Does Daenerys Targaryen know?

We know Daenerys Targaryen wants to know the whereabouts of Drogon from Asher but why does she have an audience with him? She knows Asher is from house Forrester, a house of former bannermen to house Stark, the men that murdered her family and ruined her childhood, and probably knows, he wants her army to aid this very house, so why not just demanding a response from Asher under torture if necessary? Why would she giver her enemy even the chance to get what they need? The only reason I could think of is, that Dany probably knows, that Elissa Forrester was formerly from House Branfield, who were loyal to the Targaryens, and maybe sees a chance to reward her loyalty and make up for the loss and catastrophies that haunt her to this day. What do you think? Why would Dany listen to her enemy Asher Forrester?


  • Easy answer

    Alt text

    Asher says he knows of her dragons, as always dany has no idea where they are so as usual she probably assumes someone besides her is the problem , she probably thinks Asher stole them or soemthing

  • edited April 2015

    Who could resist this face?

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  • She knows as much as Jon Snow.

  • Well, if the preview of the 'Next-Time' is somewhat accurate, she's definitely not being friendly toward him.

  • inb4thestannisfanboys

  • You know Jorah is fom the North too right?

  • It's more relevant that Lady Forrester's house (Branfield) were Targaryen supporters.

  • The Starks were loyal to the Targaryens, and only abandoned the alliance when the king killed 2 of their men. It was the Lannisters that killed Daenerys Targaryen's family while saying they were loyal.

  • Plus Jorah was knighted by Robert Baratheon. Dany probably knew Jorah could hardly stay loyal to his leige lord after Ned ordered his execution

    You know Jorah is fom the North too right?

  • But Jorah Mormont switched allegiances, so he had no desire to return to Westeros and support Robert Baratheon from the shadows. Asher however request troops from Daenerys' personal army to help his own house, to support former Stark bannermen.

    tmsmyth4 posted: »

    Plus Jorah was knighted by Robert Baratheon. Dany probably knew Jorah could hardly stay loyal to his leige lord after Ned ordered his execution

  • The Starks spoke of reason to Aerys Targaryen and rather than hear them out he executed them, that's when the Starks joined Baratheon's Rebellion. Also Asher is securing Daenerys' back from traitors for no reward at all.

    But Jorah Mormont switched allegiances, so he had no desire to return to Westeros and support Robert Baratheon from the shadows. Asher however request troops from Daenerys' personal army to help his own house, to support former Stark bannermen.

  • edited April 2015

    "Old allegiances are not easily abandoned, but now that the war is over we must look to rebuild and forge new alliances." - Cersei Lannister

    I suppose it could be that Daenerys is, well, for lack of better terms "over" the whole affair and willing to look at the lackeys of an old nemesis from a new angle. Perhaps we find out more of Malcom's past, since he is also from house Branfield.

    LukaszB posted: »

    The Starks were loyal to the Targaryens, and only abandoned the alliance when the king killed 2 of their men. It was the Lannisters that killed Daenerys Targaryen's family while saying they were loyal.

  • I just find it REALLY awkward that a former loyalist of the house that forced Daenerys to retreat to Essos is now REQUESTING her for military support for HIS HOUSE'S gain.

    LukaszB posted: »

    The Starks spoke of reason to Aerys Targaryen and rather than hear them out he executed them, that's when the Starks joined Baratheon's Rebellion. Also Asher is securing Daenerys' back from traitors for no reward at all.

  • Fun fact, Jorah's first wife was a Glover.

    But Jorah Mormont switched allegiances, so he had no desire to return to Westeros and support Robert Baratheon from the shadows. Asher however request troops from Daenerys' personal army to help his own house, to support former Stark bannermen.

  • That IS a nice little fact to know. I would love the Forresters to finally recieve word from the Glovers.

    Fun fact, Jorah's first wife was a Glover.

  • It was the Lannisters that forced her out.

    I just find it REALLY awkward that a former loyalist of the house that forced Daenerys to retreat to Essos is now REQUESTING her for military support for HIS HOUSE'S gain.

  • I don't really see Daenerys torturing someone for information simply because of his family name or anyone for that matter unless it's a thing in the books I don't think tortures her thing.

  • The Starks were never the nemesis' of her family. The Starks only want justice that is true and honest. The Lannisters except for Tyrion stabbed the Targaryens in the back without notice.

    "Old allegiances are not easily abandoned, but now that the war is over we must look to rebuild and forge new alliances." - Cersei Lannister

  • Yeah, I read you. It was one act of cruelty after another by all parties. And besides, it was Ser Barristan Selmy AND Ned Stark that spoke against Robert Baratheon's order to assassinate Daenerys. Could be she really is over it now. Still,... awkward.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It was the Lannisters that forced her out.

  • It's not. But still, Daenerys was forced to the streets at a very young age. Who knows what that does to a girl like her? The closest ties to Westeros and her past up to this point (Episode 3: "The Sword in the Darkness") were Viserys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont and Ser Barristan Selmy and one was her family and the other two supported her cause without question. Now Asher Forrester and Malcolm Branfield, the first ties to her past that aren't on her side AND ask for her support show up and I'm just wondering what her management of this situation would look like.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't really see Daenerys torturing someone for information simply because of his family name or anyone for that matter unless it's a thing in the books I don't think tortures her thing.

