Well.... I still don't like her.
No one have a beautiful live, but that doesn't mean that you have to be mean to everyone.
I understand your position, but still.
Sorry, it just who I am.
Let's see:
* Snow was raped and abused by the 7 Dwarves for 6 long years
* Her husband that supposedly loved her more than anything ch… moreeated on her with her sister, Rose Red
* Crane was an asshole to her and desired her in a number of sexual ways
* The Fables make remarks about her times with Charming and the Dwarves when they're angry at her
But Bigby? He never stopped loving or caring for her, he gave her 7 wonderful Cubs and the Happily Ever After she always wanted to have XD
He's the one that she truly loves, just as she is the one he truly loves, and that is obvious in Fables...
Those who have a hard life become hard to those around them, it's a protective barrier to keep you away from further harm. Snow didn't want to let anyone get close to her, but Bigby did, and she has no regrets whatsoever...
Well.... I still don't like her.
No one have a beautiful live, but that doesn't mean that you have to be mean to everyone.
I understand your position, but still.
Sorry, it just who I am.
I don`t care to your hatred at all actually, write what you want. Whatever.
It is just a hours of work on the picture from the scratch, So you offend my feelings of the artist. Keep your bile with yourself, do not spit it to others. Why i must to listen and respect an opinion of a person, who even have no any respect to many hours of hard work? So please, you can say what you want, but not in adress of my work, and not under it, okay?
Those who have a hard life become hard to those around them, it's a protective barrier to keep you away from further harm. Snow didn't want to let anyone get close to her, but Bigby did, and she has no regrets whatsoever...
At the bottom of each chapter is a text box where you can write a review, above the text box you write a name to submit the review under (only if you're a Guest though).
Just type something and click Post review and you're golden
So you "don't care" and your "artist feelings are offend". First of all, decide what you are thinking and then write it.
I know what the artist feeling are. I AM a writer, so i HAVE a respect for hours of hard work.
And tell me, when i said that your picture is bad, or something what "offended" your feelings? 'Cause of what I know, I was writing 'bout paring BBSnow.
The one who hatred is you. I made an comment. My own opinion (witch I know I have right to tell and write) and you are acting like if you are some victim of bulling or some shit like that. You like when other people are sorry for you? Or you like to hating someone, who not agreed with you and not applaud to your "hard work" as you called it?
Well then. I'm SORRY for having a brain and my own opinion.
I don`t care to your hatred at all actually, write what you want. Whatever.
It is just a hours of work on the picture from the scratch, So … moreyou offend my feelings of the artist. Keep your bile with yourself, do not spit it to others. Why i must to listen and respect an opinion of a person, who even have no any respect to many hours of hard work? So please, you can say what you want, but not in adress of my work, and not under it, okay?
At the bottom of each chapter is a text box where you can write a review, above the text box you write a name to submit the review under (only if you're a Guest though).
Just type something and click Post review and you're golden
OH WRIIIITEEER, oh daaaamn so THIS IS A RESPECTABLE reason WHY i must to igrone your "This suck like a whore in rain" under my drawing? And, oh, fanfiction - sorry but here is a topic with fan art in the pictures, and the deal is about it right now, not about your fanfiction. Or you love your work and proud of your genius talent so much, that you can not resist and mention it everywhere?
And who are you to teach me how to react to a shit like that, under my work, genius writer?? But, sorry, i did not sayed anything against some your paring or smth under your job! The conversation is about nothing, good luck to ya, WITH SHOWING OF "YOUR OWN OPINION", even if it is a shit under or against work of someone, whatewer, and think what you write and where, please, before you decide to teach someone, WHAT to write and against who. So give me an example of reaction to someone`s rude opinion - stop to teach me and try to react more easy to MY opinion, and do not wait a respect to your opinion when you do not respect an opinion of the others. Or everyone must understand only your "This suck like a whore in rain"? Seriously?
So you "don't care" and your "artist feelings are offend". First of all, decide what you are thinking and then write it.
I know what the a… morertist feeling are. I AM a writer, so i HAVE a respect for hours of hard work.
And tell me, when i said that your picture is bad, or something what "offended" your feelings? 'Cause of what I know, I was writing 'bout paring BBSnow.
The one who hatred is you. I made an comment. My own opinion (witch I know I have right to tell and write) and you are acting like if you are some victim of bulling or some shit like that. You like when other people are sorry for you? Or you like to hating someone, who not agreed with you and not applaud to your "hard work" as you called it?
