Meh, just threaten to castrate the teens boys if they don't use protection, that'll clear things up. Although imagine that being a thing and… more having to be the parents in that situation "No you can't have your penis until you're18, we've discussed this already! You're not mature or man enough to be walking around with that thing yet!"
Being serious, you'd probably have a whole lot of human rights debates come into it, like is it good? Is it not? blah blah blah. If anything parents should be stricter with themselves on their kids and better educate them about this stuff so they don't fall victim to things like peer pressure, pushy girlfriends/boyfriends trying it on and to not act like hormonal drunk idiots. If teens were careful and had decent relationships with their parents/family/legalguardian to be able to talk about this stuff, then unplanned pregnancies in teens wouldn't be as common I don't think.
What you're suggesting though is a… [view original content]
There are certain birth controls that can almost completely halt getting periods, but a free implant and not having to worry about pills would certainly be easier.
Meh, just threaten to castrate the teens boys if they don't use protection, that'll clear things up. Although imagine that being a thing and… more having to be the parents in that situation "No you can't have your penis until you're18, we've discussed this already! You're not mature or man enough to be walking around with that thing yet!"
Being serious, you'd probably have a whole lot of human rights debates come into it, like is it good? Is it not? blah blah blah. If anything parents should be stricter with themselves on their kids and better educate them about this stuff so they don't fall victim to things like peer pressure, pushy girlfriends/boyfriends trying it on and to not act like hormonal drunk idiots. If teens were careful and had decent relationships with their parents/family/legalguardian to be able to talk about this stuff, then unplanned pregnancies in teens wouldn't be as common I don't think.
What you're suggesting though is a… [view original content]
* I was going to say 21, but pairing the legal drinking age with the right to reproduce sounds like a bad idea.
* It could could hel… morep stem the tide of teen pregnancy and parental abandonment. Especially in poor communities, it's not uncommon for the dad to bolt when he gets the good news.
* Yes and no. The disadvantages are that it encourages irresponsible behavior and the consequences thereof (I.e. Hitting it raw and contracting HIV. It also sets a dangerous precedent of how much control the government has over your body,
Whenever the person bearing the contraceptive so pleases.
Yes and no. The option should most definitely be available for those who wish to use it, but forcing it upon people would be a blatant invasion of personal rights. People who do not wish to reproduce will have their wish, and those who don't want the implant will not be forced to have it.
It all depends. It should most definitely not be government regulated, but if left to the private sector and voluntary will of the populace, it would most likely be more beneficial than harmful.
No, but what I do know is that certain types of drugs can carry horrific side effects, especially to an unborn child, and can put an unborn child more at risk for being born with such a condition.
In this hypothetical situation, the implant would probably have similar effects of women taking birth control (in that once it's no longer i… moren use it would not mess up fertility or give your kids autism and all that). I suppose that in men it would be similar but less extreme than a vasectomy (which men can have reversed), but still able to ejaculate but would be shooting blanks.
This is off-topic, but are you one of those people who think vaccines give children autism?
I think it's a good idea, but it should be optional, not mandatory. Humans value their freedom too much to be controlled in such a way. Of course people should be able to have it done if they really want but it shouldn't be forced upon anyone. We should be helping teenagers to make the right choices for themselves, not just forcing them to not be able to breed, because I don't know anyone who wouldn't want to make that decision for themselves.
When should the contraceptive be taken out?
Whenever they want, as long as they prove to be financially/emotionally stable enough to take care of themselves and a baby at the same time.
Is controlling the right to reproduce a benefit to modern society?
Sure it is. By preventing teen pregnancies you're not only encouraging post-secondary education, but also contributing to the economy because the chances of them finding well-paying jobs are significantly higher. However, there's a reason we live in a democratic society and not an autocratic one. We can give the treatment to those who want it or for parents who want it for their children, but in the end people should be allowed to make their own decisions. No matter the good it might do, people should still have their basic personal rights, otherwise our society won't be a free one anymore.
Do the pros outweigh the cons?
I think it does. The only problem I really seem to have with it is that I don't think it should be mandatory.
I think it's a good idea, but it should be optional, not mandatory. Humans value their freedom too much to be controlled in such a way. Of c… moreourse people should be able to have it done if they really want but it shouldn't be forced upon anyone. We should be helping teenagers to make the right choices for themselves, not just forcing them to not be able to breed, because I don't know anyone who wouldn't want to make that decision for themselves.
When should the contraceptive be taken out?
