No,Imdb doesnt have any information for the cast.However,the girl who plays arya stark in game of thrones is rumored to play ellie.I repeat,"RUMORED".The movie will be directed by the game writer/director,which is good,isnt it?
Well, video game movies are very risky projects to take on. It MIGHT be financially successful, but the quality of the film might be bad. I'd stay cautious if I were you.
No,Imdb doesnt have any information for the cast.However,the girl who plays arya stark in game of thrones is rumored to play ellie.I repeat,"RUMORED".The movie will be directed by the game writer/director,which is good,isnt it?
Well, video game movies are very risky projects to take on. It MIGHT be financially successful, but the quality of the film might be bad. I'd stay cautious if I were you.
With the ending I was like "The feels are coming....." It was pretty touching and I'm so glad that Statham didn't die even though I thought he did at first.
Do you think there will be an 8th? I think there's potential for one and I loved the seventh but I feel like it was a good way to end things so I really don't want another.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if there will be an 8th one. They might make another just for the sake of making more money. OR Jason Statham's character could pull off some weird shit and bust out. But the way they ended it made it seem like it really WAS the last one considering that send off for Paul Walker. I mean, how long could they keep CGI Paul Walker running right?
What Spoiler Tag
Do you think there will be an 8th? I think there's potential for one and I loved the seventh but I feel like it was a good way to end things so I really don't want another.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if there will be an 8th one. They might make another just for the sake of making more money. OR Jason Statha… morem's character could pull off some weird shit and bust out. But the way they ended it made it seem like it really WAS the last one considering that send off for Paul Walker. I mean, how long could they keep CGI Paul Walker running right?
Recently saw Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it was as good as I expected it to be!
Watching Age of Ultron was one of the most fun theater experiences I had this year (next to Kingsman). This is coming from someone who used to dislike comic book movies. After seeing Age of Ultron, my opinion on comic book movies has changed. Age of Ultron has some of the most exciting action sequences I have seen in any Marvel movie yet. All of the characters were written extremely well, and the chemistry between each character flows like butter. Each and every character had great dialogue with one another, and kept me entertained throughout. Ultron's character as the villain came as quite a big surprise to me. I expected a boring robot gone rogue that wants to kill humans because malfunction (even though that's technically what happens). Ultron actually has a personality to him, which can get humorous at times. He doesn't feel like a robot. This adds on to the charisma of this villain. As a matter of fact, Ultron's personality is very similar to that of Tony Stark's. Another great character in this movie was Vision. Even with a short screen-time, Vision managed to be my favorite character out of the whole cast in this movie. Without spoiling anything, his character is just badass. Can't wait to see him in future installments.
The negatives I have with this film is the run time. This movie was HELLA long. It felt longer than The Wolf of Wall Street. The thing that kind of counters that was the fact that I had fun. But it does drag on for a bit. Another negative I have are some glaring plot holes that are in the film. I understand that these act like set ups for the future Marvel films, but some of them felt a little unnecessary to be in this film. There was one that dealt with Thor, and during his segment I thought they were rather confusing. I'm not going to spoil what happens, but If you've seen the movie, you probably know what I'm talking about.
Overall: Avengers: Age of Ultron is definitely worth seeing with its enthralling action sequences, and great character chemistry. What else would you expect from a Marvel movie?
Grade: B+
If you've seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, tell me what you thought of it.
The only 2015 movie I've seen so far is Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I liked it a lot. Honestly, it seemed more like it set up things for future movies and television episodes than anything, but they managed to do so in a story that worked quite well.
Plus, the use of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was a lot more important to the plot than people originally thought it would be when all of the Fox vs Marvel stuff was going on over both studios using the character in their films (X-Men: Days of Future Past and Age of Ultron), despite contracts usually preventing that from happening, since Quicksilver was both in the X-Men and the Avengers in the comics.
