The Witcher 3 is hot, hot, hot!
Literally, physically, and emotionally. Discuss anything about the The Witchers' new installment here!
Informational video about TW3's in-game world. Gameplay videos and other types of media you can browse below in this threads' comments.
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I'm excited, but weary.
Understandable, as these trailers usually make games more than what they really are. I personally trust C.P.R. in keeping to (most of) what they've advertised and promised about the game. Then again, it's more likely the Witcher 2 fanboy in me saying so, lol.
I've just seen some fantastic PR lead to some terrible... everything else. At one time I would have trusted Bungie as much as you trust C.P.R., but after the shell shock subsided from Destiny I don't trust anyone anymore......
But I definitely am looking forward to seeing what Witcher 3 has in store. It looks great, just not going to start counting the chickens before they hatch.
This is without a doubt my most anticipated game since...ever, really.
Been re-reading the books in preparation. Still haven't read Lady of the Lake, and it's been about 10+ years since then, so I needed to go back from the beginning. Probably a good thing. I've already caught more than a few book references in the footage they've shown, it'll be good to have everything fresh again.
The hype is real.
This game does look pretty good, and I'm sure it'll be amazing, but I think the fans are over-hyping it a little too much to the point it'll be a disappointment no matter how great it is.
GTA 5 Heists, .... I can only play so much. I'll wait till this game is on steam sale.
Really, all it needs is to be as good as TW2 and it'll be a brilliant game. There's a reason people are hyped.
New gameplay posted by IGN today:
As for some of the comments, I can see where you guys are coming from that are still skeptical. I probably might wait a while on getting the game after its release - probably.
If they keep that story/lore as good as it was in TW2 and drastically improve the combat, then we have a real winner here folks.
Problem i had with Witcher series, is you have to read the novels to know wtf their talking about. They talk about this woman the entire game Yennifer or whatever, and she isn't even in the game. The game story really was hit/miss. I beat the Witcher 1, and 2 and still have no idea who half those people were, or why they did what they did.
Its like following FInal Fantasy 13's storyline. LOL WHat?
If you didn't watch the video I posted yesterday, the combat's looking a hell of a lot smoother than The Witcher 2.
No I don't think I want to, just because I want it all to be a surprise to me when I play it. I tend to avoid most video game trailers anyway. I'm sure the game will be good. Thx anyway @DragonButter.
So a question.
Triss or Yennifer?
Triss without a doubt.
Triss, sounds like Yennifer gone nuts.
I have only seen one trailer and a few screenshot. Otherwise I don't know much of the plot. But it seems like you have convinced me to stick with the lovely red haired Triss.
Yenn. Narrative wise, Yenn has always been Geralt's one true love.
Truss was just her best friend taking advantage of Geralt's amnesia to get into his pants. Naaaw.
I'm talking about the lore from TW2. From Letho's stories, it sounds like Yennifer has went a little crazy.
Ahh, I see., not really. Geralt hardly remembered who Yennefer was too. He kind of had amnesia.
It fully explains who she is in the flashback sequences in TW2, as Geralt gets his memories back.
Well, she had amnesia just like Geralt did. She probably took it worse. I'm assuming her amnesia is gone now too, though, so she's probably back to old Yennefer.
Who's already a bit crazy and a bit of a bitch at times, but it adds to her charm. :P
All hail Tywin Lannis - er, Emperor Emhyr, the white flame dancing on the barrows of his enemies.
Don't really remember much of the story, it was that forgettable. Geralt was though cool, he goes around and has sex with every female he can.
Screw what I said earlier, I NEED this game to survive!
Another new gameplay video for TW3! Nothing really spoilerish for those that are wondering. Most definitely a little side quest by the looks of it.
Well I enjoyed the 2nd one so I'm sure I'll like this as well. Won't preorder it tho ,it wasn't that great.
I'm pretty excited for it. I pre ordered for the bonuses lol. I hope I like the game. I only ever played The Witcher 2 and I absolutely loved it.
I'm with Triss man. I loved her in the Witcher 2. Plus she loves Geralt and belongs with him
Pfft, Yennefer got there first. Geralt literally sold his soul to the Wild Hunt to save her. :S
I dunno...Triss/Geralt just seems weird to me after that...she was pretty much taking advantage of Geralt's amnesia and trying to make Geralt think the vague memories he had of a sorceress and him together were of her rather than Yennefer, in the first game...Yenn is probably going to kick her arse when they meet again for that bit of dishonesty. Yennefer angry is a horrifying thing.
If I read the book I would probably feel different but based off the witcher 2 I love Triss. She's cute
. Though if what you say is true than it sounds like she is obsessively in love with Geralt lol. I guess we get to choose who he ends up with in TW3 hopefully :P
She was pretty obviously hot for his balls all throughout the, kind of rubbed me the wrong way how quickly she throws herself at him when he shows up again with amnesia and Yenn presumably dead.
Indeed. Charles Dance's voice is more than enough to get me more hyped than I already was. :S
Such a perfect casting call. This is the man who orchestrated the entire events of The Witcher 2. I can't think of anyone better to fill that role.
So anybody know how much space this game is gonna take up on an Xbox one? I'm running out of space on my hard drive lol.(Yes I'm gonna play the witcher on a console, please don't hate on me
Sure bro...
It was the greatest story known to man. Whatever makes you happy.
Do you mean he also did the narration for the cutscenes of TW2? If so: that's pretty awesome!
Don't worry, you wouldn't be the only one on here who's going to play The Witcher on Xbox. XP
Apparently the install size for Xbox 1 will be 30.4 gigs.
Nah, I mean everything that happened in TW2 was his doing. :S
Ahh ok thanks lol. Looks like I will have just the right amount of space. Doesn't leave much room for Arkham knight though xD.
You're going to have to quote the part where I said that, because I can't seem to find it.