Whenever they want, as long as they prove to be financially/emotionally stable enough to take care of themselves and a baby at the same time.
Is controlling the right to reproduce a benefit to modern society?
Sure it is. By preventing teen pregnancies you're not only encouraging post-secondary education, but also contributing to the economy because the chances of them finding well-paying jobs are significantly higher. However, there's a reason we l… [view original content]
How about responsibility? How about protection? How about taking simple steps not to get them pregnant in the first place, IMO Abortion is like a get out of jail free card. Some people take it way too far, i know of a girl that had six abortions and she is twenty five.
I think the best solution is teach kids about condoms/safe sex,
Disagree, we shouldn't encourage bad behavior. Children shouldn't be having sex period.
I think they should just get abortions, most of them do I'm guessing? If not, then its their kid, they can keep it. This forced infertility … moreseems a bit against "muh freedoms".
Honestly, overpopulation isnt much an issue in the first world, compared to places like Africa that the pope, mummy Teresa and the like ruined with the "condoms are evil" malarky.
I think the best solution is teach kids about condoms/safe sex, because abstinence is quite frankly rubbish. Its in human nature to want to fuck, and if you can with very low chances of pregnancy/STDs, then go for it. Sex isn't some dirty horrible sin like it's made out to be.
Hormonal contraception has its own problems in some people, so let's say all babies undergo forced reversible sterilization at birth. Girls get a tubal ligation, boys get a vasectomy, but they have a reversal mechanism that can be activated via a radio device waved over the body. Powered by a battery that lasts their entire life, or gets its power from bodily functions somehow. (That's technically questionable, but if we were motivated, I'm sure we could do it.)
Now, what would that do? Well, teens currently should learn where babies come from before engaging in activities themselves. However, with this sterilization, they wouldn't see any benefits to abstaining. Sure, there's STDs, but most teens don't think those are a real threat. So while they might have hesitated having sex, there's no reason to now. Heck, why save it for someone you love? Is there a reason? It feels great!
Now, the kids turn 18 or 21 or whatever age. After having so much sex without worrying about pregnancy, do you really think they'd want to give that up? Of course not! They're now old enough to have some influence on politicians, so they'd lobby to keep sterile until such time as they really want children.
Still having sex without consequences. It feels good, and there's no downside. Have more of it. Infidelity increases. If your flight is delayed two hours, why not spend it having sex with a stranger at the airport? Is there a reason not to? You've had sex with so many people growing up, what's special about it?.
Some people will never be born. While "accidents" sometimes get aborted, they usually don't. They say that if you wait until you're ready to have a kid, you'll never have one. That will have a significant effect on population.
There are some big upsides to not worrying about pregnancy, but the side effects would result in a society very different from the one we're used to. I think we're better off the way we are.
Shoulda woulda coulda, basically. People shouldn't stab others. People shouldn't cheat on their spouses. They still do, and that isn't changing because we have been doing it (literally) for hundreds of years. In 900 BC you can bet two teens were screwing their brains out, and you can also bet two teens will be doing the same thing 100 years from now.
Speaking as a 17's pretty unavoidable to expect all teenagers to keep it in their pants. There will always be teenagers having sex, although ones on the younger side (13 and 14) should definitely be persuaded to wait.
I think they should just get abortions
How about responsibility? How about protection? How about taking simple steps not to get them… more pregnant in the first place, IMO Abortion is like a get out of jail free card. Some people take it way too far, i know of a girl that had six abortions and she is twenty five.
I think the best solution is teach kids about condoms/safe sex,
Disagree, we shouldn't encourage bad behavior. Children shouldn't be having sex period.
My favorite movie, Jurassic Park, has John Hammond, the millionaire who owned the company that built the park say this quote, which I find very true:
I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.
Since people can't drink alcohol until they are 21 in America, I say 21 is a good choice.
No, because people won't learn from their mistakes. As I used the quote above, people need to learn and pay from their mistakes. Allowing them to have underage sex willy nilly not only teaches irresponsibility but takes away any learning from mistakes aspect of it. Consequences are always important, and removing them does not teach discipline. Think about a kid who lies once, no consequences. He'll do it again, no consequences, and again, never learning anything or modifying his behavior. This is what society needs, which is one of the reasons I don't like abortion, because it basically lets them get off the hook.
No, because more STDs and less repercussions of sex far outweigh any benefits. Again, people need to have repercussions to learn.
Interesting you mentioned Jurassic Park, I thought if any quote you'd choose Jeff Goldblum's "life finds a way" and the whole don't mess with nature thing.
My favorite movie, Jurassic Park, has John Hammond, the millionaire who owned the company that built the park say this quote, which I find v… moreery true:
I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.
* Since people can't drink alcohol until they are 21 in America, I say 21 is a good choice.
* No, because people won't learn from their mistakes. As I used the quote above, people need to learn and pay from their mistakes. Allowing them to have underage sex willy nilly not only teaches irresponsibility but takes away any learning from mistakes aspect of it. Consequences are always important, and removing them does not teach discipline. Think about a kid who lies once, no consequences. He'll do it again, no consequences, and again, never learning anything or modifying his behavior. This is what society needs, which is one of the reasons I don't like abortion, because it basically lets them get off the hook.
… [view original content]
Interesting you mentioned Jurassic Park, I thought if any quote you'd choose Jeff Goldblum's "life finds a way" and the whole don't mess with nature thing.
Shit, it's a good thing I slept through high school and never had a sex drive or cared.
As for the sperm question, I don't care. I say let the children live with the consequences of their idiotic actions. If it's one thing lacking from our adolescents, it's that we don't slap their wrists when they're being morons. If two extremely sexually repressed teens want to go at it without condoms, I say let them birth a child thinking it's like a Cabbage Patch Creep and have their life put on indefinite hold raising a child that'll be 16 going through the same situation their mother went through and be in the child care offices with their 29 year old mom filling out forms rather than just using a vibrator or jimmying up the douche they've decided to sleep with because YOLO.
Kids need to start being smart and stop idolizing these fucking asshole rappers and celebs who thing they're demigods. Thoughts can be acidic, and knowledge is power. If children knew how to show restraint and stop thinking sex is the end all be all to adult life and treated it like it held some fidelity rather than it was liking screwing with Pokémon (gotta' catch 'em all!) it'd be a lot easier down the road and we wouldn't need our pharmaceutical companies wasting money and resources because a couple thousands dumb-ass teens wanted to fuck without any breaks.
But, again, whatever. It's things like this that makes me a proud shut-in.
Shit, it's a good thing I slept through high school and never had a sex drive or cared.
As for the sperm question, I don't care. I say le… moret the children live with the consequences of their idiotic actions. If it's one thing lacking from our adolescents, it's that we don't slap their wrists when they're being morons. If two extremely sexually repressed teens want to go at it without condoms, I say let them birth a child thinking it's like a Cabbage Patch Creep and have their life put on indefinite hold raising a child that'll be 16 going through the same situation their mother went through and be in the child care offices with their 29 year old mom filling out forms rather than just using a vibrator or jimmying up the douche they've decided to sleep with because YOLO.
Kids need to start being smart and stop idolizing these fucking asshole rappers and celebs who thing they're demigods. Thoughts can be acidic, and knowledge is power. If chi… [view original content]
If a girl is pregnant, its a bit late for condoms, no? I meant if a girl find herself with an unwanted pregnancy, there are steps to terminate it. Forced sterilisation isn't needed as there is a way to get rid of a pregnancy if one wishes.
Yes of course protection/responsibility would be much better, but I meant if the girl was already pregnant. It'd be stupid to not use protection and just keep getting pregnant and having abortions.
"Children" don't have a shit ton of hormones running through them making them want to have sex. There is a reason it is teenagers and not 8 year olds having sex, and it isnt the god damn media. It is in human nature to want it, and they are going to do it anyway. Abstinence training doesn't, has never, and will never work.
I think they should just get abortions
How about responsibility? How about protection? How about taking simple steps not to get them… more pregnant in the first place, IMO Abortion is like a get out of jail free card. Some people take it way too far, i know of a girl that had six abortions and she is twenty five.
I think the best solution is teach kids about condoms/safe sex,
Disagree, we shouldn't encourage bad behavior. Children shouldn't be having sex period.
A huge benefit to this practice people seem to miss here: Girls of all ages won't get unwanted pregnancies if they're raped. Especially if they decide to keep the thing active after the age in which they can stop defertilizing their own eggs, which is a good method.
While a lot seem to think this is morally wrong because it is "taking away your freedom", I'd like to remind all of you that in order to have a society that strives for the benefit of the many, you sometimes have to shit on someone's rights in order to benefit the majority and prevent greater harm. There's nothing bad about it, it's just how a democratic society works. Examples:
Imprisonment: Taking away someone and locking him up for years against his will, just so he won't hurt the public. This is necessary, yet it is still robbing someone of their rights, why? Because it's beneficial to a greater number of people.