Scarlet Witch was awesome, as expected. And, now that I’ve seen both films, I’m actually quite pleased with both interpretations of Quicksilver. Plus, they never outright said that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch never had mutant powers, so the way it is left now it could be that they were always mutants, it’s just that their abilities were enhanced from those they had at birth. Marvel will never be able to use the term mutant in their films because of the deal in place with Fox, so if they keep it ambiguous like this, I’ll be happy.
@ChucktheLizard wrote:
As a matter of fact, Ultron's personality is very similar to that of Tony Stark's.
A lot of people didn't like this, as they felt that Ultron should be cold and menacing, rather than darkly humourous, as that's the way he was portrayed in the comics. But, with the way Ultron was created in the film, it makes perfect sense that he'd have elements of Tony Stark's personality (and I really liked it that Ultron didn't like that fact when people pointed out how similar he was to Tony Stark).
@ChucktheLizard wrote:
One of the few negatives I have with this film is the run time. This movie was HELLA long. It felt longer than The Wolf of Wall Street. The thing that counters this is the fact that I had fun lol. Another are some glaring plot holes that either never get mentioned or get resolved.
I didn't mind the length, but the unresolved plot holes definitely are my biggest problem with it, since it feels like they're just setting things up for future projects. And, two of the plotholes later did get resolved elsewhere, as the whole reason the Avengers were fighting in the beginning of the film and S.H.I.E.L.D's behind the scenes involvement in the events (and those that weren't so behind the scenes) were later revealed and explained in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television show.
Even with the fact you'll likely have to watch several different Marvel films and television series to fill in all of the gaps though, I did find it enjoyable overall.
I forgot to mention Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch! I thought they were great too. I'd say something but they're spoilers so I'll leave it at that.
Really? People didn't like the personality aspect of Ultron? I mean, Ultron is Stark's creation, and he wanted to create an A.I. that would protect them. Didn't Ultron have the same idea, but it was all warped and twisted into believing that they should just eradicate the humans instead? That's what I gathered, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I understand that they're using those plot points for future movies, but some of them didn't feel necessary to be in THIS film. I thought they'd put in something else.
What did you think of the after credits scene? It got my hyped up!
The only 2015 movie I've seen so far is Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I liked it a lot. Honestly, it seemed more like it set up things for f… moreuture movies and television episodes than anything, but they managed to do so in a story that worked quite well.
Plus, the use of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was a lot more important to the plot than people originally thought it would be when all of the Fox vs Marvel stuff was going on over both studios using the character in their films (X-Men: Days of Future Past and Age of Ultron), despite contracts usually preventing that from happening, since Quicksilver was both in the X-Men and the Avengers in the comics.
Scarlet Witch was awesome, as expected. And, now that I’ve seen both films, I’m actually quite pleased with both interpretations of Quicksilver. Plus, they never outright said that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch never had mutant powers, so the way it is left now it could be that they were… [view original content]
I haven't seen any of the listed, though I really wanted to see Kingsman. Have also yet to see Ex Machina and Maggie and am looking forward to Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys. Yes, I love Arnie. Oh, and I hope Christoph Waltz doesn't screw up Spectre...
I haven't seen any of the listed, though I really wanted to see Kingsman. Have also yet to see Ex Machina and Maggie and am looking forward … moreto Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys. Yes, I love Arnie. Oh, and I hope Christoph Waltz doesn't screw up Spectre...
Hm, he doesn't fully convince me with his acting. Don't you think he's always playing the same type of character? Also he's really hamming it up sometimes (as in Big Eyes). But we'll see. I actually liked the last James Bond, it was the first one not based on a book (I think?), so this one probably/hopefully has a good script again.
Hm, he doesn't fully convince me with his acting. Don't you think he's always playing the same type of character? Also he's really hamming i… moret up sometimes (as in Big Eyes). But we'll see. I actually liked the last James Bond, it was the first one not based on a book (I think?), so this one probably/hopefully has a good script again.
I thought the interpretation of Ultron inheriting Stark's personality was fitting given what I know from the movie, but I've never read the comics so I would not know how the source material portrays Ultron.
