100 Years
Now, for a while I've been thinking of the future and the past. I've wondered what the world will be like in 100 years...What type of scientific and societal changes and improvements we would of created.
Looking back 100 years, we've changed so much, more accepting and smarter. Of course, there are problems, I'm not going to say there isn't (I just know someone will try to point this part out and say things aren't great). I feel as if with progress we can change so much in the next 100 years, and I personally have a few things I predict might change in the next 100 years.
I think we will have many scientific advances. For example, Augmentations for the disabled and others, advances in space travel and colonization (As in maybe the moon or something), and even the change to safer nuclear energy (Uranium to Thorium). As well as changes in our society, making differences in our class, race, gender, and sexuality more accepted. We are already getting to a point where gay marriage is accepted in many places and where racism and sexism are becoming less common (Still not saying they don't exist and there aren't many acts across the world but where they are slowly decreasing). If we put the right people in power and choose the better options for the people then I feel as if the next 100 years will be very important and progressive for the entire world.
Now I'm curious, what do you all think the next 100 years will be like?
We should be safer with our new and old technology. It is definitely cause for concern and should be a reason for slowly down and thinking situations through.
I believe that the human race will destroy this planet sooner or later. Seeing how bad already is, it's only a matter of time when some serious shit will doom us all.
I wish I could live in the time line where we discover a planet with alien life or in time line where we have created a spacecraft faster than the speed of light. I'd freaking love to go to another galaxy but it would be scary if I got lost.
Edit: Smaller version
My life in a nutshell
DANK ℳℰℳℰS └( ° ͜ʖ͡°)┐
By the way here's a reminder we have a higher resolution map of Venus’ surface than we do the ocean’s floor.
The title of this thread reminded me of the song of the same name by Five for Fighting that was played over and over and over in the early-mid-2000s and now I can't get it out of my head.
I've noticed how people nowadays try to focus on renewal and the restoration of order, etc; however it might be too late for some things to repair. I'm not only talking about current state of the environment, but also about the development of technology and human capacity that allows us to do more and more, but does not set any boundaries of where this process should stop. My point is, I'm almost sure that human greed and the desire to gain all possible knowledge will be the direct factors leading us to our own destruction.
Hmm, I suppose you might be right, although we are already set at a slow fate of death of the Human race if we keep going the way we are. Say what you will but I say that if we stay on the path we're on now, it's just suicide...We should try to aquire knowledge and change more about the environment. Should there be limits set as of now? Yes, however change and scientific progress is an unstoppable force.
There is a way to attempt to restore order and nature, terraformation.
Well, the world must end at some point, right? Even though I'm not sure do I look forward to seeing this.
Everything must die, the universe and everything ever will die at one point...I don't think we will be the cause for the end of the world...If anything if we keep on this track we will be responsible for our own death.
Fun Fact: Today is the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania.
If not the rashness and stupidity of people, what else could cause the end? I have no idea. Some random meteorite sounds pretty miserable for the offical end of the world.
Natural disasters or something....I mean, the sun going into it's next life stage but that's years off.
Humans cause most disasters though.
Man, this discusion is really depressing. :>
Eh, life ends, sucks but it's inevitable.
Kenny: "Well shit, everyday's a school day."
But seriously, I did not know that was today, interesting, and the day before I have my AP European History test.
Saltlicks know a lot of things....
Yeah when I saw the title, I was also reminded of that song. And its a great song too.
Did you steal that from my fact thing Salt?
I thought that was the original purpose of this thread too.
My b-day also dawg.
Where Bruh?xD
Happy Birthday!
Bruh you replied 'Illuminati confirmed?' With the spinning triangles gif in the Whatever's on your mind thread on my post. I detailed important events that occurred today.
Oh yeahhhhh
Someone told me about it earlier today :P But yeah now hat you mention it you said it too
Birthday Hasseling...Good or Bad? Saltlicks do this sometimes...
I thought about that song too XD
I think a lot of our world will change in the next 100 years and further. It might be for the better or worse, but there will be a definite change. Some of the things I can think of at the top of my head right now:
I'd hate to be that person... But I'm sure I won't be around in a hundred years...
Probably not...Still fun to theorize though.
Also the only thing I think about when I hear 'a hundred years' is a song by Five for Fighting...
Half of the comments reference that song than talking about the topic.
How does the pursuit of knowledge lend to anthro-destruction?
By the "end of the world" are you referring to life on Earth, or human life on Earth? To think we can accomplish the first is much too gracious.
So I've noticed... But anyways,
In one hundred years, I expect green house gas emissions to be greatly reduced as the world moves form fossil fuels to renewable energy systems. New technologies will be released that will help combat the spread of diseases. The US national debt will be so high it creates its own number. Socialism will be on the rise. The united states will experience another great depression. A violent drug war will rage through the US. And lastly, a second civil war will tear the country in two, once again.
Some of these are very bold predictions but I like most of them.
Yes, I kinda put that one in there just to get a laugh.
And, yeah its kind of a matter of opinion. It might not be on the same scale as the last one, but there is bound to be unrest in such a big country. But I don't believe it will last long. And drug war, it was just a random thought.
This one made me laugh. I'm clapping for you but you can't see it.
Yeah, it's kind of a cycle.
Not so sure about these two.
In 100 years time (assuming that we do not end life in a nuclear war).........
We invented nuclear weapons, correct? Our pursuit of knowledge caused that. And with those weapons can wipe out humanity, and that leads to destruction.
And so forth, if humanity keeps pushing for more knowledge, deadlier things would come about, yes? Things that can lead to our destruction.
I think that's what he's referring to.
I love seeing those augmentation predictions.
Maybe, I wonder why there aren't uprisings half the time. I guess they do a good job at convincing North Koreans that their lives under communism is actually better than what's out there.
I wish I could live to see the day.
You got that right...Unless you're the person living to 150. :P
Speaking of nuclear weapons and nuclear items in general...We are getting to a point where we could start to use Thorium a more plentiful and safer nuclear element for most things...This could allow a great deal of positive progress in the nuclear field.
There are small unrests all the time with all the riots and junk happening. I believe there won't be a large scale civil war again but civil unrest is bound to happen.
Me? Live to 150? With my lifestyle? I hardly think so. Lol.