The education system by itself is based upon forcing little children to emotionally invest themselves into a system that many don't want to take part of, and I don't know how it works in America or wherever you might live, but here there are legal consequences if you "desert" from your school. Yet it is still beneficial to the many. It is going to aid them in the future to get higher education, to find a job, and contribute to their society.
If someone is against this and is in for "true freedom", you need to understand this:
True freedom is anarchy. That is what true, complete freedom is. The ability to be entirely responsible for your own life is the meaning of pure freedom, yet there's a cost to it.
The principle of a society is that we put order into the chaos, into the anarchy. We put the needs of the many before the needs of the individual, and by doing that we minimalize tragedies and strive for equality between everyone.
Freedom is at its' best when it's confined within the voice of reason, you can't expect everyone to be absolutely free, yet ignore the fact that if you don't prevent teenage pregnancies, babies will be aborted, our economy will be badly damaged as well as the lives of all those involved in teen pregnancies! Fish need to live inside water, they can be free in the ocean, but once they come out of the water, they die. You can still be free within certain borders. Granted, it's not pure freedom, but pure freedom is anarchy.
I don't think that's a good age for that, some of my friends have a license by now and are still not mature enough to take responsibility for things like this.
I think they at least need to graduate, and show that they can be financially capable to raise a child.
That's not what I meant I mean they should need to take a test to prove they're ready to reproduce. The drivers license was an example and a joke (if u kno what I mean) and not an age group.
I don't think that's a good age for that, some of my friends have a license by now and are still not mature enough to take responsibility fo… morer things like this.
I think they at least need to graduate, and show that they can be financially capable to raise a child.
That's not what I meant I mean they should need to take a test to prove they're ready to reproduce. The drivers license was an example and a joke (if u kno what I mean) and not an age group.
By the way, once people get accustomed to mass sterilization for kids, you don't think it will stop there, do you?
Want Welfare or any other government assistance? Your baby-making parts need to be turned off! No more multi-generation welfare families! The savings will more than pay for the sterilization. Of course, people will also say you're racist because so many of those in poverty are minorities, so it will look like you're targeting them. Concentrate on the $$$$. To start having babies again, you'll need to prove yourself with a self-supporting steady job for at least a year.
A lot of people who oppose immigration are worried that the immigrants will have babies while they're in the country, making the babies automatic citizens of that country. (At least that's the way it works with most countries.) While you can't grab everyone who sneaks across the border, you can take care of the ones you do get to make sure that doesn't happen.
Why not sterilize all felons permanently? No one believes they're ever rehabilitated anyway. They don't need to be spreading their skewed values to another generation. The only exceptions are if new evidence is discovered that throws out the original verdict, or on an executive pardon. That also makes serial (male) rapists unable to impregnate women if they repeat their crimes, though it also makes them harder to catch, as semen without sperm has no DNA.
No, I don't truly believe myself any of these should be done. There are just always unintended consequences of social moves like this.
By the way, once people get accustomed to mass sterilization for kids, you don't think it will stop there, do you?
* Want Welfare or an… morey other government assistance? Your baby-making parts need to be turned off! No more multi-generation welfare families! The savings will more than pay for the sterilization. Of course, people will also say you're racist because so many of those in poverty are minorities, so it will look like you're targeting them. Concentrate on the $$$$. To start having babies again, you'll need to prove yourself with a self-supporting steady job for at least a year.
* A lot of people who oppose immigration are worried that the immigrants will have babies while they're in the country, making the babies automatic citizens of that country. (At least that's the way it works with most countries.) While you can't grab everyone who sneaks across the border, you can take care of the ones you do get to make sure that do… [view original content]
Then they should deal with the consequences of their actions without the privy of a Get out of Jail Card. Get knocked up and its a 19 year prison sentence.
Speaking as a 17's pretty unavoidable to expect all teenagers to keep it in their pants
Their life, as a 29 year old man who has his zero kids, his own money, car, house, land. whatever. Its fucking great. I don't listen to anyone, or have to deal with anyone's bullshit. If they want to ruin their lives for ten minutes of fun, fine have fun, but expect to deal with it.
I suggest anyone your age to swear off sex until at least mid twenties, that way you got your college degree, and you are financially grounded. I didn't have sex until i met my wife, when i was twenty- twenty one. I had plenty of chances in highschool, but i was sheltered then.
