Yo let's talk about anime

in General Chat
Any of my fellow otaku out there? I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with anime, but there are some that I absolutely adore.
What are some of your favorite series and movies?
I'll get things started: Cowboy Bebop is perfect and I love it so very much. It's a yearly tradition to rewatch it, and I'm in heaven since the BluRays dropped.
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I'm not a huge fan of anime, but Axis Powers Hetalia is great.
It's certainly a weird and funny premise! I think it wore thin to me after a while, but I still enjoyed what I watched of it!
Stuff that i watched recently
Psycho-Pass. 9/10
Parasyte. 10/10
Oh man, I love Parasyte. They did a fine job adapting the manga (which is one of my favorites)!
Loved it! Though I prefer the original series over Brotherhood (mainly due to how overly comedic Brotherhood was in comparison).
Yo yo yo yo yo yo, Full Metal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell.
That is all.
Big question: TV show, movie(s), or both?
Both, but the real question is, 1st Gig or 2nd?
Original Movie, 2nd Gig for me.
It's hard for me to decide. I think the 2nd Gig was better constructed as a story, but The Laughing Man is such an iconic and philosophically deep character, especially when you consider Baudrillard's idea of simulacra. Even The Laughing Man himself, is, in the meta-sense, a simulacrum, as The Laughing Man story by J.D. Salinger has nothing to do with The Laughing Man in Ghost in the Shell; but that original signified ultimately becomes meaningless by force of the repetition of the signifier, namely the symbol of The Laughing Man.
Same, except I actually don't like the manga/Brotherhood. (The over-reliance on comedy is only one of my complaints.) The 2003 anime is so ridiculously underrated in comparison.
It's amazing that they got so much right in terms of what sci-fi is capable of, intellectually speaking (weighty themes and the like).
I just wish there was less silliness to distract from the very adult stories it tells.
I'm watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure right now and its my favorite anime so far.
You mean the Tachicomas? I don't know if it's better in Japanese, I watched the English dub and those things are annoying as hell.
I think in Japanese they're only less annoying by nature of me not understanding what they're saying, so it just becomes innocuous chirping.
I still prefer the tone and aesthetic of the original Mamoru Oshii film over the series, all told.
corey in the house is my favorite
I literally started watching this, like less than an hour ago, but I find the introduction incredibly interesting - it's obviously inspired by Gustav Klimt
There's more too it, but some frames are literally Klimt's Der Kuss.
Wolf's Rain is pretty cool.
This is 4 the ones that I looked. In front of me waiting for many more masterpieces of Hayao Miyazaki
Anyone who likes anime likes hentai and is therefore weird.
It's a good series, don't let all the controversy turn you off.
sword art online is terrible
I like hentai and I don't like anime.
I'm a gamer it's kinda my thing
Haha so clever, Lingvort
But I never said that hentai lovers had to like anime, just the other way around ;P
Is hentai your thing or posting Christian Bale's face your thing?
I'm a gamer it's kinda my thing
I guess it's just something I wanted to point out. I'm not an expert on anime fans, so I can't say. Maybe they are all compulsory hentai lovers, I dunno, lol.
Well I'm not a big fan of anime or hentai, but Otaku is BAD and extremely negative, an obsession to a fictive characters that isn't healthy.
Otaku beside of the obsession to a fictive characters usual young girl in meaning as it's used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time, doesn't have a social life being departs from reality and watching cute young girl.
Here is the story of an typical otaku life.
http://animatorexpo.com/mememe/ I hope I didn't break any rule posting this site.
after you watch the video from the link above you can watch the video below to to see what I mean as an real Otaku is.
Anime I've watched recently that I've really enjoyed:
What about works Hayao Miyazaki?
This is AMAZING!
Yep, almost 1:1
Parasyte is amazing, I read the manga when episode 5 came out because I couldn't wait. I cried when I finished it, and I didn't cry from things like TWD (or anything really) ever so that was kind of amazing.
Pokemon, Yi-Gi-Oh and digimon were my childhood they are perfection
dude OMF I just posted that meme and didn't even see you posted it xD