"Team Dream News Thread"
Hello everyone, Team Dream here, we're a group of animators, writers and voice actors who joined to make amazing series, right now we're working on a Minecraft Animated Series, if we sucess we might do more series, not only based from pre-existing franchises but also some original material.
Lehfeels-Creator/Head Director
Voice actors: Oliver.r-Voice Actor/Dean,
Writers: NoHopeLeft-Writer, ps3gamer095-Writer, Pabloofthedead-Writer, zachiscool3-Writer, AlfMusic-Writer/Music Composer,Clemycloo-Writer
Animators: coolclubogaming-Animator, GamingGeek-Animator- Tacoanimates-animator,Caleb-Animator
Music Composer: Alfmusic-Music Composer/Writer
Artists: Tobi-Artist
Our youtube:
Our twitter: https://twitter.com/0fficialTD
Ongoing Projects:
Minecraft Steve's BackStory
The Steve's BackStory News Page: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/94570/steve-s-backstory-the-animated-series-coming-soon
The Steve's BackStory Fanfiction Page: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11194768/1/Steve-s-BackStory
A Update our music composer has completed a good bit of music for Steve's BackStory-the animated series
and we are in progress of hiring voice actors so if you wanna become a voice actor contact us
And as soon as we get voiced lines and music fully done animation process will begin
More updates to come stay tuned we are making alot of progress behind the scenes as of recent we have about 6 pieces of music for the steve's backstory animated series and our writers have just about 2 episodes worth of written material for the animated series done you can find whats written so far on our fanfiction story page on minecraft story mode forum section to see what we have finished so far
Ok kewl.
So am I on Team Dream? I mean, I've agreed to help, I just don't know what we're doing or when we're doing it.
Uh clemycloo do you have skype if i recall i have you added on skype if not make a skype account since we all use skype
Oh yeah, I need to reinstall it, afterwards I'll be on tonight. Sorry for being tardy, My Youtube channel has Blossomed a lot more Lately so I've been busy.
I'd love to write it if you have any open spots
I have three fanfictions and one which i helped write, I can show you them if you want?
What's your youtube channel?
That's U?
We might already have too many writers at the moment. But Team Dreams CEO LehFeels might say otherwise.
What is it?
I subbed, You have a pretty Kick ass channel dude.
I would like to join.
I would take 3 spots: Modeling and Animating, Voice Acting, and artisting.
I have a $500 headset with mic, 3ds Max 2015, and photoshop.
I can also make trailers using Adobe AE and Sony Vegas.
Why'd you close the channel? ;_;
we opened a new youtube awhile ago
**Many would think the project is dead, but in fact, it is not. It's the otherwise, this project is growing better and better every day. We already finished writing three episodes, and me being aboard in the project, is just making me feel so awesome (Haha!)
We will make a small screen teaser trailer for episode 1 soon. Stay tuned here and in the series's page here.