Top WORST games you have ever played

11 Shaq Fu- A fighting game based off of a basketball player... They even have a website dedicated to finding and destroying copies of this shit stain

10 Rogue Warrior- I paid $60 for this game and finished it in 2 hours. Only good thing about it was Mickey Rourke

9 Aliens Colonial Marines- Gearbox fed us bullshit on a spoon about the development and graphics of this game

8 Carmaggedon 64 - This game is a fucking mess, the controls get it in the bum and the graphics are horrendous


6 Sonic 06 - SEGA just wanted to rush this bitch out for Christmas. The glitches are terrible, the story is shit and the controls... good... fucking... god

5 Ride to Hell Retribution - Horrible... With shit graphics, story, worst voice acting ever, bad gameplay, inability to fail quick time events and so many other things Ride to Hell Retribution is the mother of all fuck ups and the worst of all GTA clones

4 ET This game... This catastrophe of a game almost killed the industry entirely in the 80's. The funny part is that Atari had an error and made more game cartridges than actual consoles that were available so with the lackluster sales and too many copies Atari had so many cartridges left they started dumping them in Land Fills somewhere in New Mexico.

3 Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing: This isn't even a racing game... You're opponent never moves, there is no gravity or momentum, all trucks are the exact same. You can go through houses and trees like holograms.

2 Action 52 - This is a compilation of the worst games you will ever see. There are 52 broken, glitched up, unplayable games that they had the audacity to demand 200 for. This like E.T has been considered dead for the past 20 years and almost all the copies have vanished from existence.

1 Bubsy 3D - This game is a failure of every proportion possible. The controls are busted, you can't differentiate the enemies from the scenery. And the worst part... Bubsy... They tried so hard to cash in on that 90's mascot cartoon propaganda and failed miserably because Bubsy is annoying crack head of a Bobcat


  • edited April 2015

    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. God, my main problem with the game was that it was so DREADFULLY boring, the wolf thing with the game IMO was dumb, and the realistic style for the game didn't fit the Zelda series at all, it was so dull and contributed heavily to why I thought it was boring. I HATE IT, SO MUCH.

    EDIT: Yeah I know I didn't make a list but meh, I can't think of many games that I hated cause usually I research a game to see if I would be interested in it or not.

  • edited April 2015

    Shaq even has his own video game??? How many endorsements does he have!?!?

    Worst for me is "AMY" There is no save point. If I'm going to play a story based game there better be a damn save option! Also the voice acting is terrible and is kind of delayed to the character's actions. The characters are also freaks

  • Gone home - Lets walk around a house that is suspiciously empty , Uncover the vast mystery what is it WHAT IS IT,WHATS THE TWIST

    Oh your parents are away and your sisters a lesbian... great

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.

  • ET? Why? I mean yes this game is cryptic and all but it's good for Atari standards. I liked it when I got it for christmas. I didn't know how to play it but it didn't keep me away from having fun.

  • It caused the international video game crisis in the 80's. I hated the concept collecting telephone pieces after falling into holes a billion times... no

    ET? Why? I mean yes this game is cryptic and all but it's good for Atari standards. I liked it when I got it for christmas. I didn't know how to play it but it didn't keep me away from having fun.

  • I know it caused a lot of shit, but I like it. Not that I LOVE it but I find it enjoyable. Unpopular opinion I know. And nice profile pic.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It caused the international video game crisis in the 80's. I hated the concept collecting telephone pieces after falling into holes a billion times... no

  • I'm gonna have to say Sonic 06. It was horrible. (Yet somehow I managed to 100% complete it)

  • Thanks :) and likewise Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I know it caused a lot of shit, but I like it. Not that I LOVE it but I find it enjoyable. Unpopular opinion I know. And nice profile pic.

  • Never played it and never will who the fuck wants to fly through rings

  • Sonic Boom is actually worse. xD

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm gonna have to say Sonic 06. It was horrible. (Yet somehow I managed to 100% complete it)

  • Personal experience wise, it's Sonic Boom, Spytoy and Final Fantasy All the Bravest.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited April 2015

    Terminator for nintendo gets honorable mention for this lovely ost. Listen to the depth, of sounds of Terminator. Aren't you impressed by the beautiful songs, i had to listen to as a child. No wonder i am crazy.

    Click here

    Rome 2 Release by Sega and Creative Assembly was a failure. The game played like absolute garbage when it was released. It took them a year and a half to fix it, to where it pretty much alienated the entire fanbase. They were more concerned with releasing DLC than fixing the issues people were upset about , and that made a lot of people angry.

    Click here

    Gone home - Lets walk around a house that is suspiciously empty , Uncover the vast mystery what is it WHAT IS IT,WHATS THE TWIST

    Oh your parents are away and your sisters a lesbian... great

    Winner Winner Chicken DInner. I hated this game with a passion. I bought it based on the steam artwork, thinking it was a spooky game, BOY WAS I WRONG. This game and Jagged Alliance have their own steam folders so i never will ever have to see their titles ever again.

    I would rather tongue kiss Greta Van Susteran passionately for thirty minutes, then play that game for five. I rather drink rancid spoiled milk, than to play this game. I would rather lick the toilet seat, than play either of those games ever again. I would rather do a space walk on mars without a space suit, than sit and objectify myself to the horror of those games.

    Those games really were horror games, because they were just so horrible. It gave me Gamer PTSD, and i never been the same since.

    Alt text

    Gone home - Lets walk around a house that is suspiciously empty , Uncover the vast mystery what is it WHAT IS IT,WHATS THE TWIST Oh your parents are away and your sisters a lesbian... great

  • Alt text

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Terminator for nintendo gets honorable mention for this lovely ost. Listen to the depth, of sounds of Terminator. Aren't you impressed by t

  • I don't blame ya that soundtrack sounded like my NES was having a convulsion while trying to blurt out dub step as it was dying

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Terminator for nintendo gets honorable mention for this lovely ost. Listen to the depth, of sounds of Terminator. Aren't you impressed by t

  • Fable 2. Mainly way too many game breaking bugs/glitches. A lot of stuff was cut from the 1st game and didn't add anything new. The story was downright silly to the point of stupidity even though there were some serious moments that made it feel off.

    If anything I like pretty much all games I play. If I hate em, it's probably due to technical issues on the devs side.

  • Risen.
    Clunky controls (on Xbox atleast), boring characters, boring quests, boring loot.

  • Guys. The Saw games. Holy shit, the Saw games. I know, it was dumb of me to buy a movie licensed game in the first place but goddamnit. Goddamnit...

  • edited April 2015

    Ride to Hell: Retribution

  • I dont know if it was a glitch or not but enemies didnt respawn I killed every enemy I could find and I couldn't get to max level i resorted to killing npc's but that still wasn't enough.

    I loved that game at the beginning I hated it by the end

    Onmens posted: »

    Risen. Clunky controls (on Xbox atleast), boring characters, boring quests, boring loot.

  • Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns.

  • Aliens Colonial Marines sucked sooooo bad.

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