  • To the Starks she is the true ruler of Westeros, that's one of the reasons the Starks rebelled against the Lannisters, who killed her family. If you recall even from the first scene of the game they captured the guy who killed King Aerys Targaryen. She knows about that with 100% certainty. She would know that the Starks only want justice and honesty. And Asher is helping her out behind the scenes anyways by capturing slave traders, who are her current nemesis'.

    It's not. But still, Daenerys was forced to the streets at a very young age. Who knows what that does to a girl like her? The closest ties t

  • Daenerys is notoriously ignorant of the kingdom she's intending to rule, so she wouldn't even know who the Forresters are, unless one of her Westerosi bodyguards/advisors told her. So it all depends if she had the time for such a debriefing between the time Asher showed up at her camp unexpected and the time she invites him in her tent.

  • Her soldiers would know who Asher is, since he did capture a lot of her enemies in Essos. I think that is enough for her to know he's loyal to her. And her advisors would start thinking of plans of how to attack Westeros, and would inform her of the Forresters' ironwood.

    Daenerys is notoriously ignorant of the kingdom she's intending to rule, so she wouldn't even know who the Forresters are, unless one of her

  • You know nothing Daenetys Targaryen.

  • If Daenerys gives Asher her army, saves house Forrester from the Whitehills and utter ruin and the Ironwood from extinction, supporting their saviour and future queen with a steady supply of ironwood is the least that house Forrester can do.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Her soldiers would know who Asher is, since he did capture a lot of her enemies in Essos. I think that is enough for her to know he's loyal

  • saying under breath You know nothing.... Oh wait. She knows nothing.

    You know nothing Daenetys Targaryen.

  • I think at the time she mainly just wants info on her dragon, but I think that the fact House Branfield fought for the Targs can be a card we can play.

  • Ugh.

    Easy answer Asher says he knows of her dragons, as always dany has no idea where they are so as usual she probably assumes someone besides her is the problem , she probably thinks Asher stole them or soemthing

  • Because she's met Barristan Selmy. Whatever House Forrester's role was in the downfall of the Targaryens, she knows it was for a very good reason. She hears for the first time from him early on in Season 3 of the TV series(and somewhere in the books too), before visiting Astapor, that Aerys II was mad, had been and continued to be dangerous to the realm of Westeros right up until he was killed during the Rebellion, and that her bloodline carried the curse of being susceptible to madness(which is very real in the world of Westeros). It stands to reason that the elimination of House Targaryen from the realm of Westeros was out of a very strong and reasonable fear of another Aerys II.

    She knows all this now, so she has the capacity to reasonably make decisions with future relations in mind, instead of past wrongs. As for motivation to become queen, she also knows and has known for at least a season or two that Westeros is plagued with chaos and war. As for getting the information for free, she doesn't seem like the type to torture. Punishing by torturous sentences, sure, but her focus is on justice, and it's not like Asher has her dragon somewhere, he's only seen it. Where and when is information that she'd probably pay for, and information on the whereabouts of a dragon, provided the inquirer can catch it, is easily worth more than 100 soldiers.

  • They also have one of the few surviving Branfields on their little party, uncle Malcolm.

    Would be nice to bring up how they were loyal to the Targaryens 'til their death.

  • edited April 2015

    Catching Drogon? Asher and his companions are lucky to be alive and that encounter was in an environment where Drogon couldn't take flight, in other words was handicapped. I'm sure Daenerys knows even 100 of her soldiers couldn't capture Drogon and just wants to know where he is, so she can go to him alone.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Because she's met Barristan Selmy. Whatever House Forrester's role was in the downfall of the Targaryens, she knows it was for a very good r

  • I though lady Forrester said her old house was destroyed by them?

    It's more relevant that Lady Forrester's house (Branfield) were Targaryen supporters.

  • It was destroyed when the Targaryen dynasty fell, so it's safe to assume that the Branfields were loyal to the end. Although Lady Forrester did choose the Forresters over the Branfields.

    sunfell posted: »

    I though lady Forrester said her old house was destroyed by them?

  • Does she know anything about him other than he's a sellsword and he's seen her dragon? I didn't see any indication of that but tell me if I'm wrong.

  • And remember that we see Drogon in some kind of cave in the Season 5 trailer, although I don't know why she would wait so long to go to him, seeing as Episode 3 takes place at Joffery's wedding.

    Catching Drogon? Asher and his companions are lucky to be alive and that encounter was in an environment where Drogon couldn't take flight,

  • And a sellsword that works in her best interests at that.

    KCohere posted: »

    Does she know anything about him other than he's a sellsword and he's seen her dragon? I didn't see any indication of that but tell me if I'm wrong.

  • I imagine Croft would've given her a heads up before meeting Asher since she knows his full name.

    KCohere posted: »

    Does she know anything about him other than he's a sellsword and he's seen her dragon? I didn't see any indication of that but tell me if I'm wrong.

  • "Catching", yes. "Obtain", "lure", etc, in the very generalized sense that the idea is she wants to get the dragon back into her possession. And when I say the dragon is worth more than 100 soldiers, I mean in bargain, to give up that many from an active military force for information on his whereabouts.

    Catching Drogon? Asher and his companions are lucky to be alive and that encounter was in an environment where Drogon couldn't take flight,

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