators got a Squidward-torture fetish.
The old Fairy OddParents.
Good 'ole Doug.
One of my favorites.
The way too risque Ren & Stimpy
Rocko's Modern Life, which theme song is now in my head.
Hey Arnold, which was surprisingly mature and insightful
The Wild Thornberry's (NIGEL)
Rocket Power
As Told By Ginger
Invader Zim
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Danny Phantom
Drake and Josh
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (and it was actually helpful)
Those were the days....
Completely Agree
Nick had a lot of good shows when I was growing up, Drake and Josh, classic Spongebob, Ned's Declassified, Avatar, and Jimmy Neutron were all fantastic shows. Nowadays, based on what I've seen, it doesn't even seem like the same network. I was at my cousin's a few weeks ago and he had on Nickelodeon, I forget what show it was but it was just awful, it made me miss the classic shows and made me realize that kids like him would never be able to experience them.
I remember Double Dare, and that one show where they slimed people with Green slime. I remember watching this as a kid, and there was this Chef named Barf, and he would always make disgusting food, as a kid, i thought they were eating it.
Damn, I've used to watch all of these, except the last one and "Doug". Good ol' days, good ol' days.
So, Sanjay and Craig are getting a third season
Nickelodeon hardly does cartoons anymore and the cartoons they do, do are pure trash
I do still like SpongeBob though and I don't care what anyone says lol
Fairly Oddparents went downhill quick too I mean jeez one week it's good and then the next they add a random baby.
lol. I also like Spongebob, though there are multiple bad Spongebob episodes like Pet Sitter Pat, Little Yellow Book and One Coarse Meal.
I used to watch all of these shows
Their new show looks alright, it gives me a little of hope
YES! SOMEONE ELSE WHO LOVES TMNT! HUG ME BROTHA! (lol, Flashback to far surperior nick show than spongebob)
...They have also a dog
I miss the old shows
The baby (whose name was "Poof" if I remember correctly) was definitely the final nail in the coffin for that show. The fact that Cosmo was the one pregnant really didn't help either.
We all do.
so fucking true lmao
There is literally nothing on tv anymore. Who the hell even has cable anymore besides old people who don't know any better?
I'm watching it right now. It's actually kind of funny. Like legitimately funny.
I used to love Nick when I was younger. Classic Spongebob, old Fairly Oddparents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Drake and Josh, Rocket Power, Avatar, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Ned's Declassified, even iCarly, etc. Wow, trip down nostalgia lane much?