The Review Thread.
Basically, tell me something to review (Book, Movie, Episode from a tv show, ect.) and I'll give my honest thoughts on it.
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Basically, tell me something to review (Book, Movie, Episode from a tv show, ect.) and I'll give my honest thoughts on it.
I'll get on that.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings or Witcher: Enhanced Edition. Just your thoughts on the series.
I'll get on that as well.
This is my review of The Witcher 2: Assassinations of Kings. I don't have the game, so I watched a little bit of gameplay, and it looks AWESOME. Not the best, but it's pretty cool. The story, I'm pretty sure, is your someone who assassinates Kings. I'm not calling it a perfect game, it has it's flaws. Some of the death's are over-dramatic, and the scene where the king was beheaded was pretty brutal, but other than that, it's a great game. The background music was amazing, the graphics are great and the fight scene's are cool. It get's a 86/100.
(2014 Movie)
I don't want to come off as a douche or anything, but you need to fully experience the game if you want to actually review it. Don't base it off of just first impressions. Fully immerse yourself into it.
You can't review from watching a walkthrough. You can't even call that a first look. You're not the one playing it and you don't experience it yourself so the experience might be different
The gay dating sim 'Coming out on top'.
Review Better Call Saul.
And review Shrek 2.
Review my pancakes!
LOL what are you serious?
I'm watching Shrek 2 right now, and I don't really like it so far.
Ah damn, was hoping this "Review" thread would've actually been a nice place to post honest opinions on stuff. Pretty much a, "Someone post something, and if someone watched/played it. Give them their honest thoughts about it." instead of being centered around one person.
-bly Delicious !
That's a really good idea, you should make that thread
Oh Harry Osborne, who could hate you? With all your arm amputating and helping Seth Rogan sell him his Pineapple Express and trying to kill Spiderman in that terrible third film even Sam Raimi wishes he could forget!