The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm gonna post a rant here because there is nowhere else to post it on this site, and don't get me wrong, OoT is good, but not nearly as good as people say it is.

    The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the Greatest Zelda game of all time, and Puts all the others to shame. It is perfect in almost every aspect, and Ocarina of Time shouldn't get HALF the Praise that Twilight Princess Deserve.

    OoT is extremely Overrated, Hosted some of gamings most hated mechanics, Aged horribly, Has a horrible plot, and The Colors in the game look like Vomit.
    However, TP is extremely Underrated, Hosted some amazing Mechanics, has Barely aged, Has an amazing and uniqe story, and Is beautiful.

    Twilight Princess deserves so much More Love than OoT, and most people who don't agree have probably never even Played it. and This Golden Goose was so great, it Got a version of the Game on two consoles, and The second console version was not a remake, you wanna know why? Because TP's Graphics were PERFECT.

    The Dungeons are Awesome, The Scenery is Beautiful, It's an ORIGINAL Idea for a Zelda game, Epona's coding was aced, Zelda wasn't a freakin' Damsel in distress, Link ACTUALLY had a Love intrest that wasn't zelda, The wolf Mechanic was cool, the Pacing in the story was great, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing to Hate about this game.

    and Yes, I just publicly attacked Ocarina Of Time, and If you're gonna hate, Go ahead. But I am tired of it being called the best game ever. and I know TP doesn't deserve that title either, But neither does Ocarina.

  • 4

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    . Really upsetting to me, Not as bad as it might sound, Many people thought the Fifth was the best but now that the Seventh is out, it's just awesome There are still a LOT of sick cars... Wait, what was the last one you watched?

  • The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the Greatest Zelda game of all time

    Your rant had potential, but you lost me there. I hated TP so much. To each their own though amiright ^-^

    I'm gonna post a rant here because there is nowhere else to post it on this site, and don't get me wrong, OoT is good, but not nearly as goo

  • Very right Green, everyone gets their own opinion. and I won't be a dick about it, Unless others are a dick about it, then dick mode gets activated.

    Green613 posted: »

    The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the Greatest Zelda game of all time Your rant had potential, but you lost me there. I hated TP so much. To each their own though amiright ^-^

  • then dick mode gets activated.

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Very right Green, everyone gets their own opinion. and I won't be a dick about it, Unless others are a dick about it, then dick mode gets activated.

  • You dead.

    And soon.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: What have you always wanted? Did you ever get it?


    Green613 posted: »

    then dick mode gets activated. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited April 2015

    Well the thing is that Ocarina of Time was revolutionary, it changed EVERYTHING about game design and at the time there was nothing like it, it may not have aged well but due to it's importance in the context of the industry it is understandable that it's held in such a high regard, it may not be the best thing now but when it came out it definitely was the best, compare that to Twilight Princess that does absolutely nothing new and is basically the most itterative and uninspired Zelda game ever, sure it's polished to a mirror shine but if you had been following the Zelda series before playing it, well it felt stale and boring because every Zelda game tries something new, sure it's sometimes just gimmicky but Twilight does absolutely nothing that wasn't done before and while it's not bad it's pretty much the most generic a Zelda game can get after Ocarina of Time, except that Ocarina of Time wasn't generic when it was released unlike Twilight.

    You haven't played many Zelda games and are unfamiliar with the development history right?

    Anyway the reason Twilight was released in both Wii and Gamecube was because it was being made for Gamecube but it was pretty late in it's development cycle, since the Wii was coming out and it had similar specs it seemed like a good idea to release it on both consoles, there are difference in the Gamecube Link's Left handed (Like he's always been) and in the Wii he's right handed (To fit with the majority of the playerbase due to the wiimote implementation, which was pretty badly implemented with the swordplay I might add, though excellently implement with the aiming of the secondary weapons) also to adapt to this change the Wii version has the map mirrored from the Gamecube version.

