Monsters and Mysteries
There is this show Called Monsters and Mysteries of America. I just started watching it, and i find it quite funny. I do wonder from time to time, if it could possibly be any truth to any of these crazy stories. As a hunter, i've heard stories of weird creatures in the woods, that move really fast but I've never seen it.
Do you believe in any supernatural monsters?
What do you guys think about the Florida Zombie attacks a few years ago. Remember the guy who ate that homeless guy for no reason in flordia, and they said he was high on bath salts, it turned out he was drug free.
What are the local monster stories in your back yard?
Personally i believe they could exist, i don't know if they do but they could exist. I don't like going into the woods at night anymore.
I believe in urban legends as much as I believed that guy who talked to Robin Williams in the afterlife through a sketchy device that illegally picks up radio waves.
I don't believe in monsters, but their mythos can be interesting. Rumors of Bigfoot sightings have gotten extremely stale and boring though. I used to read the magazine Weird NJ when I was in middle school; lots of crazy stories about urban legends and whatnot.
The Florida bath salts guy was drug free?? Well, that's... something.
There was actually a couple people that acted that way, and yeah the only thing in his system was THC, which is the active ingredient of cannabis, which wouldn't cause spontaneous cannibalism.
I've seen some things, that you wouldn't believe. The only way you will ever believe in something like this is if you have a crazy experience yourself.
Sure, but I've never had one. If you could set me up with some paranormal activity, I'd be glad.
Go spend some time at a graveyard at night. You will see something.
leprechauns r real, no lie
But that makes perfect sense - We all know weed gives you... [puts on sunglasses] ... the munchies.
It's okay, I'll see myself out.
People don't think I'm an actual rabbit...
Everything is going according to plan...
I'm from the pine barrens in New Jersey.
We are known for our Jersey Devil legend, which is actually fairly close to where I live. It's been a family tradition to tell stories about it, but I don't exactly believe in it. I don't really believe in werewolves or vampires, but I can put belief in voodoo zombies, magic (black magic) and ghosts, if that tells you anything about the type of person I am.
Then again, I could believe in "supernatural monsters", by which I mean species that we have yet to discover.
Maybe for Teddy Grams, Not human Flesh.
You should go to that Bridge Water sometime in Massachusetts, they say something lives in those woods.
They actually did a story about a evil gnome. It starts at 21:18 Timestamp, I love his face, and his creepy laugh.
I'm like you, i keep a open mind. It really irks me when people say things don't exist, they could. They don't know,