Thread For OLd PPL

in General Chat
If your old post in here. Old PPL ONLY. We talk about old people stuff, like how many miles we had to walk to school, and whatnot. For me it was it was six miles, three going there, three going back. We complain about things we don't like in this thread. IE. Most of the music these young kids like, IMO is just so disrespectful, not really the best light, and hollywood doesn't really care about what image its selling, it just out there to make money.
They don't care about the social economical impacts. When Johnny GangBanger shoots someone from listening to that rap song way too many times, it isn't their fault. Right. The music doesn't have any influence on Johnny's behavior...
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I wish i was 18 again. If i had what i have now at 18 i would be unstoppable.
18 years of bull shit. Man, I feel old.
I remember how old consoles didn't have Internet, didn't require you to download updates, didn't force you to watch ads, didn't install the game and didn't ask you for a stupid code to prove that you purchased the game and thereby allowing you access to the full product.
Man the gaming industry now is absolute shit.
I'm not old, only 17, but I completely agree that music nowadays completely sucks, I can't even constitute half of it as music. I've always been more of a fan of classic rock and heavy metal (as you can tell by my name). Bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Aerosmith, Rush, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Bad Company, and Billy Joel are fantastic, that's real music.
Didn't you say you were 20 something George?
Length doesn't really matter. It's the hardships on that road that one must endure that makes someone feel old mentally and emotionally.
That decides maturity not age... How old you're alive decides age.
29 in Next Thursday.
Remember the days before DLC? Man those were the days. Remember the days before Gamefaqs, when they had that nintendo power number, and the only thing you could do is call it, but risk getting the belt.
I miss the computers the size of tv's which were slower than tablets/ phones of today. Also corded phones and videos.
I used to dial up local BBS numbers (sometimes more than one a day) so I could play Legend of the Red Dragon every single day. I was so addicted to that game, I actually ordered it (and LORD II) and convinced my parents to let me start my own BBS at night so I could run my own LORD servers.
I had a website I created in 1996 on Angelfire (anyone here old enough to remember when the whole internet was full of amaturish pages like this?)
I am still proud of this though. It was an internet television station I created in 1997, long before things like YouTube, and in the days even before Flash caught on. It ran on the Cornell University program CU-SeeMe, and you had to use the program to connect into it. It even ran for 24 hours for a while, and I think it was the first (or, at least, one of the first) internet television stations to do so.
lol I remember back in the PS1 days thinking the graphics weren't ever gonna be any better than that.
Games were a lot less serious and platformers were king of the times.
There was no fuckin online multiplayer shit kids calling each other faggots 100 times over somebody winning fair and square.
Nowadays we have gamergate..... whatever that is.... some feminist crap I guess.....
Is that what it is? I'm old.
Lol depends on how old you are
I guess it's feminist crap then.
There was no such line in México and even if there was our phone service was cut-off like 99% of the time so I would be unable to remember that :P
I do remember that back in the day nobody in México had any sort of trouble with piracy and that it was pretty much the norm, memories.
30 years old here.
I'm still not used to not being a 20-something.
Oh so it's just regular crap.
Happy early birthday. By the way, you're not old.
Yes. Music used to be good, games used to provide a challenge. Now everything has to hold your fucking hand and be just like everything else. I used to get whipped with a belt and a wooden spoon these fucking kids need a good beating.
omg yes now everything has to have a fucking tutorial. pleasseee
Seriously? Not even sia or Angel Haze?
I've actually never heard of them until now.
They suck.
They do not!
I actually like music more nowadays, if I find music that's before 2000 I cringe so hard.
Pretty much.
Remember when tutorials were optional? Or before tutorials, when game actively tried to troll the player? I have been through a lot in my life, but the bane of my existence is still the dog from Duck Hunt.
Oh yeah lol. now that damn dog is in smash bros.
I am 30 and run a retro game store as my day job and I have to deal with tweens coming in going on about how 'GameCube is oldschool'. :U
I may only be 15, yet I find modern music atrocious at the moment. I actually like music from 1940's.
I also have an enthusiasm for old material fashions: suits, architecture, furniture, etc.
I may only be in my youth, but my sense of fashion and everything else is very dated
I remember AngelFire, Do you Remember Myspace? AngelFire,i haven't thought of that in forever. What kind of speeds were you getting on the dialup, some big numbers
Wow, you don't see much of that these days.
All that is , is that woman trying to get famous, and you dumb people that get mad at her, take her bait, flame which makes her even more famous. It is obvious to me what she is doing, this comes with age.
lol I'm 34, I guess you could say I am considered old, especially by young teens :P
Really got any rare games? I'm a collector too
Your not old. The middles age is 40 the last I heard.
Heh, I just logged into my MySpace account for the first time in years just a few days ago to get some pictures from my album. They actually made it messier than it used to be, believe it or not. They just put all of the old pictures in one big bunch (sorted as migrated from old MySpace, complete with the loss of the original post date of the pictures to the service), and the only way you can see what album they were originally posted in is by clicking on the pictures individually.
Dial up was definitely something else. For a while, I was stuck with a 14.4 kbps modem, which was super slow. I mostly logged into BBS systems with that, and Prodigy, and later AOL. I could get online with AOL, but I didn't do it often, other than to upload my website and check a few other web pages. When I finally got a 56.6 kbps modem, I logged onto the internet all the time. It took me several hours to download a 3 MB MP3 file. :P
Luckily, I was in the test market for Road Runner High Speed Online, so we've had high speed internet here since 1995, so I didn't have to use dialup for the internet for very long (just for a few periods when we didn't have Road Runner (one of which was when our connection fried the cable box and my dad had to put in a dedicated line in order to get the cable guys to come back), but they were few and far between).
Going back even further, in the 1980's, when my dad got Prodigy for our computer (which was an IBM AT with a 6 MHz Intel 286 processor with only a 4 color CGA graphics card, so all of the graphics on Prodigy were displayed in black and white), we only had a 2600 bit/s modem. I was really young then, so I don't remember how long the load times were, but I'm sure they were excruciatingly slow, even with the simple graphics.
I don't remember much about Prodigy, other than the login screen (and, strangely, our login, which was CRTW67G) and spending a lot of time on the Nova page. I found a screenshot online of Prodigy in CGA mode. This is what pre-internet online services looked like. :P