    Alt text

    Gamecube:Alt text

    I'm gonna post a rant here because there is nowhere else to post it on this site, and don't get me wrong, OoT is good, but not nearly as goo

  • My personal favorite is Wind Waker, that was pretty much my childhood.

    I'm gonna post a rant here because there is nowhere else to post it on this site, and don't get me wrong, OoT is good, but not nearly as goo

  • If you want it even sooner, I can do it whenever you'd like. You can even record it if you really want to;

    You dead. And soon.

  • That's your Opinion, and I'm happy you weren't a dick about it, I'm so glad that this isn't youtube. :)

    kaleion posted: »

    Well the thing is that Ocarina of Time was revolutionary, it changed EVERYTHING about game design and at the time there was nothing like it,

  • You haven't played many Zelda games and are unfamiliar with the development history right?

    Actually, I've played all the Zelda games except for Oracle of Seasons.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well the thing is that Ocarina of Time was revolutionary, it changed EVERYTHING about game design and at the time there was nothing like it,

  • edited April 2015

    Funny you said that because all of your post was opinion based, in any case sure my dislike of Twilight Princess was opinion, however I find it strange that you mention that it hasn't aged because it kinda has, some parts still look stunning like the Twilight World in general, whatever filter they used there was fucking perfect and hid well the bad texture work and well the fact that it looked kind of old, which it pretty much did from the moment it was released since the Xbox 360 had already been released and PC already had games that were form a technical aspect much more impressive, it's a shame though that the whole game doesn't look like that, if I had to say what is the Zelda game that has aged better it would probably be WindWaker, due to it's style it still looks great and the combat is actually better than Twilight Princess (Not in move-set Twilight has a better moveset but Wind-Waker has it's enemies designed around all the moves you have unlike Twilight Princess, which makes it feel muc more satisfying, basically if Twilight Princess had it's enemies designed around your move-set like Wind-Waker does it would be superior in this aspect because of the stupid decition to make acquiring the extra move a side-quest rather than part of the main quest lead to all enemies being designed around your starting move-set rather than your full move-set which lead to lack lustre enemy design and way too easy combat and since WindWaker was easy too it's inferiority becomes more apparent), though of course Windwaker's pacing is legendarily bad.

    Well sorry about that rant, as you can probably tell I'm a pretty big fan of the series so my knowledge of the games I have played is quite extensive.

    Favourite is Majora's Mask BTW, sure it's graphics are not good and it has the same gameplay as Ocarina but it does the dark gloomy atmosphere better than Twilight, does the transforming into something else and having different abilities better too and the 3 day mechanic is just unique and super interesting and well, nothing like Majora's Mask has ever been done after it, it's pretty much still unique.

    That's your Opinion, and I'm happy you weren't a dick about it, I'm so glad that this isn't youtube.

  • Time for some counter arguments, not to be mean though.

    at the time there was nothing like it

    Actually, I recall Super Mario 64, Spyro, and Resident Evil all came out Before, or the same time as OoT, and They were all Open world (Kinda) Games with amazing stories and great atmosphere. and OoT's developers did say they took a lot of inspiration from other games that were out at the time.

    but when it came out it definitely was the best

    I never said it wasn't the best at that time, but it isn't the best now.

    Twilight Princess that does absolutely nothing new and is basically the most itterative and uninspired Zelda game ever

    Uhhh... First off, It gave link his first Love intrest (Llia). Second, It introduced a lot of new Mechanics, and The story was fantastic (IMO). Third, Zelda wasn't helpless this time... She was actually quite the badass. Forth, It might've been Itterative, But aren't most zelda games? There are few original titles, and with the things TP did, it was quite original. Fifth, It took a lot of Inspiration off of the Clearly better N64 Zelda game, Majora's Mask. and Sixth, OoT's textures were... Bland, Flat, and Often Gross, but Twilight Princesses Graphics were amazing.