Well then. I'm SORRY for having a brain and my own opinion.
No, seriously? Bembiann are you dumb or something? That WASN'T about YOUR picture, but about tjat shityy little ship. If you think that ofgending her make your point, then you have black hole betwen your ears. She's not here to write a fanfiction, but to look at fanarts ans coment some of them, and if you can't take some critisism, then I'm wery sorry for you, sunshine
OH WRIIIITEEER, oh daaaamn so THIS IS A RESPECTABLE reason WHY i must to igrone your "This suck like a whore in rain" under my drawing? And,… more oh, fanfiction - sorry but here is a topic with fan art in the pictures, and the deal is about it right now, not about your fanfiction. Or you love your work and proud of your genius talent so much, that you can not resist and mention it everywhere?
And who are you to teach me how to react to a shit like that, under my work, genius writer?? But, sorry, i did not sayed anything against some your paring or smth under your job! The conversation is about nothing, good luck to ya, WITH SHOWING OF "YOUR OWN OPINION", even if it is a shit under or against work of someone, whatewer, and think what you write and where, please, before you decide to teach someone, WHAT to write and against who. So give me an example of reaction to someone`s rude opinion - stop to teach me and try to react more easy to MY opinio… [view original content]
"Bigby Wolf! The Big Bad Wolf. You used to be something. They used to fear you. They'd hide anywhere their small shivering bodies would fit... The Big Bad Wolf. It's about time you showed up."(c)
Photoshop cs6, (brush tool).
No, seriously? Bembiann are you dumb or something? That WASN'T about YOUR picture, but about tjat shityy little ship. If you think that ofge… morending her make your point, then you have black hole betwen your ears. She's not here to write a fanfiction, but to look at fanarts ans coment some of them, and if you can't take some critisism, then I'm wery sorry for you, sunshine
Critisism? Seriously? From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real critisism only from my real teachers-artists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY.
And try to not to use a words like "dumb" because you do not know me at all, and do not think that you are so smart, and know me so well to have a right to insult unfamiliar person, it looks really stupid, to stoop to personal insults just because I wrote something that you do not like. I saw a negative reaction under my drawing, that is all. Wanna a good reaction to your opinion - try to start from yourself, and try to understand my feelings.
And, sorry, but that word.... critisism.... critisism of WHAT? I do not see any council how to be better. But that is the point of critisism.
Here critisism - not right word in this situation, don`t flatter yourself or your friend. To be precise, This is a judging of my tastes. So, your critisism means a judging my love of Snigby. And you and your friend still talking about "Do not hear an own opinion"? Seriously? Well, a have no words, thanks. I am laughing on it, and still do not understand a logics of kids, who think that they are smarter XD But i do not care what you think about me in personal. Wanna show how much you are smart and agult - try to not argue and to be rude in direct. It is simple, if you are really adult and smart, hahahahah ^^ You made my day XDDD
No, seriously? Bembiann are you dumb or something? That WASN'T about YOUR picture, but about tjat shityy little ship. If you think that ofge… morending her make your point, then you have black hole betwen your ears. She's not here to write a fanfiction, but to look at fanarts ans coment some of them, and if you can't take some critisism, then I'm wery sorry for you, sunshine
The only one who is rude here is you. I made my point, tell you about what I was writting and you still acting like if you are the nicest person in the world, who wasn't insulting me or Stefanello here.
Tell you one thing. Your age is not the piont of beging 'older'. What count in that is acting like a mature person with some sence, and NOT insulting someone for their personal opinion. Belive me or not, but there's a lot of person, who thinks, that I'm the one with right here.
Critisism? Seriously? From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real critisism only from my real teachers-a… morertists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY.
And try to not to use a words like "dumb" because you do not know me at all, and do not think that you are so smart, and know me so well to have a right to insult unfamiliar person, it looks really stupid, to stoop to personal insults just because I wrote something that you do not like. I saw a negative reaction under my drawing, that is all. Wanna a good reaction to your opinion - try to start from yourself, and try to understand my feelings.
And, sorry, but that word.... critisism.... critisism of WHAT? I do not see any council how to be better. But that is the point of critisism.
Here critisism - not right word in this situation, don`t flatter yourself or your friend. To be precise, This is a judging of my tastes. So, your critisism means a judging my lov… [view original content]
Look sunshine. You are acting like a little wimping child. You're avting shitty to her just because you doesn't understand her coment. Go to the doctor, because it's too late for psychiatrist.