The only notable thing that confused me off of the top of my head in the movie was the creation of the Vision. I mean, I understood that Stark and Banner were trying to create a new entity to combat Ultron but it felt like things got too convoluted once Thor showed up out of nowhere to bring him to life. I was only able to understand what was happening as I was watching the movie with two of my friends who were actually familiar with the greater backstory and explained things to me after the movie.
I didn't really mind the movie setting up plot points for future MCU movies as I'm actually looking forward to how things play out in Civil War and Infinity War. Well, actually, it did seem that Thor's dream sequence was only supposed to act as a segue to his next movie and was not relevant to characterization like the other dream sequences were, nor was it foreshadowing anything related to the next movies in the Avengers series. Besides that, though, I'm otherwise fine with it setting up for future movies.
I forgot to mention Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch! I thought they were great too. I'd say something but they're spoilers so I'll leave it at… more that.
Really? People didn't like the personality aspect of Ultron? I mean, Ultron is Stark's creation, and he wanted to create an A.I. that would protect them. Didn't Ultron have the same idea, but it was all warped and twisted into believing that they should just eradicate the humans instead? That's what I gathered, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I understand that they're using those plot points for future movies, but some of them didn't feel necessary to be in THIS film. I thought they'd put in something else.
What did you think of the after credits scene? It got my hyped up!
IMO 2015 didn't start so well but all the indie films and foreign films are coming to my country very very late so have hopes. As Blockbuster movies, i really really want to see Tomorrowland, Mad max and Star Wars. But i am hoping for some good small budget films.
His best performance was in Django Unchained, which won him an Oscar. He even played an awesome villain in Inglroious basterds. As a matter of fact, he's regarded as one of the best actors of this decade. No need to fret for his performance. Besides, he's relatively new. I never heard of him until Inglorious Basterds, and he killed it.
Hm, he doesn't fully convince me with his acting. Don't you think he's always playing the same type of character? Also he's really hamming i… moret up sometimes (as in Big Eyes). But we'll see. I actually liked the last James Bond, it was the first one not based on a book (I think?), so this one probably/hopefully has a good script again.
IMO 2015 didn't start so well but all the indie films and foreign films are coming to my country very very late so have hopes. As Blockbuste… morer movies, i really really want to see Tomorrowland, Mad max and Star Wars. But i am hoping for some good small budget films.
I usually catch them in festival. We have a festival per year and i get to see them in there. Mexican, French every kind. I dont have anticipated list of films but i want to attend the festival.
The trailer for Mad Max looks really good so i might go and watch that.
Jurassic World is another movie that looks like it might be good.
I've recently been looking at reviews for Mad Max: Fury Road, and almost all of them have been positive! And its not some generic, it's a good, ok film kind of review. People are saying that it's one of the best action movies of this year! Holy shit balls I can't wait to see this movie. :'))))
I'm fuckin excited for Inside Out. I wish they would show it in the 21+ theater though so I don't have to hear screaming kids. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for somebody to bootleg it.
You know, action movies have been extremely promising recently.
John Wick, The Raid 2, and Edge of Tomorrow are some of the greatest action movies I've seen in recent years. And now I can gladly say, Mad Max: Fury Road DEFINITELY fits that list.
It's a lovely day. You know why? Because I've had the pleasure of viewing Mad Max: Fury Road at an early screening. This movie... blew me away like the countless amount of exploding trucks in the film. Seriously, I am so fucking happy to have seen this movie. I feel complete. This is one the greatest action movies of the 2010's, next to The Raid series. My adrenaline hasn't been THIS pumped up since The Raid 2. I'm going to be honest, I was a bit skeptical of this movie because I feared that it would be a great disappointment. But the original director of the 1980's Mad Max films has come to save the day. George Miller's way of directing action is incredible because everything feels practical. From trucks exploding in the desert to fight scenes taking place on the back of a tanker, nothing feels fake. Sure, there are some CGI effects that needed to be implemented into some scene to add to the effect of that particular scene, except it wasn't noticeable. This movie is like Borderlands. It just screams EPIC, BADASS, and FUCK YEA at you in every direction.
