
Do you guys think Drogon is going to return in episode 4?


  • Well, he's going to be present around Mereen for a bit, so we may catch a few sights of him.

    But I don't think we'll have anymore close encounters. I hope not at least. Asher really doesn't want to piss off Daenerys at this point...

  • Well since our bargaining chip to get croft on our side is that we know where the dragon is so most likely yes.

  • Well, Drogon was let off the leash a bit in Season 4 of the TV show, I don't think it's likely they'll catch him before (SPOILER ALERT) he kills the kid near the end of the series.

  • Spoiler alert indeed! You may want to use the dedicated forum checkbox in these cases ;)

  • Yeah, sorry about that...

    Klionheart posted: »

    Spoiler alert indeed! You may want to use the dedicated forum checkbox in these cases

  • Drogon will only get "caught" (=mounted by Dany) well after the end of the game's season. It will happen during season 5 of the tv show.

  • I just read this a few days ago. It was bloody awesome.

  • Croft doesn't have a problem with giving Asher 100 men, the thing is he needs to get Dany's approval, where the bargaining chip comes into play. We can just show her the tooth or (determinant) the burns on Beskha, it's not like we actually have to go out there and show them where the dragon is.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Well since our bargaining chip to get croft on our side is that we know where the dragon is so most likely yes.

  • True but I don't see Asher saying "it went that way" and Daenerys saying "cool here's a hundred men see ya"

    Croft doesn't have a problem with giving Asher 100 men, the thing is he needs to get Dany's approval, where the bargaining chip comes into p

  • I agree -- I'm glad the show seems like it won't be drawing out her storyline as much as the books does. I know a lot of people love her chapters, but IMO they can drag a little -- but that moment would be an awesome finale to her arc in S5

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