Children shouldn't be having sex period.
Shoulda woulda coulda, basically. People shouldn't stab others. People shouldn't cheat on t… moreheir spouses. They still do, and that isn't changing because we have been doing it (literally) for hundreds of years. In 900 BC you can bet two teens were screwing their brains out, and you can also bet two teens will be doing the same thing 100 years from now.
Speaking as a 17's pretty unavoidable to expect all teenagers to keep it in their pants. There will always be teenagers having sex, although ones on the younger side (13 and 14) should definitely be persuaded to wait.
If a girl is pregnant, its a bit late for condoms, no? I meant if a girl find herself with an unwanted pregnancy, there are steps to termina… morete it. Forced sterilisation isn't needed as there is a way to get rid of a pregnancy if one wishes.
Yes of course protection/responsibility would be much better, but I meant if the girl was already pregnant. It'd be stupid to not use protection and just keep getting pregnant and having abortions.
"Children" don't have a shit ton of hormones running through them making them want to have sex. There is a reason it is teenagers and not 8 year olds having sex, and it isnt the god damn media. It is in human nature to want it, and they are going to do it anyway. Abstinence training doesn't, has never, and will never work.
No, they really don't, they can just birth it and give it away, at least they won't be murderers. Abortion is murder and whatever you say to… more yourself you're still killing a living human. I don't have to be a woman to realize that. Just because you don't want to be pregnant it doesn't mean you have the right to kill a human either.
Nope, because life begins at conception. Sperm only contains half the chromosomes a human has, and is not considered a human being. Most scientists and biologists agree that life begins and conception.
Alright, alright. Just saying that millions of combinations of theoretical children are discarded all the time by menstration and masterbation. Contraception and Abortion both remove the possibility of children: just at different times.
Nope, because life begins at conception. Sperm only contains half the chromosomes a human has, and is not considered a human being. Most scientists and biologists agree that life begins and conception.
Yes, but before conception, it does not count as murder is what I wanted to point out. It's just like burning smashing an inanimate object to an extent; it's impossible for it to become a child without fertilization with an egg. While on the other hand, a fertilized egg is already a human being, they're factually alive
I mean, 99% of the sperm ejaculated will die no matter what, because only one sperm cell fertilizes the egg.
Alright, alright. Just saying that millions of combinations of theoretical children are discarded all the time by menstration and masterbation. Contraception and Abortion both remove the possibility of children: just at different times.
If someone wants to wait until marriage, I can respect that.
When a person chooses to have sex is a purely personal deal, and is something that no-one else has the right to criticize them.
And if someone, who claims to be a friend ridicules a person for such, it begs to wonder if that person is truly a friend.
And quite honestly, I don't think there is a time-limit on when exactly a person should have sex.
But I would say that it is probably better to wait until one is out of their teenage years.
I know that's a very unpopular thing to say, but as you said, by then in theory they should have more of their life squared away.
As I stated before, though sex is a wonderful experience, it is nevertheless NOT a game, as it can carry some life changing consequences.
And if one is not willing or prepared to accept said consequences, that clearly shows they are NOT ready to engage in sexual activity.
Sex is not something that a person should do just to be popular.
Rather, sex should be something that two consenting people should engage in, because they care about each other.
And if a child should result from such a union, that child has every right to life.
The problem isn't the children that result from such unions!
The problem is the deadbeat dads who wanna have fun, but then are not willing to stick around and clean up the mess.
That's right, their kid's a mess and it's their fault.
Of course the problem can also be the mom as well.
She wants to have a fun, but when serious consequences result, instead of facing up to them, she opts out by having an abortion, thus murdering the child, who's only crime was being conceived; something it had no control over.
They still do, and that
Then they should deal with the consequences of their actions without the privy of a Get out of Jail Card. G… moreet knocked up and its a 19 year prison sentence.
Speaking as a 17's pretty unavoidable to expect all teenagers to keep it in their pants
Their life, as a 29 year old man who has his zero kids, his own money, car, house, land. whatever. Its fucking great. I don't listen to anyone, or have to deal with anyone's bullshit. If they want to ruin their lives for ten minutes of fun, fine have fun, but expect to deal with it.
I suggest anyone your age to swear off sex until at least mid twenties, that way you got your college degree, and you are financially grounded. I didn't have sex until i met my wife, when i was twenty- twenty one. I had plenty of chances in highschool, but i was sheltered then.