Another positive I have for the film is the casting. Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron were great in this film. Their characters are the definition of badassery. They're stoic, they're tough, and they're charasmatic. I'm starting to like Tom Hardy a lot more now because he was great as Max. This role is what did it for me. Hell, not even his role as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises had me care for him. However, despite my love for Hardy's character as Max, I felt like he was overshadowed by Theron's character, Imperator Furiosa. The whole movie practically revolved around her. I liked her character mostly because of her story. It's a story about redemption, and I love stories like that. It shows what measures someone is willing to do in order to right the wrongs that they've made in their past life. Max is practically the middle man in this whole situation, but I think that's how it was in the previous films.
Honestly, I can't think of a lot negatives for this movie. I loved it so much. ;_; If there has to be one, I guess it would have to be Max's weird ass flashback/hallucination scenes. I could tell it signifies his past before the whole world went to shit, but they were awkwardly implemented. Besides that, this is the best movie of 2015, honest to God. I don't know if anything is going to compare to this film.
Overall: Mad Max: Fury Road is one of the best movies I have seen this year, if not my favorite movie of the year. From the amazingly beautiful action sequences to the badassery of the characters, this movie had me hooked to it nonstop. This is the perfect movie to watch with your buddies. It's also the perfect movie to get your blood pumping. I honestly prefer this over Avengers: Age of Ultron. Trust me when I say that this movie is worth the watch.
Mad Max: Fury Road movie review
You know, action movies have been extremely promising recently.
John Wick, The Raid 2, and Edge of… more Tomorrow are some of the greatest action movies I've seen in recent years. And now I can gladly say, Mad Max: Fury Road DEFINITELY fits that list.
It's a lovely day. You know why? Because I've had the pleasure of viewing Mad Max: Fury Road at an early screening. This movie... blew me away like the countless amount of exploding trucks in the film. Seriously, I am so fucking happy to have seen this movie. I feel complete. This is one the greatest action movies of the 2010's, next to The Raid series. My adrenaline hasn't been THIS pumped up since The Raid 2. I'm going to be honest, I was a bit skeptical of this movie because I feared that it would be a great disappointment. But the original director of the 1980's Mad Max films has come to save the day. George Miller's way of directing action is incredi… [view original content]
Mad Max is the best film of the year by a running mile and the best action film of the decade.
Someone finally remembered how to film and direct and action movie properly. Praise the cinema gods!
I just got back from watching the movie and i thought it was awesome, there where so many amazing action sequences and stunts and the vehicles also looked amazing especially things like the Doof Wagon and the Gigahorse.
I saw some people saying Max didn't have enough lines but i didn't see the problem with it as his character didn't need that many to make the movie good. I was rooting for Nux to survive with them and was a little bit sad when he sacrificed himself but he did it to help them survive which i felt was a very selfless act, i also thought Immortan Joe would be slightly harder to kill but i'm glad that he isn't dictating the Citadel any more and hopefully they can now share the water around.
This movie should hopefully win a lot of awards for it's stunts and special effects.
The only movie I've seen this year was The Avengers, and it was good. Jurassic World is the only other movie I want to see, but a friend might force me to watch Ant Man...
No,Imdb doesnt have any information for the cast.However,the girl who plays arya stark in game of thrones is rumored to play ellie.I repeat,"RUMORED".The movie will be directed by the game writer/director,which is good,isnt it?
Well, video game movies are very risky projects to take on. It MIGHT be financially successful, but the quality of the film might be bad. I'd stay cautious if I were you.
Trust me, You're going to have a great time watching this movie.
I think Statham vs Rock alone will be worth seeing it
Lol. Super Mario Bros was a dumb concept for a movie. Seriously, who the fuck thought up of that? The Last of Us is at least movie material.
