The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If you're talking about a junior in high school, get ready for the hardest year academically speaking, it fucking sucks.

    Can't believe I'll be a Junior when class comes around again O_o time flies

  • You can't get enough of Salt, huh?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Too strong.

  • Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Brent pls

  • edited May 2015

    i know the classes I'm in are awful :(

    If you're talking about a junior in high school, get ready for the hardest year academically speaking, it fucking sucks.

  • I wish you the best, look on the bright side, senior year is a breeze.

    i know the classes I'm in are awful

  • wow some people are real fucking arrogant

  • Well, that's completely off topic. I know it has a moment, But I never said I liked that Moment. That was a disgusting accusation to make, But okay, whatever you want to think.

  • True dat.

    wow some people are real fucking arrogant

  • Congrats Man! Holy Crap that's Good news! :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • Thanks! You're awesome.

    Congrats Man! Holy Crap that's Good news!

  • ye, they'll just judge and criticise and they aint got the goddamn sense why things are like that and feel them selfs suprior. Just fuck'm

    True dat.

  • That's good, cause this year was my junior year.

    Smooth sailing~

    I wish you the best, look on the bright side, senior year is a breeze.

  • Who?

    wow some people are real fucking arrogant

  • WHOO!

    I'm very happy for you.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • Golden! What's up, big guy?

    Thanks, by the way. I appreciate all the support.

    WHOO! I'm very happy for you.

  • I'm sorry to hear that. If it's something you're comfortable sharing with me I'd be more than glad to hear you out. Specially if you need an advice or two. If you'd rather PM that's fine.

    Really? What makes you say that? And thanks, really. That means a lot. I need all the confidence in the world. I'm barely 20.

    I've been insanely depressed the last few days. No problem, I think you'll be a great father.

  • I've been insanely depressed the last few days.

    No problem, I think you'll be a great father.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Golden! What's up, big guy? Thanks, by the way. I appreciate all the support.

  • I just see you as a very respectable and smart man.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that. If it's something you're comfortable sharing with me I'd be more than glad to hear you out. Specially if you need an

  • For the most part, yes. Once you hear from your colleges, at a certain point, you just begin going through the motions and teachers start giving less work. Students at my school called it "Senioritis."

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    That's good, cause this year was my junior year. Smooth sailing~

  • Smart! Don't wait 'til she's too big to fit down the aisle! ;)

    Congrats on both counts! Now the fun really starts!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    We're getting married beginning of next month, actually. I might post some pics for you guys.

  • Just ignore him, he likes to make jokes.

    Well, that's completely off topic. I know it has a moment, But I never said I liked that Moment. That was a disgusting accusation to make, But okay, whatever you want to think.

  • edited May 2015

    First time making a casserole or whatever in years. Making it for dinner since sis can't stand for long, and my brother doesn't know how; it's up to me. I'm worried about screwing up! xD

  • So @kenjisalk joined the forums on May 8, and now, two weeks later, he's already a moderator! That's gotta be some kind of record! ;)

  • [removed]

    Well, that's completely off topic. I know it has a moment, But I never said I liked that Moment. That was a disgusting accusation to make, But okay, whatever you want to think.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    It helps that this forum is rad as heck! (also I'm super duper lucky and grateful for the opportunity). :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So @kenjisalk joined the forums on May 8, and now, two weeks later, he's already a moderator! That's gotta be some kind of record!

  • No offense to anyone, but I respectfully disagree with a decision like that. Seems very odd to me.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So @kenjisalk joined the forums on May 8, and now, two weeks later, he's already a moderator! That's gotta be some kind of record!

  • Wow, I'm seriously impressed.

    You seem like a really cool dude for the time we've seen you here. Hope you see you around as a even greater Mod.

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It helps that this forum is rad as heck! (also I'm super duper lucky and grateful for the opportunity).

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Thanks GoldenPaladin! I'm going to do my best!

    I've had a lot of experience modding forums in the past so I look forward to bringing my skillset to TTG forums in a positive and supportive way. :)

    Wow, I'm seriously impressed. You seem like a really cool dude for the time we've seen you here. Hope you see you around as a even greater Mod.

  • i make many a joke for coumminity of talltales studios :D

    Just ignore him, he likes to make jokes.

  • Meh. If you see his profile, he seems like a good guy.

    No offense to anyone, but I respectfully disagree with a decision like that. Seems very odd to me.

  • I... kinda killed it. ^^;

    First time making a casserole or whatever in years. Making it for dinner since sis can't stand for long, and my brother doesn't know how; it's up to me. I'm worried about screwing up! xD

  • OMG, Congrats!!!! :D

    Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • Congrats man! Hope you enjoy this place!

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It helps that this forum is rad as heck! (also I'm super duper lucky and grateful for the opportunity).

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Thanks TDMshadow!

    I understand a bit of scrutiny, and I hope I can prove myself ASAP. I look forward to it!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Meh. If you see his profile, he seems like a good guy.

  • Congrats! :)

    Let's see how long you last...HueHue...

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It helps that this forum is rad as heck! (also I'm super duper lucky and grateful for the opportunity).

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I am surprisingly resilient, like the mighty cockroach!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Congrats! Let's see how long you last...HueHue...

  • Seems is the key word. I don't think two weeks is enough time to prove someone's true colors, especially on a forum. I'd say in 3 months+ would better.

    But time will tell.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Meh. If you see his profile, he seems like a good guy.

  • That sucks.

    I like making food sometimes.

    I... kinda killed it. ^^;

  • Saltlick123 said:
    Let's see how long you last...HueHue..

    kenjisalk said:
    I am surprisingly resilient, like the mighty cockroach!

    He says that now with doe-eyed optimism, but just wait until he and the other new mods have to endure the greatest horrors against humankind that the Telltale Forums can throw at us mods - moderating the Walking Dead forums during a new episode launch.

    [Stock sound effect of lady screaming]

    That will be the true initiation ceremony for the new mods that will make or break them. Sure, he seems like a nice and cool guy that has a podcast, is a modern Telltale fan that actually knows what Sam and Max is, etc, but can he endure the horrors of the Walking Dead forums during an episode launch?

    Fortunately, Season 3 and the presumed Season 2 DLC are still some ways off so he and the other new mods have time to practice their war faces.

    Show me your War Face

    The Few, the Proud, the Moderators.

    kenjisalk posted: »

    I am surprisingly resilient, like the mighty cockroach!

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