    Twilight does absolutely nothing that wasn't done before

    and Neither did OoT, People praise it like it was the first 3-D game, when really, it was just enhancing what Other games Had already brought to the table. TP just inspired, not copied, it brought so many original ideas that were only in a handful of LoZ games. It inspired what it has from an amazing game, Shadow of the Colossus, and it's so plain to see that they did.

    and while it's not bad it's pretty much the most generic a Zelda game

    Well what do you expect with so Many zelda games and Zelda wanna-be's out there? almost all the Zelda games are Generic too. and I said almost, Not all.

    except that Ocarina of Time wasn't generic when it was released unlike Twilight.

    And that's because the only other two RP franchises out that were Popular at the time were Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. so There wasn't much to make it Generic yet.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well the thing is that Ocarina of Time was revolutionary, it changed EVERYTHING about game design and at the time there was nothing like it,

  • Well sorry about that rant, as you can probably tell I'm a pretty big fan of the series so my knowledge of the games I have played is quite extensive.

    I'm a huge zelda fan too. Same here, But I focus my Knowlege more on other games, so I don't always remember much about Zelda, But I hate how overrated OoT is, I love the game, it's perfect in everyway, But, It doesn't deserve ALL of the praise it gets.

    kaleion posted: »

    Funny you said that because all of your post was opinion based, in any case sure my dislike of Twilight Princess was opinion, however I find

  • Actually, I recall Super Mario 64, Spyro, and Resident Evil all came out Before, or the same time as OoT, and They were all Open world (Kinda) Games with amazing stories and great atmosphere. and OoT's developers did say they took a lot of inspiration from other games that were out at the time.

    True enough, but not entirely of those games Mario 64 was made by the exact same team so it's obvious they are iterating on that somewhat, after that Resident Evil was released before so it might have had some influence and Spyro was released only 2 months before it, however Ocarina of Time had been in develepment for much longer so it's unlikely that it drew much inspiration from that, in any case the execution of the 3D gameplay of Ocarina was unprecedented at the time.

    I never said it wasn't the best at that time, but it isn't the best now.

    I didn't say it still was, I just said that due to it's innovative nature it makes sense that it's held in such a high regard, specially in higher regard to Twilight, which sure from a technical standpoint is better than Ocarina but it's much less important in the grand scheme of things and not very influential, plus most of the people that talk about it are in the exact age range that would feel nostalgic for it much like you are in the exact same age range that would feel nostalgic for Twilight, of course I do not now when you played it (I played it last year) so of course I'm not saying you are, I'm just saying that it makes sense that it's held in such high regard, I mean when I played Ocarina back in the day it felt magic, like absolutely nothing I had played before, of course I leave my nostalgia aside and despite it being the first Zelda game I played I wouldn't put in my top 5 Zelda games list.

    Uhhh... First off, It gave link his first Love intrest (Llia).

    Did a very poor job of it though and stretched the amnesia arc too long, to the point that when I actually completed it I had long since stopped caring and actually forgot about it.

    Second, It introduced a lot of new Mechanics, and The story was fantastic (IMO).

    Like what? The combat? I mean it was good but the enemies were clearly not designed around it and became boring very quickly not to mention that precisely due to that fact it was much easier than even Wind-Waker and therefore far less satisfying, there were good additions like the double hook-claws but those were merely iterations on already existing items and the ones that were new like the spinner went really unde-utilized, as for the story if I'm honest I don't remember much of it so I'll abstain on commenting on it though the fact that this is the case even though I only played it last year seems like a point against it, then again Zelda games have never been about the story.

    Third, Zelda wasn't helpless this time... She was actually quite the badass.

    Something that Windwaker also did, I mean Tetra was pretty badass and then she fights alongside you in the final battle, anyway like I said not exactly new stuff.

    Forth, It might've been Itterative, But aren't most zelda games? There are few original titles, and with the things TP did, it was quite original.