GoldenPaladin got it. Basically, once society gets used to one concept, no matter how noble, people will push it to fit their own agendas in ways not originally envisioned. Or it's just me overthinking the problem, and it's not like anyone in power is reading the Telltale Games forums looking for future strategic direction.
but can we still ejaculate??? i dont want to give up my right to bust on a girls face.... lol jk but i thinking that is a good idea too much kids having kids
Yeah! why should those snot nosed brats have all the fun? If adults had this, life would certainly be a lot less stressful.
There are certain birth controls that can almost completely halt getting periods, but a free implant and not having to worry about pills would certainly be easier.
Hitting it raw
No, but what I do know is that certain types of drugs can carry horrific side effects, especially to an unborn child, and can put an unborn child more at risk for being born with such a condition.
One of the funniest movies ever.
Right up there with Airplane and Naked Gun.
"I know what dude I am!" - RDJ.
"Really, or are you just a dude who claims to know what dude he is, by playing other dudes?" - Ben Stiller.
I think it's a good idea, but it should be optional, not mandatory. Humans value their freedom too much to be controlled in such a way. Of course people should be able to have it done if they really want but it shouldn't be forced upon anyone. We should be helping teenagers to make the right choices for themselves, not just forcing them to not be able to breed, because I don't know anyone who wouldn't want to make that decision for themselves.
When should the contraceptive be taken out?
Whenever they want, as long as they prove to be financially/emotionally stable enough to take care of themselves and a baby at the same time.
Is controlling the right to reproduce a benefit to modern society?
Sure it is. By preventing teen pregnancies you're not only encouraging post-secondary education, but also contributing to the economy because the chances of them finding well-paying jobs are significantly higher. However, there's a reason we live in a democratic society and not an autocratic one. We can give the treatment to those who want it or for parents who want it for their children, but in the end people should be allowed to make their own decisions. No matter the good it might do, people should still have their basic personal rights, otherwise our society won't be a free one anymore.
Do the pros outweigh the cons?
I think it does. The only problem I really seem to have with it is that I don't think it should be mandatory.
Good answer.
Maybe it should be optional? ;-; I wouldnt want my sperm to die as a teen so I dont know.
Honestly all this stuff is freaking me out :I
How about responsibility? How about protection? How about taking simple steps not to get them pregnant in the first place, IMO Abortion is like a get out of jail free card. Some people take it way too far, i know of a girl that had six abortions and she is twenty five.
Disagree, we shouldn't encourage bad behavior. Children shouldn't be having sex period.
This whole idea is pretty disgusting
Hormonal contraception has its own problems in some people, so let's say all babies undergo forced reversible sterilization at birth. Girls get a tubal ligation, boys get a vasectomy, but they have a reversal mechanism that can be activated via a radio device waved over the body. Powered by a battery that lasts their entire life, or gets its power from bodily functions somehow. (That's technically questionable, but if we were motivated, I'm sure we could do it.)
Now, what would that do? Well, teens currently should learn where babies come from before engaging in activities themselves. However, with this sterilization, they wouldn't see any benefits to abstaining. Sure, there's STDs, but most teens don't think those are a real threat. So while they might have hesitated having sex, there's no reason to now. Heck, why save it for someone you love? Is there a reason? It feels great!
Now, the kids turn 18 or 21 or whatever age. After having so much sex without worrying about pregnancy, do you really think they'd want to give that up? Of course not! They're now old enough to have some influence on politicians, so they'd lobby to keep sterile until such time as they really want children.
Still having sex without consequences. It feels good, and there's no downside. Have more of it. Infidelity increases. If your flight is delayed two hours, why not spend it having sex with a stranger at the airport? Is there a reason not to? You've had sex with so many people growing up, what's special about it?.
Some people will never be born. While "accidents" sometimes get aborted, they usually don't. They say that if you wait until you're ready to have a kid, you'll never have one. That will have a significant effect on population.
There are some big upsides to not worrying about pregnancy, but the side effects would result in a society very different from the one we're used to. I think we're better off the way we are.
Shoulda woulda coulda, basically. People shouldn't stab others. People shouldn't cheat on their spouses. They still do, and that isn't changing because we have been doing it (literally) for hundreds of years. In 900 BC you can bet two teens were screwing their brains out, and you can also bet two teens will be doing the same thing 100 years from now.
Speaking as a 17's pretty unavoidable to expect all teenagers to keep it in their pants. There will always be teenagers having sex, although ones on the younger side (13 and 14) should definitely be persuaded to wait.
