Slow-mo major decisions

I don't know about you guys, but this is one of my favorite moments in this series. When everything slows down and you have to make a decision right away. Really adds to the drama.

Now, that being said, so far, almost each protagonist has had one of these moments in each episode. (Except for Ethan who, unfortunately, will never have one of his own.) Gared with saving Bowen or leaving to warn Lord Forrester, Mira with attacking Damien or running for her life, and even Asher choosing between Malcolm and Beshka. The only one left as of now is Rodrik. If he was going to have one of his own, what do you think he would have to choose between?


  • I think it's gonna be a big decision, somewhat along the lines of Talia or Lady Forrester. Maybe something with attacking a Whitehill or helping a family member out, I dunno.

  • Something to do with a traitor, who do you believe scenario.

  • edited May 2015

    Man, I love these things too! Still, I don't know if any of them will ever compare to choosing between Carly and Doug. None of these choices are "bad" per say, but when I first saw that choice in Ep. 1 of TWD I knew I was in for one hell of a journey...

    Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Rodrik got one in the next episode, with him going to Highpoint and all. I really hope this invitation doesn't lead to something like a RW when Rodrik shows up, but assuming it does... Maybe he has to choose between rescuing Lady Forrester or Ryon? That would be one hell of a choice. :-/

  • That's what I feel Lady Forrester would want, her kids to be safe above all things.

    I figure most people would save Talia, and imo it's the right decision. Any good parent would want you to save their child over them

  • As others have already said, most likely a decision to either save Talia or Lady Forrester (I'd save Talia).

  • Save Talia or Lady Forrester maybe?

  • edited May 2015

    I figure most people would save Talia, and imo it's the right decision. Any good parent would want you to save their child over them

    As others have already said, most likely a decision to either save Talia or Lady Forrester (I'd save Talia).

  • Could be saving Royland or Duncan. but if it's lady forrester and taila, and if we choose one to save, then the left behind might get captured....

  • What I'd like to see is a [Kill X] or [Kill Y] choice as opposed to the cliche of [Save X] or [Save Y]

    [Kill Gryff] or [Kill Ludd] at the end of the Season would be great.

  • :O

    That's an awesome idea.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    What I'd like to see is a [Kill X] or [Kill Y] choice as opposed to the cliche of [Save X] or [Save Y] [Kill Gryff] or [Kill Ludd] at the end of the Season would be great.

  • I'd be tempted to [Kill Gryff] because he's just a bully, at least Ludd is entertaining. But Ludd would be more of a threat and killing the leader would throw the house into disarray.

    I'd say it's using your brain or your heart, Ludd would be smarter to kill but Gryff would be more deserving and satisfying.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    What I'd like to see is a [Kill X] or [Kill Y] choice as opposed to the cliche of [Save X] or [Save Y] [Kill Gryff] or [Kill Ludd] at the end of the Season would be great.

  • I would kill Ludd, because he's the bigger threat. Also, the death of his father might also force Gryff to shut down, which will make it easier to beat them.

    I'd be tempted to [Kill Gryff] because he's just a bully, at least Ludd is entertaining. But Ludd would be more of a threat and killing the

  • For me it would ultimately depend on what the firstborn son is like. I'd be more inclined to kill Ludd regardless, but if the firstborn is even worse I'd go for Gryff.

    I would kill Ludd, because he's the bigger threat. Also, the death of his father might also force Gryff to shut down, which will make it easier to beat them.

  • Yeah, that's true. If all the children are like Gryff (just act tough), then I would kill Ludd. It'd shut them down too most likely

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    For me it would ultimately depend on what the firstborn son is like. I'd be more inclined to kill Ludd regardless, but if the firstborn is even worse I'd go for Gryff.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2015

    And that's why I'm going to save her over Talia.


    Unless silence is a valid option, and I can let them both die.

    Elaena is the only woman I need it in this game.

    That's what I feel Lady Forrester would want, her kids to be safe above all things.

  • Unless silence is a valid option, and I can let them both die.

    Alt text

    And that's why I'm going to save her over Talia. Muahahhahahahahahahah Unless silence is a valid option, and I can let them both die. Elaena is the only woman I need it in this game.

  • This game has made me hate so many characters. Tom, Talia, Lady Forrester, Cersei Lannister, Mira, yada yada yada.

    I'd watch them burn.

    Unless silence is a valid option, and I can let them both die.

  • Given how big of a role it looks like Rodrick will play in the upcoming episodes, I imagine it will be something much bigger than any of the other slo-mo choices - most likely involving a major form of retaliation against the Whitehills.

  • You didn't hate Cersei before?

    Oh, and otherwise

    I don't get the hate against Talia, Tom, or most surprisingly Mira. Lady Forrester I can understand.

    This game has made me hate so many characters. Tom, Talia, Lady Forrester, Cersei Lannister, Mira, yada yada yada. I'd watch them burn.

  • I think these choices are more along the lines of choices that we have to make in a split second. Of course, if we were going to, we would have enough time to choose, so they slow the second down.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    What I'd like to see is a [Kill X] or [Kill Y] choice as opposed to the cliche of [Save X] or [Save Y] [Kill Gryff] or [Kill Ludd] at the end of the Season would be great.

  • edited May 2015


    He will have to choose beetween potatoes and bread and salt!

  • I do kill ludd, he anger me so much on ep 1 with his lies :c like Ryon will return and other crap like that.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    What I'd like to see is a [Kill X] or [Kill Y] choice as opposed to the cliche of [Save X] or [Save Y] [Kill Gryff] or [Kill Ludd] at the end of the Season would be great.

  • edited May 2015

    About that meeting in High Point. When Ludd threatens Ryon, and everyone was ready to attack and we had to choose to either plead, call bluff or attack, I feel like it should've all gone in slow-mo at that moment. It would've definitely been his first slow-mo moment. But, then again, it was a very stressful situation. So, I can see why it didn't go into slow-mo. And I applaud TTG for how they handle this scene.

  • Yeah very well done, including the "Attack" option. I'd say its one of Telltale's greatest scenes yet.

  • Probably something like save Ryon vs. Elaena because that seems the general thrust of his current story line.

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