    Yes but there's a main differences, all Zelda games are itterative but usually have a feature that makes them stand-out from the others, Majora's Mask had the 3 day thing and the masks, Windwaker had the sailing, Skyward had the motion sensor sword and increased agility, Spirit Tracks had the trains and the ghost of Zelda and so on, point is they are itterative but they usually stand out from the pack and generally feel very different, Twilight merely tries to be Ocarina of Time with the Twilight Zone from A Link to the Past, transformations like Majora's and the dark atmosphere from Majora's, which leads to it feeling way more stale than any other Zelda game, it's really the only one in the series where I feel that criticism of "they are all the same game" that people throw around is actually justified.

    Fifth, It took a lot of Inspiration off of the Clearly better N64 Zelda game, Majora's Mask.

    But everything it took it did worse, the dark menacing atmosphere isn't even close to as dreadful and gloomy as it was in Majora's and the wolf is less useful than any of the 3 transformation masks on Majora's, if you're going to copy elements at least iterate on them, add something, do them better not worse and more shallow.

    Sixth, OoT's textures were... Bland, Flat, and Often Gross, but Twilight Princesses Graphics were amazing.

    Except Ocarina of Time looked good in it's time while Twilight Princess looked worse than the previous Zelda game, like I said on some other post here the Twilight Zone looks gorgeous but the rest of the game does not and considering that it was released on the weakest console (In the technical aspect) of it's generation that was a mistake.

    and Neither did OoT, People praise it like it was the first 3-D game, when really, it was just enhancing what Other games Had already brought to the table. TP just inspired, not copied, it brought so many original ideas that were only in a handful of LoZ games. It inspired what it has from an amazing game, Shadow of the Colossus, and it's so plain to see that they did.

    Except it did, sure it wasn't the first 3D game but it was one of the few at the time that actually felt good and worked as inteded, it was the first 3D game that solved the fighting camera issue (Z targeting, which incidentally most of the people that copied it after it was released didn't manage to execute it as well) and it was the first fully 3D to have that kind of open-world environment, so it was new and revolutionary and the execution was surprisingly good for the first try, everything worked as intended even if it was a little rough around the edges, it just was extremely ambitious, and like I've explained before Twilight princess mostly just outright copies from it's "Inspiration" rather than build on it, they are pretty much opposites in that respect, Twilight is all about polishing old elements while Ocarina was about trying to make 3D game work and did stuff no one had done before.

    Well what do you expect with so Many zelda games and Zelda wanna-be's out there? almost all the Zelda games are Generic too. and I said almost, Not all.

    Except that what I expect from a Zelda game is that it will do something to stand out from the pack and I disagree almost all Zelda games have a very different feel from one another.

    And that's because the only other two RP franchises out that were Popular at the time were Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. so There wasn't much to make it Generic yet.

    Except that Zelda isn't an RP and was lumped with that because it was what was most similar to it even though they weren't all that similar, exactly my point Ocarina of Time was doing something new, Twilight Princess didn't even try to make something new, even Majora's Mask had more new stuff than Twilight and it had a development cycle of 1 year and Twilight had 3.

    Time for some counter arguments, not to be mean though. at the time there was nothing like it Actually, I recall Super Mario 6

  • Maybe not, but I think the historic context makes it understandale that it gets so much praise, I guess it's kind off a cop-out answer but you really had to be there when it happened to understand.

    Well sorry about that rant, as you can probably tell I'm a pretty big fan of the series so my knowledge of the games I have played is quite

  • They were delicious!

    Alt text

    What happened to your bun buns?

  • This entire Comment = Touche. You win this time... XD I guess my arguments were kind of invalid... I am facing a true, Zelda Master... But Be warned, If you went up against me in Silent Hill, FNaF, and Metroid triva. You would surely lose my friend. XD Thanks for taking time to comment on my stupid post. :)

    kaleion posted: »

    Actually, I recall Super Mario 64, Spyro, and Resident Evil all came out Before, or the same time as OoT, and They were all Open world (Kind

  • Not really, I have only played a bit of Skyward Sword and I haven't played, Link Between Worlds, Four Swords Adventures and Phantom Hourglass nor any of the remakes, well and the Japanese exclusives like Tetra's Trackers adn the Tingle games and the old SNES Satellaview games but almost nobody has played those as they were intended, only the people that had it back in the day.