You have to learn, that your works will be comented by wery difrent people, not only teachers and artist, so 'stfu'
Critisism? Seriously? From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real critisism only from my real teachers-a… morertists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY.
And try to not to use a words like "dumb" because you do not know me at all, and do not think that you are so smart, and know me so well to have a right to insult unfamiliar person, it looks really stupid, to stoop to personal insults just because I wrote something that you do not like. I saw a negative reaction under my drawing, that is all. Wanna a good reaction to your opinion - try to start from yourself, and try to understand my feelings.
And, sorry, but that word.... critisism.... critisism of WHAT? I do not see any council how to be better. But that is the point of critisism.
Here critisism - not right word in this situation, don`t flatter yourself or your friend. To be precise, This is a judging of my tastes. So, your critisism means a judging my lov… [view original content]
whatewer. I am a higher than this bullshit so i have no any reason to read this, and continue an argue with kids. I have much important business. Good luck to you with your "critisism" (HAHAHHAHAhh oh God, for what that word here ? XDD)
But, keep going, if you want. I see you fond off to be rude in conversations, where someone saying anything you don`t like XDDDD
And, for godness. if YOU ARE so mature, why did you mentioned an age? Not me. YOU. Why? An age do not make a weather for me. But it do not give you a relax, you can not keep calm because of theme of age. It is so important for real kids, who want to be or look more adult, as i see... for me, age difference - nothing. You think that this is so important, as i see... Then stop trying to look like adult person, because you are screaming about age like a hysterical kid. Looks really funny XDD
The only one who is rude here is you. I made my point, tell you about what I was writting and you still acting like if you are the nicest pe… morerson in the world, who wasn't insulting me or Stefanello here.
Tell you one thing. Your age is not the piont of beging 'older'. What count in that is acting like a mature person with some sence, and NOT insulting someone for their personal opinion. Belive me or not, but there's a lot of person, who thinks, that I'm the one with right here.
So you seriously think that i care of a characterictics of unfamiliar people? Who decided something without knowing me as a person?)) hahahah, so, it`s your problems, not mine :DDD If you are so adult, you must understand that there is no any offending in "You are child" phrase. I take it as a compliment at all, so your attempt to insult me with this - is funny XD
Only child can take this words as a bad words
Look sunshine. You are acting like a little wimping child. You're avting shitty to her just because you doesn't understand her coment. Go to… more the doctor, because it's too late for psychiatrist.
You have to learn, that your works will be comented by wery difrent people, not only teachers and artist, so 'stfu'
So you seriously think that i care of a characterictics of unfamiliar people? Who decided something without knowing me as a person?)) hahaha… moreh, so, it`s your problems, not mine :DDD If you are so adult, you must understand that there is no any offending in "You are child" phrase. I take it as a compliment at all, so your attempt to insult me with this - is funny XD
Only child can take this words as a bad words
It is so high, to focus on the country ) Definitely deserves of respect and attention, no doubt. As well as the insults about "psychiatrist" and the other direct personal boorishness. Yes, you are totally 20. Of course.
No. Keep going, it`s funny ^^
Hey man, I don't want to be rude or something, but I think that @Modern_Death just didn't like the Snow x Bigby, not you painting skills. No need to argue.
whatewer. I am a higher than this bullshit so i have no any reason to read this, and continue an argue with kids. I have much important busi… moreness. Good luck to you with your "critisism" (HAHAHHAHAhh oh God, for what that word here ? XDD)
But, keep going, if you want. I see you fond off to be rude in conversations, where someone saying anything you don`t like XDDDD
And, for godness. if YOU ARE so mature, why did you mentioned an age? Not me. YOU. Why? An age do not make a weather for me. But it do not give you a relax, you can not keep calm because of theme of age. It is so important for real kids, who want to be or look more adult, as i see... for me, age difference - nothing. You think that this is so important, as i see... Then stop trying to look like adult person, because you are screaming about age like a hysterical kid. Looks really funny XDD
It`s ok already And there are many examples, how it is, to be rude. You are not rude, you are nice probably X)
I take a critisism of my skills totally normally, especially from the people who have a big experience on it. But the problem started from the judging of my tastes. But it is ok. Nevermind
Hey man, I don't want to be rude or something, but I think that @Modern_Death just didn't like the Snow x Bigby, not you painting skills. No need to argue.