I loved it.
It was fun that's for sure.
What did you think of the ending? I thought it was rather touching actually. :')
With the ending I was like "The feels are coming....." It was pretty touching and I'm so glad that Statham didn't die even though I thought he did at first.
lol You might want to put a spoiler tag their buddy. Me too, I was pretty happy he didn't die either.
What Spoiler Tag
Do you think there will be an 8th? I think there's potential for one and I loved the seventh but I feel like it was a good way to end things so I really don't want another.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if there will be an 8th one. They might make another just for the sake of making more money. OR Jason Statham's character could pull off some weird shit and bust out. But the way they ended it made it seem like it really WAS the last one considering that send off for Paul Walker. I mean, how long could they keep CGI Paul Walker running right?
They probably just wouldn't have him in it and just write him off by saying "he's with his family", We'll see.....
Avengers: Age of Ultron movie review
Recently saw Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it was as good as I expected it to be!
Watching Age of Ultron was one of the most fun theater experiences I had this year (next to Kingsman). This is coming from someone who used to dislike comic book movies. After seeing Age of Ultron, my opinion on comic book movies has changed. Age of Ultron has some of the most exciting action sequences I have seen in any Marvel movie yet. All of the characters were written extremely well, and the chemistry between each character flows like butter. Each and every character had great dialogue with one another, and kept me entertained throughout. Ultron's character as the villain came as quite a big surprise to me. I expected a boring robot gone rogue that wants to kill humans because malfunction (even though that's technically what happens). Ultron actually has a personality to him, which can get humorous at times. He doesn't feel like a robot. This adds on to the charisma of this villain. As a matter of fact, Ultron's personality is very similar to that of Tony Stark's. Another great character in this movie was Vision. Even with a short screen-time, Vision managed to be my favorite character out of the whole cast in this movie. Without spoiling anything, his character is just badass. Can't wait to see him in future installments.
The negatives I have with this film is the run time. This movie was HELLA long. It felt longer than The Wolf of Wall Street. The thing that kind of counters that was the fact that I had fun. But it does drag on for a bit. Another negative I have are some glaring plot holes that are in the film. I understand that these act like set ups for the future Marvel films, but some of them felt a little unnecessary to be in this film. There was one that dealt with Thor, and during his segment I thought they were rather confusing. I'm not going to spoil what happens, but If you've seen the movie, you probably know what I'm talking about.
Overall: Avengers: Age of Ultron is definitely worth seeing with its enthralling action sequences, and great character chemistry. What else would you expect from a Marvel movie?
Grade: B+
If you've seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, tell me what you thought of it.
The only 2015 movie I've seen so far is Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I liked it a lot. Honestly, it seemed more like it set up things for future movies and television episodes than anything, but they managed to do so in a story that worked quite well.
Plus, the use of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was a lot more important to the plot than people originally thought it would be when all of the Fox vs Marvel stuff was going on over both studios using the character in their films (X-Men: Days of Future Past and Age of Ultron), despite contracts usually preventing that from happening, since Quicksilver was both in the X-Men and the Avengers in the comics.
Scarlet Witch was awesome, as expected. And, now that I’ve seen both films, I’m actually quite pleased with both interpretations of Quicksilver. Plus, they never outright said that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch never had mutant powers, so the way it is left now it could be that they were always mutants, it’s just that their abilities were enhanced from those they had at birth. Marvel will never be able to use the term mutant in their films because of the deal in place with Fox, so if they keep it ambiguous like this, I’ll be happy.
A lot of people didn't like this, as they felt that Ultron should be cold and menacing, rather than darkly humourous, as that's the way he was portrayed in the comics. But, with the way Ultron was created in the film, it makes perfect sense that he'd have elements of Tony Stark's personality (and I really liked it that Ultron didn't like that fact when people pointed out how similar he was to Tony Stark).
