What's the first game you ever completed?
When I was a young kid I was the brother who was terrible at games but I loved them so I watched my other brothers play to enjoy the story
Until the day I bought Bully I loved the game, story, gameplay it was just an awesome game which made me fall in love with gaming I wished it never ended that game it also gave me the confidence to be able to beat games it was the first game I ever completed
It was by far the most important game I ever played and still one of the best since then I completed hundreds but I'll never forget that experience of completing bully :'D
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Thank you for making me feel old. Mission accomplished.
Here is my game.
Click here
Do you mean 100% or just completed the main game? If you mean just the main game probably Shrek 2 for the Gamecube (probably the only game I had at the time for like 3 years). I first 100% Super Mario 64 or Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, can't remember which I did first, both fantastic games though ^-^
GTA 3, in 2001. I was like 9.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
That looks fun no I was terrible at games I could pick games from years before but I never completed them it was completely down to my gaming ability that the game is more recent tbh.
This. Super short game, but looked amazing for it's time. I didn't have the patience as a young kid to beat Pokemon Yellow lol.
Click here
Just main game
All them are awesome games
Hi bro
Great choice I've played every GTA since the very first one and I have never completed one I just messed around in all them
I've completed the other rockstar games tho warriors, max paynes, bully, read dead/undead, La noire etc
I love that gta tho
Hi Simon
I never played but everyone tells me it's the greatest game ever made so it must be an awesome game
How've you been man?
I've played basically all of Rockstar's games as well, and you're right, just messing around in GTA is always a good time.
That looks like great fun thanks for sharing
The Little Mermaid for NES. Don't judge me, I have a sister.
I'm great and the endless cheat codes that was my childhood just awesome
As far as I can remember I think it was Mega man Legends for the playstation 1. Had games before that console, but this one I remember completing in my childhood.
I never played but it looks like a lot of fun thanks for sharing
XD Nah I have sisters I understand but in my opinion if you find enjoyment in a game it doesn't matter what game it is. I never played but I'd say it must of been fun thanks for sharing bro
Ratchet and Clank. Love that game.
I think it was Dark Cloud. I completed every single stage in that game including the Demon Shaft. And holy jesus that final boss fight was not easy. ;_;
Another game that comes to mind is GTA IV.
I'm not sure which it was, but I know that:
The first platformer I ever beat was Super Mario Bros (this probably was the first as I spent countless hours playing that game when I got my NES for Christmas). I can remember beating it like it was yesterday, mostly because my mom was watching me, and when the Princess came on screen, she said "what the hell is that thing?" :P
The first adventure game I ever beat was the NES version of Maniac Mansion (the Meteor Police ending):
Maniac Mansion Meteor Police ending
I also remember the first game I beat in the arcade, The Simpsons Arcade Game. I don't even want to think about how many quarters I put in that thing to get there.
Simpsons Arcade Game Ending
I think it was Megaman: Battle Network.
I loved that game so much.
Shrek 2 was so much fun, I spent months playing it. I have no idea where it is now
Either Torin's Passage or King's Quest VII. My childhood
It actually, was much more fun than I had anticipated it would have been.
I actually still have the disc, and it works fairly well which is surprising considering how many scratches it has cause of how reckless I was back then and since it was a game that was lent to me from someone.
I don't know if you know this, but Michael Traynor(Nicholas in TWD TV show) was one of the writers for Shrek 2(Video Game)...
I actually didn't, that's fairly interesting though. Thanks ^-^
Pac Man, I think it was.
I'm not completely sure but i think it was Super Mario Sunshine both main game and 100%
You mean the VERY first pac-man? That game can't be completed. All you can do is surpass your old high score.
Sly Cooper 1. I remember raging so many times and whining. Took me a whole hour to beat Clockwerk. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time
Man that's going back a while. I'd say the first game I ever finished was Alex The Kidd on the Sega Master System. It was a built in game. I think I was about 12 at the time.
It was either Super Mario World or Street Fighter II.
Well, you can get the kill screen. You could consider that completing the game, since you can't advance any further than that.
Pac-Man Kill Screen
Though I was a little shit back then and cheated, so I don't know if that counts.
My childhood ;_;
I can't remember xD. I think it was the first Oddworld game, Abe's odyssey.
Super Mario Bros on Gameboy was the first game that I have completed without anyone helping me. I was only six or seven years old.
And it still remains one of my proudest memory.
This was my first PS2 game. When I first played the game, I love the story and gameplay. I thought it was soo cool. Now that I look back to it. I am like. "Soo...A bouncer going around, kicking ass? Not the best voice acting? Strange story and strange pacing."
Funny how nostalgia influenced how I saw the game.
No prbs ^-^