My favorite movie, Jurassic Park, has John Hammond, the millionaire who owned the company that built the park say this quote, which I find very true:
I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.
Since people can't drink alcohol until they are 21 in America, I say 21 is a good choice.
No, because people won't learn from their mistakes. As I used the quote above, people need to learn and pay from their mistakes. Allowing them to have underage sex willy nilly not only teaches irresponsibility but takes away any learning from mistakes aspect of it. Consequences are always important, and removing them does not teach discipline. Think about a kid who lies once, no consequences. He'll do it again, no consequences, and again, never learning anything or modifying his behavior. This is what society needs, which is one of the reasons I don't like abortion, because it basically lets them get off the hook.
No, because more STDs and less repercussions of sex far outweigh any benefits. Again, people need to have repercussions to learn.
I hope this answer addresses your points.
Interesting you mentioned Jurassic Park, I thought if any quote you'd choose Jeff Goldblum's "life finds a way" and the whole don't mess with nature thing.
Life does find a way.
I'm sure it would find a way around this.
I can use soooo many quotes from those movies. Goldblum is a treasure trove of them.
Shit, it's a good thing I slept through high school and never had a sex drive or cared.
As for the sperm question, I don't care. I say let the children live with the consequences of their idiotic actions. If it's one thing lacking from our adolescents, it's that we don't slap their wrists when they're being morons. If two extremely sexually repressed teens want to go at it without condoms, I say let them birth a child thinking it's like a Cabbage Patch Creep and have their life put on indefinite hold raising a child that'll be 16 going through the same situation their mother went through and be in the child care offices with their 29 year old mom filling out forms rather than just using a vibrator or jimmying up the douche they've decided to sleep with because YOLO.
Kids need to start being smart and stop idolizing these fucking asshole rappers and celebs who thing they're demigods. Thoughts can be acidic, and knowledge is power. If children knew how to show restraint and stop thinking sex is the end all be all to adult life and treated it like it held some fidelity rather than it was liking screwing with Pokémon (gotta' catch 'em all!) it'd be a lot easier down the road and we wouldn't need our pharmaceutical companies wasting money and resources because a couple thousands dumb-ass teens wanted to fuck without any breaks.
But, again, whatever. It's things like this that makes me a proud shut-in.
If a girl is pregnant, its a bit late for condoms, no? I meant if a girl find herself with an unwanted pregnancy, there are steps to terminate it. Forced sterilisation isn't needed as there is a way to get rid of a pregnancy if one wishes.
Yes of course protection/responsibility would be much better, but I meant if the girl was already pregnant. It'd be stupid to not use protection and just keep getting pregnant and having abortions.
"Children" don't have a shit ton of hormones running through them making them want to have sex. There is a reason it is teenagers and not 8 year olds having sex, and it isnt the god damn media. It is in human nature to want it, and they are going to do it anyway. Abstinence training doesn't, has never, and will never work.
A huge benefit to this practice people seem to miss here: Girls of all ages won't get unwanted pregnancies if they're raped. Especially if they decide to keep the thing active after the age in which they can stop defertilizing their own eggs, which is a good method.
While a lot seem to think this is morally wrong because it is "taking away your freedom", I'd like to remind all of you that in order to have a society that strives for the benefit of the many, you sometimes have to shit on someone's rights in order to benefit the majority and prevent greater harm. There's nothing bad about it, it's just how a democratic society works. Examples:
Imprisonment: Taking away someone and locking him up for years against his will, just so he won't hurt the public. This is necessary, yet it is still robbing someone of their rights, why? Because it's beneficial to a greater number of people.
The education system by itself is based upon forcing little children to emotionally invest themselves into a system that many don't want to take part of, and I don't know how it works in America or wherever you might live, but here there are legal consequences if you "desert" from your school. Yet it is still beneficial to the many. It is going to aid them in the future to get higher education, to find a job, and contribute to their society.
If someone is against this and is in for "true freedom", you need to understand this:
True freedom is anarchy. That is what true, complete freedom is. The ability to be entirely responsible for your own life is the meaning of pure freedom, yet there's a cost to it.
The principle of a society is that we put order into the chaos, into the anarchy. We put the needs of the many before the needs of the individual, and by doing that we minimalize tragedies and strive for equality between everyone.