I didn't mind the length, but the unresolved plot holes definitely are my biggest problem with it, since it feels like they're just setting things up for future projects. And, two of the plotholes later did get resolved elsewhere, as the whole reason the Avengers were fighting in the beginning of the film and S.H.I.E.L.D's behind the scenes involvement in the events (and those that weren't so behind the scenes) were later revealed and explained in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. television show.
Even with the fact you'll likely have to watch several different Marvel films and television series to fill in all of the gaps though, I did find it enjoyable overall.
I forgot to mention Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch! I thought they were great too. I'd say something but they're spoilers so I'll leave it at that.
Really? People didn't like the personality aspect of Ultron? I mean, Ultron is Stark's creation, and he wanted to create an A.I. that would protect them. Didn't Ultron have the same idea, but it was all warped and twisted into believing that they should just eradicate the humans instead? That's what I gathered, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I understand that they're using those plot points for future movies, but some of them didn't feel necessary to be in THIS film. I thought they'd put in something else.
What did you think of the after credits scene? It got my hyped up!
I haven't seen any of the listed, though I really wanted to see Kingsman. Have also yet to see Ex Machina and Maggie and am looking forward to Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys. Yes, I love Arnie. Oh, and I hope Christoph Waltz doesn't screw up Spectre...
Christoph Waltz is a great actor, so I don't think he'll screw up in Spectre.
Hm, he doesn't fully convince me with his acting. Don't you think he's always playing the same type of character? Also he's really hamming it up sometimes (as in Big Eyes). But we'll see. I actually liked the last James Bond, it was the first one not based on a book (I think?), so this one probably/hopefully has a good script again.
Inglorious Bastards Waltz is the bomb tho.
The trailer for Mad Max looks really good so i might go and watch that.
Jurassic World is another movie that looks like it might be good.
I thought the interpretation of Ultron inheriting Stark's personality was fitting given what I know from the movie, but I've never read the comics so I would not know how the source material portrays Ultron.
The only notable thing that confused me off of the top of my head in the movie was the creation of the Vision. I mean, I understood that Stark and Banner were trying to create a new entity to combat Ultron but it felt like things got too convoluted once Thor showed up out of nowhere to bring him to life. I was only able to understand what was happening as I was watching the movie with two of my friends who were actually familiar with the greater backstory and explained things to me after the movie.
I didn't really mind the movie setting up plot points for future MCU movies as I'm actually looking forward to how things play out in Civil War and Infinity War. Well, actually, it did seem that Thor's dream sequence was only supposed to act as a segue to his next movie and was not relevant to characterization like the other dream sequences were, nor was it foreshadowing anything related to the next movies in the Avengers series. Besides that, though, I'm otherwise fine with it setting up for future movies.
IMO 2015 didn't start so well but all the indie films and foreign films are coming to my country very very late so have hopes. As Blockbuster movies, i really really want to see Tomorrowland, Mad max and Star Wars. But i am hoping for some good small budget films.
His best performance was in Django Unchained, which won him an Oscar. He even played an awesome villain in Inglroious basterds. As a matter of fact, he's regarded as one of the best actors of this decade. No need to fret for his performance. Besides, he's relatively new. I never heard of him until Inglorious Basterds, and he killed it.
The start of every year for movies is lackluster, so no surprise there. What foreign films are coming out for you?
I usually catch them in festival. We have a festival per year and i get to see them in there. Mexican, French every kind. I dont have anticipated list of films but i want to attend the festival.
I'm super excited for Star wars, I really hope it won't let me/us down
I've got high hopes for it.
I'm super excited for Mad Max. I really hope its good because for some reason I fear that it's going to be a disappointment.
I've recently been looking at reviews for Mad Max: Fury Road, and almost all of them have been positive! And its not some generic, it's a good, ok film kind of review. People are saying that it's one of the best action movies of this year! Holy shit balls I can't wait to see this movie. :'))))
Mad Max: Fury Road
I am super excited for Star Wars. And Ant-Man looks exciting too.
