Mass Effect 4 idea!
Say that in the Mass Effect 4 game, which I hear is in development, we get to explore one of the characters backstories.
Which character would you like that to be?
I personally would love to play as Thane
Next to Garrus and Wrex, Thane was my favorite character in the game.
In Mass effect 2, getting to hear Thane tell his story, it got me to thinking about what a great game it would make.
I personally would love to see something like that come to life.
Another character History I'd like to explore is Wrex's.
Wrex was a really cool character, and according to the game Krogans are suppose be able to life for a thousand years; and hearing Wrex's story both in Mass Effect 1 and 3, I think that would also be a cool game.
How about you?
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Jack, Miranda or Legion.
C'mon it's got to be Conrad Verner!
Or Blasto the Hanar Spectre!
In all honesty, Garrus, Thane, Miranda or Samara.
Well there are comics that tell the backstory of some characters. I forget who, I know the Illusive Man is one.
After mass effect 3 ending, I don't care what they do.
I ain't wasting my time with it.
Then why comment?
Yes the ending was disappointing but it's been a long time and I think we can get over it. When I first played I was disappointed but I looked back at the last three games and realized how great they were, I think it's just stupid to hold the last, what? 30 minutes? 15? Against the entire series as a whole, even if 4 is absolutely amazing and blows the other games out of the water, will you still not play it?
Because i can? Because i am making a statement, to never forget
I'm going to guess you didn't get the extended cut.
We got a lot of character's back story already told from the game, books, and other. Thinking really hard about it, I guess I would want back story on Samara. She seems to be one of the only ones we don't know a whole lot about. But what we do know is that she can kick an ass or two and she's old as hell, so crazy adventures told about her could be right up our alley.
The extended cut ending is still extremely flawed in the opinion of many including myself.
And it's still:
IE Scenario.
If go to a restaurant, and they serve me a great meal. Then at the end of the meal, they put a dookie stick on a plate and serve it to me as desert, do you think i'm going to sit around and wait for a replacement?
Done with Mass Effect. Its more about the time i put into that game than anything, i understand when you are younger, it's a lot easier to play video games. I don't have the energy to invest in a letdown.
It's still better than the original and actually shows consequences to your actions from the following games ( Yes, I agree, this too could've been better than a slideshow). It also wasn't just a Red/green/blue lightshow but rather had differences that allowed for a better connection to the rebuilding of the relays, the crash of the Normandy, and the reconstruction of the Normandy.
Yes but it didn't fix fundamental logical problems.
Like, how the hell they managed to repair the normandy on a random uninhabited planet after all its tech was burned out in the destroy ending.
Or why your entire squad was on the normandy instead of fighting.
Or the fact that if you choose synthesis everything becomes immortal and the galaxy would rapidly lose all of its resources.
It also created even more problems, like Harbinger not even taking a shot at the normandy when it parked right in front of it.
The restaurant scenario is flawed. You still got a great meal and you shouldn't hold the dessert against the entire meal. However your last part I can understand, I'm not arguing you should keep playing as I am you shouldn't hold a bad ending against a great experience up to that point.
Again, i'm not saying it fixed every issue but it did fix other issues. Could both endings be improved drastically? Absolutely.
I'm mainly taking issue with the fact that you assumed George disliked the ending because he didn't have the extended cut.
I agree with you that it doesn't ruin the whole game and I'm replaying it right now.
Again, I'm specifically referring to
That doesn't say anything about the ending not ruining the series, it's directly assuming that he hasn't got the extended cut because he didn't like the ending at all :P
Oh no, he can dislike the ending all he wants, he can never play a mass effect in his life again and I wouldn't care. I was just trying to convince him the ending doesn't ruin the entire series...Which you understand from that last sentence.
No no no, Flog, I was referring to his "Red green blue" comment. The original ending had that as the basic enfing, no real emphasis on anything else other than the same cutscene and different colors. The extended cut expands on this more to where it isn't just the same cutscene but where your choices matter a bit more. You can be disappointed with both but the extended cut has more expansion and therefore not just "Red green blue".
I hope this makes sense. My Internet debates aren't structured as well as my real life debates. This usually causes confusion and misunderstandings.
Well, the ending wasnt 'just' Red, green, blue before the extended cut either, was it?
It was "red green blue Normandy Star child".
Right but that's still oversimplifying isn't it, so still it doesn't really make sense.
I don't get what we're talking about now. People like to say that the original ending was just Red green and blue, it had a few scenes with the Normandy and Star Child but other than that it was the same cutscene. The Extended cut revealed a slide show showing what happened afterwards making it not the same cutscene for everyone.
We can still hope that the indoctrination theory is true/used by Bioware... right?
Actually Bioware said officially that it isn't true.
Seconding Samara. She only gives us bits and pieces of what her life used to be like before she became a Justicar.
I have to admit that it confuses me why Bioware didn't show the consequences of the players actions the first time around?
Why they put it on a DLC pack, is utterly confusing!
And it's not just the ending DLC, but it's also the others as well, like the romance DLC's, the Sheppard clone DLC, the Party DLC, as well as any others I might have neglected to mention.
Why not include all that in the original game?
Look how much they included in ME1, and ME2!
So why not do the same in ME3?
I'm actually surprised that the designers at Bioware didn't take all the things I've mentioned into account when designing the game.
Somebody sure screwed up somewhere!
Incidentally, I just added a spoiler alert to this, just on the off-chance that there is anyone on here who hasn't actually played ME trilogy yet.
I'll clue you in on something...EA.
Thirding this. I'd like some dialogue with Matriarch Benezia if possible as well.
You're right.
Well even if they didn't plan for it they should have used it anyway. They could have had a free pass to go with it instead of keeping the original endings. It'd be better for it.
Sorry, I don't carry a book of references with me.