Freedom is at its' best when it's confined within the voice of reason, you can't expect everyone to be absolutely free, yet ignore the fact that if you don't prevent teenage pregnancies, babies will be aborted, our economy will be badly damaged as well as the lives of all those involved in teen pregnancies! Fish need to live inside water, they can be free in the ocean, but once they come out of the water, they die. You can still be free within certain borders. Granted, it's not pure freedom, but pure freedom is anarchy.
"Yeah well, the dude abides!"
I just couldn't resist, Lol!
Don't feel bad, for a second I almost thought this was a real scenario too, until I read it more carefully.
Live-n-learn, right?!
Maybe they should put it in and then remove it when people complete a test like earn their drivers license? Oh god that came out wrong...
I don't think that's a good age for that, some of my friends have a license by now and are still not mature enough to take responsibility for things like this.
I think they at least need to graduate, and show that they can be financially capable to raise a child.
That's not what I meant I mean they should need to take a test to prove they're ready to reproduce. The drivers license was an example and a joke (if u kno what I mean) and not an age group.
Oh, I understand. Well, if you could think of a fair test people won't be able to cheat in and will be practical, then I guess it might work.
By the way, once people get accustomed to mass sterilization for kids, you don't think it will stop there, do you?
No, I don't truly believe myself any of these should be done.
There are just always unintended consequences of social moves like this.
I....don't really understand your three bullet points.
Then they should deal with the consequences of their actions without the privy of a Get out of Jail Card. Get knocked up and its a 19 year prison sentence.
Their life, as a 29 year old man who has his zero kids, his own money, car, house, land. whatever. Its fucking great. I don't listen to anyone, or have to deal with anyone's bullshit. If they want to ruin their lives for ten minutes of fun, fine have fun, but expect to deal with it.
I suggest anyone your age to swear off sex until at least mid twenties, that way you got your college degree, and you are financially grounded. I didn't have sex until i met my wife, when i was twenty- twenty one. I had plenty of chances in highschool, but i was sheltered then.
I managed to get through 18 years of high school with a constant boner, I kept mine in check, kids can do the same thing.
If thats true then many guys commit mass genocide everyday just by jerking off.
Nope, because life begins at conception. Sperm only contains half the chromosomes a human has, and is not considered a human being. Most scientists and biologists agree that life begins and conception.
Alright, alright. Just saying that millions of combinations of theoretical children are discarded all the time by menstration and masterbation. Contraception and Abortion both remove the possibility of children: just at different times.
Yes, but before conception, it does not count as murder is what I wanted to point out. It's just like burning smashing an inanimate object to an extent; it's impossible for it to become a child without fertilization with an egg. While on the other hand, a fertilized egg is already a human being, they're factually alive
I mean, 99% of the sperm ejaculated will die no matter what, because only one sperm cell fertilizes the egg.
If someone wants to wait until marriage, I can respect that.
When a person chooses to have sex is a purely personal deal, and is something that no-one else has the right to criticize them.
And if someone, who claims to be a friend ridicules a person for such, it begs to wonder if that person is truly a friend.
And quite honestly, I don't think there is a time-limit on when exactly a person should have sex.
But I would say that it is probably better to wait until one is out of their teenage years.
I know that's a very unpopular thing to say, but as you said, by then in theory they should have more of their life squared away.
As I stated before, though sex is a wonderful experience, it is nevertheless NOT a game, as it can carry some life changing consequences.
And if one is not willing or prepared to accept said consequences, that clearly shows they are NOT ready to engage in sexual activity.
Sex is not something that a person should do just to be popular.
Rather, sex should be something that two consenting people should engage in, because they care about each other.
And if a child should result from such a union, that child has every right to life.
The problem isn't the children that result from such unions!
The problem is the deadbeat dads who wanna have fun, but then are not willing to stick around and clean up the mess.
That's right, their kid's a mess and it's their fault.
Of course the problem can also be the mom as well.
She wants to have a fun, but when serious consequences result, instead of facing up to them, she opts out by having an abortion, thus murdering the child, who's only crime was being conceived; something it had no control over.
I think I do so I'll try to explain it for him.
The government won't stop at the mass sterilization of children and will soon move on to the more undesirable people of society too. For his examples:
GoldenPaladin got it. Basically, once society gets used to one concept, no matter how noble, people will push it to fit their own agendas in ways not originally envisioned. Or it's just me overthinking the problem, and it's not like anyone in power is reading the Telltale Games forums looking for future strategic direction.
I know you're joking, but no girl ever would give you the right to do that. Unless she's into that gross shit... wHY THE FUCK ARE GIRLS INTO THAT