I'm fuckin excited for Inside Out. I wish they would show it in the 21+ theater though so I don't have to hear screaming kids. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for somebody to bootleg it.
Im exited for the hunger games mockingjay pt 2
Mad Max: Fury Road movie review
You know, action movies have been extremely promising recently.
John Wick, The Raid 2, and Edge of Tomorrow are some of the greatest action movies I've seen in recent years. And now I can gladly say, Mad Max: Fury Road DEFINITELY fits that list.
It's a lovely day. You know why? Because I've had the pleasure of viewing Mad Max: Fury Road at an early screening. This movie... blew me away like the countless amount of exploding trucks in the film. Seriously, I am so fucking happy to have seen this movie. I feel complete. This is one the greatest action movies of the 2010's, next to The Raid series. My adrenaline hasn't been THIS pumped up since The Raid 2. I'm going to be honest, I was a bit skeptical of this movie because I feared that it would be a great disappointment. But the original director of the 1980's Mad Max films has come to save the day. George Miller's way of directing action is incredible because everything feels practical. From trucks exploding in the desert to fight scenes taking place on the back of a tanker, nothing feels fake. Sure, there are some CGI effects that needed to be implemented into some scene to add to the effect of that particular scene, except it wasn't noticeable. This movie is like Borderlands. It just screams EPIC, BADASS, and FUCK YEA at you in every direction.
Another positive I have for the film is the casting. Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron were great in this film. Their characters are the definition of badassery. They're stoic, they're tough, and they're charasmatic. I'm starting to like Tom Hardy a lot more now because he was great as Max. This role is what did it for me. Hell, not even his role as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises had me care for him. However, despite my love for Hardy's character as Max, I felt like he was overshadowed by Theron's character, Imperator Furiosa. The whole movie practically revolved around her. I liked her character mostly because of her story. It's a story about redemption, and I love stories like that. It shows what measures someone is willing to do in order to right the wrongs that they've made in their past life. Max is practically the middle man in this whole situation, but I think that's how it was in the previous films.
Honestly, I can't think of a lot negatives for this movie. I loved it so much. ;_; If there has to be one, I guess it would have to be Max's weird ass flashback/hallucination scenes. I could tell it signifies his past before the whole world went to shit, but they were awkwardly implemented. Besides that, this is the best movie of 2015, honest to God. I don't know if anything is going to compare to this film.
Overall: Mad Max: Fury Road is one of the best movies I have seen this year, if not my favorite movie of the year. From the amazingly beautiful action sequences to the badassery of the characters, this movie had me hooked to it nonstop. This is the perfect movie to watch with your buddies. It's also the perfect movie to get your blood pumping. I honestly prefer this over Avengers: Age of Ultron. Trust me when I say that this movie is worth the watch.
Grade: A
Good review.
I'm going to see it on Sunday, after reading all the positive reviews and comments i am really looking forward to seeing it
Mad Max is the best film of the year by a running mile and the best action film of the decade.
Someone finally remembered how to film and direct and action movie properly. Praise the cinema gods!
You WON'T be disappointed.
Tell me what you thought about it on Sunday ok?
Make sure to put spoiler tags just in case.
Praise George Miller! :')
I just got back from watching the movie and i thought it was awesome, there where so many amazing action sequences and stunts and the vehicles also looked amazing especially things like the Doof Wagon and the Gigahorse.
I saw some people saying Max didn't have enough lines but i didn't see the problem with it as his character didn't need that many to make the movie good. I was rooting for Nux to survive with them and was a little bit sad when he sacrificed himself but he did it to help them survive which i felt was a very selfless act, i also thought Immortan Joe would be slightly harder to kill but i'm glad that he isn't dictating the Citadel any more and hopefully they can now share the water around.
This movie should hopefully win a lot of awards for it's stunts and special effects.
I rate it 10/10
The only movie I've seen this year was The Avengers, and it was good. Jurassic World is the only other movie I want to see, but a friend might force me to watch Ant Man...