Another moment with our Big Bad Wolf and Snow White.Okay, i saw the one great fan-art in the car with this couple on someone`s instagram, an… mored it reminded me about the one cute moment in the game. This is my realistic vision/version of the ending of scene in the Taxi, when they went to the Trip Trap Bar. So, if there was a choice like that, i think they both could remember that
9 hours. Photoshop cs6, brush tool.
Maybe. Also, I would recommend you do play Tales and GoT while the episodes are coming out. I find waiting with people on the forums to be alot of gun, I wish I joined way back when Wolf and Season 2 of Walking Dead came out considering I waited the whole time without ever coming here ;-;
Well I played TWD Season 1 long after Ep.5 came out, but before 400 Days did. Season 2 I played from Ep.1 when it first came out and waited for each instalment. Wolf I played when Ep.3 came out cuz I finally decided to give it a try...
I just haven't been in the mood for TellTale recently either! I bought TWD Season1/2 and TWAU on PS4, I got to the end of Ep.3 on TWAU and stopped for a bit, now I'm like "Ugh, don't wanna play Telltale, what else have I got?"
I will play them before they finish dude, trust me on that
Maybe. Also, I would recommend you do play Tales and GoT while the episodes are coming out. I find waiting with people on the forums to be a… morelot of gun, I wish I joined way back when Wolf and Season 2 of Walking Dead came out considering I waited the whole time without ever coming here ;-;
Another moment with our Big Bad Wolf and Snow White.Okay, i saw the one great fan-art in the car with this couple on someone`s instagram, an… mored it reminded me about the one cute moment in the game. This is my realistic vision/version of the ending of scene in the Taxi, when they went to the Trip Trap Bar. So, if there was a choice like that, i think they both could remember that
9 hours. Photoshop cs6, brush tool.
@bembiann "From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real criticism only from my real teachers-artists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY"
You've got problem. A big problem.
Ok like Modern Death said - she is a writer, but she still is AN ARTIST.
You trying to insult her 'cause you think you are "better" than her and you think you are more "proffesional"
Srsly? Are you kidding me sweetie?
If I tell you : "you are sucks and you've got no talent. Stop painting (drawing too!) for God's sake.
Best Regards C. Monet or V. van Gogh"
then you listen to me, and do what I said? I hope! I'm sure you are not sooo narcissistic to tell me : Mr. Monet/ van Gogh you are no one, and I'ma an REAL PROFESSIONAL ARTIST not you"
They told you just one thing: this ship is shitty ship. NOT your work is shitty.
Grow up kiddo, oh sorry...Grow up "artist"
Ps. When can I expect an invitation to your art exhibition? Never? Oooh yes, so pity.
Critisism? Seriously? From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real critisism only from my real teachers-a… morertists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY.
And try to not to use a words like "dumb" because you do not know me at all, and do not think that you are so smart, and know me so well to have a right to insult unfamiliar person, it looks really stupid, to stoop to personal insults just because I wrote something that you do not like. I saw a negative reaction under my drawing, that is all. Wanna a good reaction to your opinion - try to start from yourself, and try to understand my feelings.
And, sorry, but that word.... critisism.... critisism of WHAT? I do not see any council how to be better. But that is the point of critisism.
Here critisism - not right word in this situation, don`t flatter yourself or your friend. To be precise, This is a judging of my tastes. So, your critisism means a judging my lov… [view original content]
@bembiann "From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real criticism only from my real teachers-artists, not… more a bile from haters of SNIGBY"
You've got problem. A big problem.
Ok like Modern Death said - she is a writer, but she still is AN ARTIST.
You trying to insult her 'cause you think you are "better" than her and you think you are more "proffesional"
Srsly? Are you kidding me sweetie?
If I tell you :
"you are sucks and you've got no talent. Stop painting (drawing too!) for God's sake.
Best Regards C. Monet or V. van Gogh"
then you listen to me, and do what I said? I hope! I'm sure you are not sooo narcissistic to tell me : Mr. Monet/ van Gogh you are no one, and I'ma an REAL PROFESSIONAL ARTIST not you"
They told you just one thing: this ship is shitty ship. NOT your work is shitty.
Grow up kiddo, oh sorry...Grow up "artist"
Ps. When can I expect an invitation to your art exhibition? Never? Oooh yes, so pity.
Well.... I still don't like her.
No one have a beautiful live, but that doesn't mean that you have to be mean to everyone.
I understand your position, but still.
Sorry, it just who I am.
Ah yes, you did do those, just didn't review :P
Those who have a hard life become hard to those around them, it's a protective barrier to keep you away from further harm. Snow didn't want to let anyone get close to her, but Bigby did, and she has no regrets whatsoever...
