That also really sucks.:/ But eyy more money~ Money makes everything better lol.
Indeed it does . Still, It was a little frustrating just because it had been a really busy day for whatever reason. I was a little tired out and had to be back in the morning, so I was definitely wanting to get out of there. The following morning kind of sucked as well because one of the guys that was scheduled to help me just sort of decided he wasn't going to show up, so that was helpful. I'm almost not really looking forward to going into work today with how things seem to be going here, lol.
Yeah it's always worse when you feel like it was kind of out your control haha.
lol tell me about it.
I didn't even see the st… moreack collapse, it was just all over the place when I went back into my cooler to finish up for the night.. and I had thought that it had been stacked just fine..but I just kinda felt like it was my own problem and couldn't bring myself to do it.
It doesn't sound like it was a mistake on your part, just spontaneous bad luck if you ask me. Which doesn't make the situation that much better, but at least it wasn't your fault.
I ended up staying a complete extra hour because I was running behind as it was, so that's extra money at least.
That also really sucks.:/ But eyy more money~ Money makes everything better lol. It would have been a lot worse if you didn't get paid even though you were basically working over time.
What do you think of the new Supergirl?
I love they have a female superhero
But the wr… moreiters made it so cheesy and obviously playing to their target market making it so stereotypical like a bad teenage drama but she has superpowers is this what girls want? I think they deserve a whole lot better representation of that character of kara it just feels like another mtv flop show. I think if it's done right this could be one of the best shows on tv tbh
I loved smallvile btw and they had an awesome kara as supergirl in it
But I'll watch and give it a chance the ending was great
Your opinion on the video?
The following morning kind of sucked as well because one of the guys that was scheduled to help me just sort of decided he wasn't going to show up, so that was helpful.
-_-That has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves with fellow employees, if they aren't going to show up, they should at least call in and get someone else to cover their shift. That's what I would do anyway. I guess it takes too much time to be courteous to the person sharing your shift and give them a heads up.
I'm almost not really looking forward to going into work today with how things seem to be going here, lol.
It definitely sounds like your week has just been less than stellar lately. When things go wrong at work it kinda just ends up bleeding into other aspects of life, at least for me it does. I know I've said it a lot already, but it really, really sucks lol. So I definitely get how you feel rn. Hope something good happens to break the cycle.:)
That also really sucks.:/ But eyy more money~ Money makes everything better lol.
Indeed it does . Still, It was a little frustrating… more just because it had been a really busy day for whatever reason. I was a little tired out and had to be back in the morning, so I was definitely wanting to get out of there. The following morning kind of sucked as well because one of the guys that was scheduled to help me just sort of decided he wasn't going to show up, so that was helpful. I'm almost not really looking forward to going into work today with how things seem to be going here, lol.
Have you ever typed so fast that your computer doesn't pick up all the letters you type?
I'm going to type that^ sentence as fast as I ca… moren but not fix what my computer doesn't pick up. : Havyu ver ped so fast hat yourpuer desen ickup all the lettes tye.
Those are NOT typos by me! It was my computer!
umm.. You take Rachelles basket and she will mess you up..
McFlipinnugget that sucked..umm...Darn it i cant come up wit a good flipin line. ;_;
So guys, how was PLAYLIST 2?
* Was it better or worse than the first one? (In terms of track layout, ideas, etc.)
* Was it much more d… moreifficult or easier overall?
* What is the hardest track from both playlists? (@TWDFan86, you can't answer that. You know what you did, shame on you).
Mods, you say we are the reason they are banned, because we complain, give me 1 reason we'd want Markd banned.
Didn't it occur to you tha… moret it could be trolls flagging us?
Start judging people by their behavior and STOP ACTING LIKE ROBOTS.
You know what I find hilarious? The mods are here to maintain order, but it seems like all those thoughtless acts you don't even hesitate to do are only doing the exact opposite of why you became mods in the first place, please just try to be logical and see why we are so upset.
THIS IS THE CLOSEST THING TO A FREAKING BASKET I CAN FIND IN MY HOUSE! @Welcome_to_Woodbury @LeeTheProfessional @sardines @JonGon
Also, GTA in the background
Alright, so because of my mother's restrictions, I'm unable to post the Miley Cyrus video (your ears can thank me later), but I did sing for… more you guys. Don't laugh, it was recorded really late at night and I was tired. It might not be very good, so I'm sorry about that. Joe's obviously not going to sing (F U Joe), so I just decided to go ahead and do it anyway. I'm gonna post both songs, because screw society. I will not be held responsible for any bleeding ears or exploding heads. So here:
First song:
Second song:
It used to be a whole lot more fun and friendlier here tbh but it's still good and it's great seeing all the new users joining
I know I've posted Waluigi parodies of this, but seriously, nobody can sing this song like Jeff Buckley.
LMFAO literary on the floor, his sword need to shine!
"This food is so good from this angle." (SPLASH)
This is too good to be true!
I never said I was a fan or watched the show I just said Dormer was hawt and she is anyway thank you guys one day I might watch the show and find out
Indeed it does
. Still, It was a little frustrating just because it had been a really busy day for whatever reason. I was a little tired out and had to be back in the morning, so I was definitely wanting to get out of there. The following morning kind of sucked as well because one of the guys that was scheduled to help me just sort of decided he wasn't going to show up, so that was helpful. I'm almost not really looking forward to going into work today with how things seem to be going here, lol.
"You're lezbian..."
Not bad neither good. I stick to my superman
This will happen to telltale in their next E3.
You new here? Welcome!
I threw up when he rolled 3 times in a row
This isn't a fucking bakery nobody wants your damn rolls
I love quantic dream games I completed and enjoyed them all
Mostly appreciated, but I'm not new, event if this account is created yesterday I was watching telltale from a long time.
Lurking, eh? Alright, nice to see you decided to join
-_-That has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves with fellow employees, if they aren't going to show up, they should at least call in and get someone else to cover their shift. That's what I would do anyway. I guess it takes too much time to be courteous to the person sharing your shift and give them a heads up.
It definitely sounds like your week has just been less than stellar lately. When things go wrong at work it kinda just ends up bleeding into other aspects of life, at least for me it does. I know I've said it a lot already, but it really, really sucks lol. So I definitely get how you feel rn. Hope something good happens to break the cycle.:)
Good 4 u
Fucking savage
Words of wisdom
Lmao, you ass.
You'll get better in a few months. Trust me. I'm from the future
Creepy smiley face is creepy.
Hi, TDM from the past.
Why did I ask that....
I miss you, Rig ;~;
Oh, this is just the beginning, my dear friend AWESOMEO
Ooooh, nice!
Poor Mark
Holy sheet bro
Calm down, holy shit
I do.
Awww hehehe
no u
yeah y Elian
What a tool
D'awwwwww c: