I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome:
@Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi… moreniteDawn @TDMshadowCP @Markd4547 @MetallicaRules @WarpSpeed
In case you don't care then you can just ignore this but my friend did report his ex girlfriend to the school this morning. It seemed to be resolved fairly easily until I learned out at lunch that the girl thought I was the one who reported her and not him (Because why face the truth that you're a psycho and you're sexual harassing and threatening your ex boyfriend and his friends? Not to mention she still thinks they're in a relationship.)...So she said she was going to kill me (Haha, Death threats totally make you look sane).
After I heard this from my friends, me and them went to the Assistant principal (Second time in one day because of this girl) and reported the threat on my life.
This bitch has gone totally loco.
I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome:
@Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi… moreniteDawn @TDMshadowCP @Markd4547 @MetallicaRules @WarpSpeed
In case you don't care then you can just ignore this but my friend did report his ex girlfriend to the school this morning. It seemed to be resolved fairly easily until I learned out at lunch that the girl thought I was the one who reported her and not him (Because why face the truth that you're a psycho and you're sexual harassing and threatening your ex boyfriend and his friends? Not to mention she still thinks they're in a relationship.)...So she said she was going to kill me (Haha, Death threats totally make you look sane).
After I heard this from my friends, me and them went to the Assistant principal (Second time in one day because of this girl) and reported the threat on my life.
This bitch has gone totally loco.
I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome:
@Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi… moreniteDawn @TDMshadowCP @Markd4547 @MetallicaRules @WarpSpeed
In case you don't care then you can just ignore this but my friend did report his ex girlfriend to the school this morning. It seemed to be resolved fairly easily until I learned out at lunch that the girl thought I was the one who reported her and not him (Because why face the truth that you're a psycho and you're sexual harassing and threatening your ex boyfriend and his friends? Not to mention she still thinks they're in a relationship.)...So she said she was going to kill me (Haha, Death threats totally make you look sane).
After I heard this from my friends, me and them went to the Assistant principal (Second time in one day because of this girl) and reported the threat on my life.
This bitch has gone totally loco.
I didn't get the feed notification either, but oh well.
If you don't think she's a real threat, then it sounds like you've done all the right things. Just don't suddenly disappear from the forums now, or you know what we're all going to think.
I didn't get the feed notification either, but oh well.
If you don't think she's a real threat, then it sounds like you've done all the right things. Just don't suddenly disappear from the forums now, or you know what we're all going to think.
I'm just going to tag people who replied to my post yesterday in case they cared about the outcome:
@Welcome_to_Woodbury @dojo32161 @Infi… moreniteDawn @TDMshadowCP @Markd4547 @MetallicaRules @WarpSpeed
In case you don't care then you can just ignore this but my friend did report his ex girlfriend to the school this morning. It seemed to be resolved fairly easily until I learned out at lunch that the girl thought I was the one who reported her and not him (Because why face the truth that you're a psycho and you're sexual harassing and threatening your ex boyfriend and his friends? Not to mention she still thinks they're in a relationship.)...So she said she was going to kill me (Haha, Death threats totally make you look sane).
After I heard this from my friends, me and them went to the Assistant principal (Second time in one day because of this girl) and reported the threat on my life.
This bitch has gone totally loco.
Well I'm sorry about that. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Like I said before I was talking about the 'hard work' part which to me came off like an exaggeration in comparison to other tasks. But again, that's just semantics. Honestly it was a joke, and I realize I have a shitty sense of humor but in my defense, I was raised by assholes.
Well I'm sorry about that. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Like I said before I was talking about the 'hard work' part which to me c… moreame off like an exaggeration in comparison to other tasks. But again, that's just semantics. Honestly it was a joke, and I realize I have a shitty sense of humor but in my defense, I was raised by assholes.
I found this exciting fanfic enjoy : )
waluigi was in a little chair waiting for his bf wario to come back home from work. he was knittin… moreg
"hello waluigi i am back from the work…" wario said. he was wearing a lot of kandi
"wario sometimes i am tired of all your kndandi" said waluigi, sad tone in his voice
"Shh… no talking now" wario said in his deep rough macho voice and kissed waluigi. "everything will be okay now, my purple plum angel…………" they kissed for a really long time and it was cool and romantic
"jhey waluigi oyoure the hottest man" and a wink wario said "woah wario… thats hot.." and kissed wario again. he looked down to see what it was knitting and it was a wario x waluigi blaket "hey waluigi thats looking great" wario said " i know" waluigi said
they kised… for a longer time
"ready for action" wario said waluigi then blushed "ok.." and they did
end of chapter
A lot of people don't like her for the music she likes to make, which I understand since everyone has their own opinions on music. But this women is truly a goddamn role model WITH or WITHOUT a big ass and sexual songs. And this is coming from a metal fan.
I go to a Catholic school and my history teacher is an atheist and he was talking about how the New Testament was stupid and he made a kid cry.
Literally cry.
He's tried to tell two teachers already.
I was there for one of the times and one of my friends, the teacher literally said "points at my… more female friend I think you might be crazy. Points as my friend having these troubles You might be crazy. Points at me You are crazy."
They think it's a joke. Tomorrow I'm taking this into my own hands.
Weird, I didn't get a notification of this in my feed, oh well. Anyway seems like it's going well.
Oh yes, it's going great.
Why do you want everyone to know how hard you think you're working anyway? Why even care what I or anyone else thinks if you like what you're doing?
I would but I'm not scared of her.
Edit: Double Post
I'm dying. Lmao
Unfriended sucked.
I mean the school is aware of it at least.
double post
Oops, fixed.
Yes, that is a good thing.
You heard me, your mother, I activated her.
I reiterate what I said, bitches be crazy. Seriously, I'd go further than just the principle, go to the police if this gets any worse.
Still though, if she's as crazy as you say she is, I wouldn't take the chance.
She's all talk.
No, she just needs to learn that her talk has consequences and once someone in an authority position orders her to stop then she will.
Cool, just had to find an excuse to use that picture before I went nuts.
Oh I don't care. I just thought I'd post an Inspirational Post, and You made my really furious by thinking we don't do anything but talk into a Mic.
I knew Japanese advertisments were eccentric, but what the actual fuck?
If I do disappear then do think the worse, other than that I might aswell post updates a day or so if people actually care.
I didn't get the feed notification either, but oh well.
If you don't think she's a real threat, then it sounds like you've done all the right things. Just don't suddenly disappear from the forums now, or you know what we're all going to think.
Well I'm sorry about that. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Like I said before I was talking about the 'hard work' part which to me came off like an exaggeration in comparison to other tasks. But again, that's just semantics. Honestly it was a joke, and I realize I have a shitty sense of humor but in my defense, I was raised by assholes.
As a Jap I can confirm. We're the black sheep of all the Asians.
I'm sorry for being an asshole. And for not realizing it was a Joke.
pterodactyl screech
better than 50 shades of bullshit tho
A lot of people don't like her for the music she likes to make, which I understand since everyone has their own opinions on music. But this women is truly a goddamn role model WITH or WITHOUT a big ass and sexual songs. And this is coming from a metal fan.
It's better than any love story
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
That's... a great but sad dream.
Make it a movie.
what kind of catholic school hires a fuckin' atheist at a teacher????
How'd it go?
Milo needs to be put down.