I don`t care to your hatred at all actually, write what you want. Whatever.
It is just a hours of work on the picture from the scratch, So you offend my feelings of the artist. Keep your bile with yourself, do not spit it to others. Why i must to listen and respect an opinion of a person, who even have no any respect to many hours of hard work? So please, you can say what you want, but not in adress of my work, and not under it, okay?
Sunshine. I'm kind of thired of this discusion. You got your rights and I am... well myself, so it have no point.
Fair enough.
But don't call me Sunshine again...
well, I don't really know how to do it. I mean, it's my first time in fanfiction.net
At the bottom of each chapter is a text box where you can write a review, above the text box you write a name to submit the review under (only if you're a Guest though).
Just type something and click Post review and you're golden
So you "don't care" and your "artist feelings are offend". First of all, decide what you are thinking and then write it.
I know what the artist feeling are. I AM a writer, so i HAVE a respect for hours of hard work.
And tell me, when i said that your picture is bad, or something what "offended" your feelings? 'Cause of what I know, I was writing 'bout paring BBSnow.
The one who hatred is you. I made an comment. My own opinion (witch I know I have right to tell and write) and you are acting like if you are some victim of bulling or some shit like that. You like when other people are sorry for you? Or you like to hating someone, who not agreed with you and not applaud to your "hard work" as you called it?
Well then. I'm SORRY for having a brain and my own opinion.
Ok. Sorry
thx. I'm still learning how to use English websites
Thank you
Yeah your ff.net account says you're from Poland
It's great. It really is.
I'm totally like... Wow. It put me in state between "I love it" and "Holy f**k my eyes are bleeding from pure awesomeness".
OH WRIIIITEEER, oh daaaamn so THIS IS A RESPECTABLE reason WHY i must to igrone your "This suck like a whore in rain" under my drawing? And, oh, fanfiction - sorry but here is a topic with fan art in the pictures, and the deal is about it right now, not about your fanfiction. Or you love your work and proud of your genius talent so much, that you can not resist and mention it everywhere?
And who are you to teach me how to react to a shit like that, under my work, genius writer?? But, sorry, i did not sayed anything against some your paring or smth under your job! The conversation is about nothing, good luck to ya, WITH SHOWING OF "YOUR OWN OPINION", even if it is a shit under or against work of someone, whatewer, and think what you write and where, please, before you decide to teach someone, WHAT to write and against who. So give me an example of reaction to someone`s rude opinion - stop to teach me and try to react more easy to MY opinion, and do not wait a respect to your opinion when you do not respect an opinion of the others. Or everyone must understand only your "This suck like a whore in rain"? Seriously?
No, seriously? Bembiann are you dumb or something? That WASN'T about YOUR picture, but about tjat shityy little ship. If you think that ofgending her make your point, then you have black hole betwen your ears. She's not here to write a fanfiction, but to look at fanarts ans coment some of them, and if you can't take some critisism, then I'm wery sorry for you, sunshine
This is... Beautiful. Oh My God. Good job with that one.
Thank you honeybun, but I can handle myself
Offending? Maby a little, but if she can't take critisism, then she is just the reason of my laugh.
Critisism? Seriously? From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real critisism only from my real teachers-artists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY.
And try to not to use a words like "dumb" because you do not know me at all, and do not think that you are so smart, and know me so well to have a right to insult unfamiliar person, it looks really stupid, to stoop to personal insults just because I wrote something that you do not like. I saw a negative reaction under my drawing, that is all. Wanna a good reaction to your opinion - try to start from yourself, and try to understand my feelings.
And, sorry, but that word.... critisism.... critisism of WHAT? I do not see any council how to be better. But that is the point of critisism.
Here critisism - not right word in this situation, don`t flatter yourself or your friend. To be precise, This is a judging of my tastes. So, your critisism means a judging my love of Snigby. And you and your friend still talking about "Do not hear an own opinion"? Seriously? Well, a have no words, thanks. I am laughing on it, and still do not understand a logics of kids, who think that they are smarter XD But i do not care what you think about me in personal. Wanna show how much you are smart and agult - try to not argue and to be rude in direct. It is simple, if you are really adult and smart, hahahahah ^^ You made my day XDDD
The only one who is rude here is you. I made my point, tell you about what I was writting and you still acting like if you are the nicest person in the world, who wasn't insulting me or Stefanello here.
