26 Character Power Ranking


The top 26 character power ranking in Game of Thrones. Let me know if you agree or disagree?


  • Any thoughts?

  • Humm why is Podrik more powerfull than Stannis, Margaery, Jon, Jaimeand Jorah?

    Arya is more powerfull than Jon and Marg?

    Kevan is more powerfull than Cersei... (just saying)

    Tyrion has no power anymore :P (at least until he meets Danny)

    I agree with Petyr being the most powerfull.

    (I think this is about controlling/ifluence power, not physical power)

  • Yes you are correct its all about influence not physical power. The podrik one was a bit of a joke lol. Thank for the read!

    Humm why is Podrik more powerfull than Stannis, Margaery, Jon, Jaimeand Jorah? Arya is more powerfull than Jon and Marg? Kevan is more

  • It's not just who has the biggest standing army but who wields the most influence.

  • And I believe that Petyr wields the most.

  • Although one could make an argument for Varys.

  • But yes Podrik was mosty a joke.

  • If it did go by strength only Danny would be higher.

  • Plan on doing one as well after the season to see the changes.

    Gamegents posted: »

    If it did go by strength only Danny would be higher.

  • edited May 2015

    "1.9 Please don't post in old and/or inactive threads just to "bump" them back up to the top. If something new and relevant comes up or if you otherwise have a good reason to add something new to discussion, that is fine. However, it's poor forum etiquette to make a generic post in an old or inactive thread just to get people to look at it again."

    So pls stop.

    Gamegents posted: »

    Plan on doing one as well after the season to see the changes.

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