    This entire Comment = Touche. You win this time... XD I guess my arguments were kind of invalid... I am facing a true, Zelda Master... But B

  • In order of their pictures:

    Blackie was old and suffered a stroke. He'd had one a couple months before and recovered, but the next one was fatal and left him unable to move one side of his body. I had the misfortunate of one time having to find him lying on his side on the kitchen floor, unable to get himself up. He suffered like that for weeks because my Mom wouldn't accept what was wrong, even when he'd started leaning on Buttons and got thinner and thinner and was having shots everyday for pain relief from his teeth which because of his jaws [he died once on the operating table having them thrimmed down once] and having to be fed food from a syringe. When she finally realized and accepted Blackie wasn't going to get better, we finally had to have him put to sleep to end his suffering.

    Buttons, she'd been the runt of her brothers and sisters. She'd had bowel trouble all her life, where every once and a while I had to clean the crap sticking to her rear end. One week I was away my Dad took care of her, but he's not a rabbit expert to where doesn't even pick them up, so when I came back she had a huge clump stuck to her rear the size of a fist and I had to clean it. She never recovered from that, Buttons ended up developing thrush from some bacterial problem where every single day I had to keep cleaning away the crap that was getting stuck to pockets in her skin that was sagging and getting worse. She couldn't sit properly anymore, and eventually we had to come to the it came to the decision to have her put to sleep, but she wasn't sedated like Blackie and I was forced to watch her collapse dead in front of me from a heart attack without nobody telling that'd happen, because I was naive and assumed it'd be like 'the movies' where she'd just fall asleep and wouldn't feel anything. She was only a couple years ago.

    Stewie, he hadn't had a easy start. When we first got him he almost didn't make it as a little baby from some bowel trouble, but he pulled through and grew up dumb but sweet. He had bad teeth, where they were rotting away and he barely had any left in the end. The vet was at fault though, during one operation one tooth snapped off wrong and it was slowly growing up into his nose. His eyes sometimes weeped and he was in pain from it in the end. I'm not sure if it was that which caused Stewie to stop eating completely or just that the last of his teeth fell out, but that's how it went. I tried feeding him food through a syringe a couple days but he still wouldn't eat his own food and was losing weight. He had to be put to sleep [sedated this time and I really had to insist on it because they only wanted to have him done dozy.] He wasn't much older than Buttons.

    They were good rabbits. You'd never think before not having them that they'd have their own personalities but they do. Buttons would lick your nose your ages and loved running around and up and down the stairs but Stewie, if he went up, he couldn't come back down because he was scared of the height and freaked out if you didn't hold him right, but loved attention. And Blackie lived like a little king, sitting on the sofa on crawling on people all the time and having all the bread he wanted when he couldn't eat normal rabbit food anymore. Never going to find others like them :( they're one of a kind.

    What happened to your bun buns?

  • I have only played a bit of Skyward Sword

    Here's a tip. Don't play anymore of it. XD Just a word of advice between Zelda fans. But you should totally check out Link Between Worlds, That one is fantastic.

    kaleion posted: »

    Not really, I have only played a bit of Skyward Sword and I haven't played, Link Between Worlds, Four Swords Adventures and Phantom Hourglas

  • So I've heard I have only not played it because I don't have a 3DS or a Wii for that matter, I really want to play Link Between Worlds though.

    I have only played a bit of Skyward Sword Here's a tip. Don't play anymore of it. XD Just a word of advice between Zelda fans. But you should totally check out Link Between Worlds, That one is fantastic.

  • edited April 2015

    I think i'll return bouncing to Brazil if i keep eating this much noodles.