Tell you one thing. Your age is not the piont of beging 'older'. What count in that is acting like a mature person with some sence, and NOT insulting someone for their personal opinion. Belive me or not, but there's a lot of person, who thinks, that I'm the one with right here.
Look sunshine. You are acting like a little wimping child. You're avting shitty to her just because you doesn't understand her coment. Go to the doctor, because it's too late for psychiatrist.
You have to learn, that your works will be comented by wery difrent people, not only teachers and artist, so 'stfu'
whatewer. I am a higher than this bullshit so i have no any reason to read this, and continue an argue with kids. I have much important business. Good luck to you with your "critisism" (HAHAHHAHAhh oh God, for what that word here ? XDD)
But, keep going, if you want. I see you fond off to be rude in conversations, where someone saying anything you don`t like XDDDD
And, for godness. if YOU ARE so mature, why did you mentioned an age? Not me. YOU. Why? An age do not make a weather for me. But it do not give you a relax, you can not keep calm because of theme of age. It is so important for real kids, who want to be or look more adult, as i see... for me, age difference - nothing. You think that this is so important, as i see... Then stop trying to look like adult person, because you are screaming about age like a hysterical kid. Looks really funny XDD
So you seriously think that i care of a characterictics of unfamiliar people? Who decided something without knowing me as a person?)) hahahah, so, it`s your problems, not mine :DDD If you are so adult, you must understand that there is no any offending in "You are child" phrase. I take it as a compliment at all, so your attempt to insult me with this - is funny XD
Only child can take this words as a bad words
Yeah. And you calling me a child but I'm 20 years old and I'm at the Univercity. And you what? Ukraine? HA!
It is so high, to focus on the country
) Definitely deserves of respect and attention, no doubt. As well as the insults about "psychiatrist" and the other direct personal boorishness. Yes, you are totally 20. Of course.
No. Keep going, it`s funny ^^
Hey man, I don't want to be rude or something, but I think that @Modern_Death just didn't like the Snow x Bigby, not you painting skills. No need to argue.
It`s ok already
And there are many examples, how it is, to be rude. You are not rude, you are nice probably X)
I take a critisism of my skills totally normally, especially from the people who have a big experience on it. But the problem started from the judging of my tastes. But it is ok. Nevermind
psst.... psst.
Hazza, have you tried Tales yet so you can join the great shipping war?
No mate, I've been really busy for once this week...
Okay, let me know when you do...
Disappears in the wind
This just fulfilled my one of my deepest desire! So beautiful!
... Maybe I'll actually go to a different part of the forum as well... for once :P
Maybe. Also, I would recommend you do play Tales and GoT while the episodes are coming out. I find waiting with people on the forums to be alot of gun, I wish I joined way back when Wolf and Season 2 of Walking Dead came out considering I waited the whole time without ever coming here ;-;
From the moment in the game - this one was my dream ^^
Well I played TWD Season 1 long after Ep.5 came out, but before 400 Days did. Season 2 I played from Ep.1 when it first came out and waited for each instalment. Wolf I played when Ep.3 came out cuz I finally decided to give it a try...
I just haven't been in the mood for TellTale recently either! I bought TWD Season1/2 and TWAU on PS4, I got to the end of Ep.3 on TWAU and stopped for a bit, now I'm like "Ugh, don't wanna play Telltale, what else have I got?"
I will play them before they finish dude, trust me on that
You should have put:
(?) The Cab Driver will remember that.
Nonetheless, another visual masterpiece!
hhahah, yes, that redhead guy will remember that :DDD
Thank you
@bembiann "From people who not even professionals in the painting? Sorry but i take a real criticism only from my real teachers-artists, not a bile from haters of SNIGBY"
You've got problem. A big problem.
Ok like Modern Death said - she is a writer, but she still is AN ARTIST.
You trying to insult her 'cause you think you are "better" than her and you think you are more "proffesional"
Srsly? Are you kidding me sweetie?
If I tell you :
"you are sucks and you've got no talent. Stop painting (drawing too!) for God's sake.
Best Regards C. Monet or V. van Gogh"
then you listen to me, and do what I said? I hope! I'm sure you are not sooo narcissistic to tell me : Mr. Monet/ van Gogh you are no one, and I'ma an REAL PROFESSIONAL ARTIST not you"
They told you just one thing: this ship is shitty ship. NOT your work is shitty.
Grow up kiddo, oh sorry...Grow up "artist"
Ps. When can I expect an invitation to your art exhibition? Never? Oooh yes, so pity.
Cookie for this lady!