wonder if we are going to marry off Talia

To get an army or for money

The way I see it, is as some point we will have a choice to marry Talia off Talia will not want but if you do it you will get money or an army

Any thoughts on this


  • I don't think there's anyone we could marry her to at the moment, the house is too shaky and people would be afraid of making enemies of the Boltons.

  • I think if we were to marry off someone it would be Mira not Talia.

  • edited April 2015

    Iron From Ice:

    Mentions how Ser Royland taught her to fight properly.

    The Lost Lords:

    Literally sings a song about killing people and getting revenge for Ethan’s death.

    The Sword in the Darkness:

    Stands up to Gryff Whitehill, says she wanted Rodrik to crush him. Admits she is willing to change to defend the house.

    The fanbase’s ‘logical’ conclusion:

    “Yeah, no, she’s an asset to be married off.”

    Talia's character arc points towards her fighting for House Forrester rather than being married off for it. They sort of switched the gender roles between her and Ethan; Ethan was the more docile, passive, patient one with stereotypically 'feminine' personality traits while Talia is a bit more defensive and standoffish, which are more 'masculine' traits. Kid's been spending too much time around Royland.

    But yeah, it seems as if she'll fight rather than be married off. I don't doubt it'll seem like all is lost, Gryff/Ludd is about to swing a killing blow at Rodrik and is killed from behind by Talia.

    Also Talia needs to be a POV character in Season 2. That's just a necessity given her potential, popularity and how well she'd just slide into the role.

  • I would think that Mira would be first to be wed if there was an alliance needed. Just as the firstborn son is considered most desirable for their lands and lordship, a firstborn daughter would also be valued, (she may have a larger dowrey).

  • Let's marry off Mira to Gryff.

    Everyone's happy.

  • edited April 2015

    I have a theory Tom has been sent by Whitehall to guard Mira. If she marries to them then they will get Forrester ironwood.
    She's the backup plan.

  • She bit someone then was immediately handled. It seems you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Iron From Ice: Mentions how Ser Royland taught her to fight properly. The Lost Lords: Literally sings a song about kill

  • No, I don't see this happening.

  • Well she's certainly a fighter. Talia mentioned back in ep. 1 she was trained in the art of sword fighting, we have yet to see if anything comes from that.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She bit someone then was immediately handled. It seems you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • Seems to be where her character arc is leading based on the evidence from the previous 3 episodes. Her biting a guy wasn't where those hints were leading to, because she's still got her heart set on it after that point. Not to mention she was unarmed and not fully trained at the time.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She bit someone then was immediately handled. It seems you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • Yes, to an Ironborn house. What is dead may never die.

  • No thank-you.

    Let's marry off Mira to Gryff. Everyone's happy.

  • Well who else might hire him to keep her out of danger then?

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    No, I don't see this happening.

  • edited April 2015

    I see no point in it. Army? You can already maybe get one through Rodrik's betrothal and the definite one is Asher's sellsword army. Money? Mira's got that handled for the most part.

  • Maybe, I mean we've already married rodrik off. Still who's gonna want to marry the last in line of a minor house? The only way Talia will be in charge of ironrath is if Rodrik, Ryon and Mira all die.

  • Talia needs to be a POV character in Season 2. That's just a necessity given her potential, popularity and how well she'd just slide into the role.

    She NEEDS to be one. Absolutely

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Iron From Ice: Mentions how Ser Royland taught her to fight properly. The Lost Lords: Literally sings a song about kill

  • edited April 2015

    I think is Mira who's gonna need to mary someone in King Landing to be able to stay without Margaery's approuval.

  • Mira will be forced to marry someone and Tom won't like it. Either she has to marry said person or he will help her escape. :)

  • Littlefinger!

    sunfell posted: »

    Well who else might hire him to keep her out of danger then?

  • Maybe she'll get hitched to Morgryn or something -- his approach to her was because of her family, not because she served the new queen and his hesitancy was due to her association with Tyrion.

    Now that the dinkles is out of the way, I think even if Marg kicked her to the curb she could use Morgryn to secure some influence in KL.

    JMOREL posted: »

    I think is Mira who's gonna need to mary someone in King Landing to be able to stay without Margaery's approuval.

  • What would he gain?
    Besides a cameo?

    LukaszB posted: »


  • Do you expect a small unarmed and relatively inexperienced girl to beat a trained soldier?

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    She bit someone then was immediately handled. It seems you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  • No, that's what i'm saying.

    Daniel354 posted: »

    Do you expect a small unarmed and relatively inexperienced girl to beat a trained soldier?

  • He would want ironwood, and if Mira's safe he can have ironwood.

    sunfell posted: »

    What would he gain? Besides a cameo?

  • yeah we'll have mira kill maegaery so we can marry talia off to tommen for sik alliance

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