  • edited April 2015

    T___T :hugs: Oh, hon. It sounds like they were so sweet. And if they took after their owner, they must have been amazing.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    In order of their pictures: Blackie was old and suffered a stroke. He'd had one a couple months before and recovered, but the next one wa

  • XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Best Jurassic Park game ever made @Saltlick123

  • How could Blackie have died once on the operating table? You mean they revived him?

    Poor babies, the pictures of them are adorable. Do rabbits normally suffer from so many health problems? I was aware that a lot of them have dental issues. Were these guys just an unlucky batch medical-wise, or is this the norm for rabbits?

    It sounds like you were a great owner and truly cared about your pets. Some people would just let them fall further into neglect, but you had the compassion to know that they were suffering and needed to be put down. It's a hard decision for pet owners, but sometimes it is the best one. And if you were able to have three amazing bunnies, don't lose hope that you can find another one!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    In order of their pictures: Blackie was old and suffered a stroke. He'd had one a couple months before and recovered, but the next one wa

  • Along with my notifications stuck at 91 for more than half a year now, I'm noticing that I'm not getting notified for some of the replies I get. I've only found this out by stumbling or checking on a post manually and seeing that someone replied. Stuck notifications is annoying but trivial, not being aware of replies on the other hand is frustrating.

  • rages

    Zulfraro posted: »

    Silent Hills is cancelled

  • And if they took after their owner, they must have been amazing

    [stops racing up and down stairs] o.o...

    sialark posted: »

    T___T :hugs: Oh, hon. It sounds like they were so sweet. And if they took after their owner, they must have been amazing.

  • edited April 2015

    Yeah he had to be revived after his heart stopped. And he nearly went another time too on the operating table. 1/10 rabbits are at risk when they go under and Blackie was one of them. But yeah some bunnies do have health issues, although some of the ones we had didn't have such good starts in life so they were weaker. But sometimes depending on the breed they're known for tooth problems and can down hill very quickly with their health when they're sick so you have to keep an eye on them. Blackie, Buttons and Stewie all had different types of teeth problems :(

    And yeah, I did care about them a lot ;_; I still do. Stewie died a couple months ago and his partner Snowie hasn't been herself and she's not used to being alone so I've put a small bunny stuffed toy in there and she sits and licks the thing sometimes.

    How could Blackie have died once on the operating table? You mean they revived him? Poor babies, the pictures of them are adorable. Do ra

  • Now I know who to trust and who not to trust.

    Nah bruh, moral of the story is don't cheat :p

  • Happens to everyone I think with the replies it happened to me a lot yesterday its so annoying

    Along with my notifications stuck at 91 for more than half a year now, I'm noticing that I'm not getting notified for some of the replies I

  • A History tests where most questions are multiple choice? Sounds easy, my teacher subtracts 10% of the tests if I write less than 5 full pages.

  • Quizes are mean,t to test ur knowledge so u know what to study and for the teacher to know where the students are struggling so the teacher will know what to go over again. No point cheating because ur just cheating yourself and you will fail the final exam for your own good don.t cheat and just do your best and whatever you fail at bring the quiz home and study so next time u will get it right then u will ace any exam

    edited April 2015

    Apparently I'm going to see a movie with a couple of people from school tomorrow, and I didn't know about it until my friend that has a birthday added everyone into a group and named it "Surprise party" ?????

    I barely know half the guys/girls there but it's The Avengers so... Why the hell not. Does anyone know if it's a good movie?


    Along with my notifications stuck at 91 for more than half a year now, I'm noticing that I'm not getting notified for some of the replies I

  • Yeah, I'm serious. Some of the people there are a little over the top, but that doesn't mean it's a "horrid place".

    In fact it's the opposite. I know many people from Tumblr that I still talk to to this day. It's a place where anyone can share their opinions and enjoy each others' company. It isn't just a website for feminists and discussing controversial topics. If you don't like feminist blogs, don't follow them. It really isn't that hard.

    papai46 posted: »

  • We don't get homework (in History) either, but the tests are crazy and we need to memorise too much.

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