Thing That Bothers Me Very Much..
Hello people, it has been six months or so when I last logged in on this forum
So yes, I have this friend that is in my school and I've been friends with him almost a year now and couple months ago, I loaned my Gta v and Black ops 1 for Xbox360 to him because I don't play on 360 much anymore because I have Ps4 now, but anyways I've many times asked him if he still has the games and could he return them for me and he's always like "Yeah, I have them but forgot to bring them"
He lives pretty far from me and there's only one week school left and then our summer vacation starts.
I'm afraid that he has sold my games or isn't going to give them back because he's kinda "don't give a fuck (not to me but still)" person.
I don't know what to do, I really want my games back even when I don't play them but they cost me much and my intention wasn't to give them to someone for free:(
I don't wanna tell about it to teachers or anyone and I don't wanna fight him, but I don't know what options do I have left, I mean he could just say he's not gonna give them back, what would I do then?
He's my friend and I wanna stay friends with him but if that happens, it's gonna be pretty difficult.
So yeah, thanks for reading this wall of text, hope someone could give me some advice on this matter
I do that every week, if not every day on fact I just texted him on Whatsapp before I created this thread.
You could text him or something before you guys go to school and remind him to bring the games? .-.
Swear vengeance.
Yeah I could go creep on him behind his window and write "Kill" on his walls with red paint and when he's alone and distracted, I would STRIKE...
Start adopting puppies and locking them in his back yard. I'd say 2-3 a week.
Rather killer dogs that would rip him apart if he doesn't give them back, I have always been a peaceful guy and I'm not very good on conflict situations but I'm gonna do something if the worst happens dunno what, that's why I'm asking you guys.
You mean you loaned him your games not borrowed them to him
Anyways just get your sidekick to lift you up to his window, get in, take the games, blow the house up while running the opposite direction with sunglasses.
Well then as a serious answer, I had a friend who would 'borrow' things and never return them. He always had some excuse as to what happened to them, so after the second time I stopped lending things to him. The first time was a couple CDs that he said his sister probably found and took. The second time was my copy of Mass Effect, I don't remember his excuse because I was sure it was bullshit anyway.
I could send a Saltlick over to you if that would help matters.
Oops, thanks for pointing out, will edit.
That's a great idea too, probably get life sentence in prison and ruin my life, but at least I got my games back.
I guess it would, I'd show him first what was done with saltlick to one guy called Larry:)
Yea I'm not gonna loan anything to this guy anymore:/
Just kindly describe him the unconfortable situation he has put you in. Without getting angry, explain to him all you've explained to us by writing in this thread. I'm sure he'll understand. If he still persists in not giving you the games, just accomplish what CrazedRabbit has suggested.
You might have to actually go to his house if you want results. Maybe at school tell him that you're going to accompany him back to his house to get your games back? I dunno, I can't think of anything else that would work. You're gonna have to be a little more direct.
Nonono, don't run - walk, in slow motion against the wind.
Just be honest with him. Tell him you want your games back before the end of the school year.
One of the stories I've shared here before is that my ex-girlfriend ran off with Phantasmagoria. That is, I had already solved it, and I lent it to her to play. She was supposed to give it back, but she never did.
Games are supposed to be fun. If they cause stress, you need to let them go. And that may be what you need to do here.
But there's still a little hope left for you. What I suggest is not to keep directly asking for the games back, but to make up a story. Like, "Hey, my new friend/cousin/someone you can't verify wanted to check out GTA V, which I had, but then I remembered I lent it to you. Could you please bring that back tomorrow, so I can give him/her a thrill? Oh, and you might as well bring back any other games you're not currently playing at the same time, 'cause I bet he/she would like to see Black Ops, too!"
He lives in different town but yeah maybe I could take bus to his house someday
If he doesn't give them back on this week
Yeah I guess that's the best thing to do, if that doesn't work I don't know what does, I'm just worried he might have sold them because he acts all too suspicious about it and when I told him I have Xbox360 he asked could he borrow all my games, I mean wtf, a strong sing that he wanted to sell MY games to someone else.
Meet with him at his place, and while you're there, mention the games. That way he can't just make up excuses, and you'll find out where they are.
Yeah well, I used 160 bucks for those two games so I wouldn't really like to just give them up for free and if he doesn't return them I sure as hell won't be his friend anymore, those are the things that bother me the most and I wanna be friends with him, he's a nice dude so I really hope he returns them...
If he has sold them, I'm gonna break his fucking kneecaps and dig the money he got from them out of his arse.
Well yeah he told me today that he brings the games or 5 bucks tommorow if "he can't find them" so yeah he probably don't have them anymore
Thanks for advice anyways, guys.
Is it ok with you that he's only giving you 5 bucks? Tell him you want your money back, or the games, and a goddamn apology will also be nice.
5 bucks for 160 dollars worth games? Yo you might have to break into his house and swipe his freaking wallet
Leeches are not your friends.
They're obviously using you and taking advantage of the fact that you are afraid of standing up to them.
I think this counts as theft, if he lost the games or sold them for money, in which case you can possibly get the authorities involved and he would be forced to give you your money back and maybe do some time.
5 dollars is really fucking insulting.
This dude is a parasite. I'd straight up demand either the games back or, since he likely doesn't have them, the money they were worth when you bought them. He's a fucking thief.
Oh silly Bear, just be glad these games are worth shit. Just rebuy them if you want them, they're pretty much IMO lost. Learn from this, and never let someone you don't trust borrow your things.
The next time you're visiting him, just fucking grab your game and say you'll take it now. Because it's not his, I don't give a fuck if he says he doesn't want to give it back yet. You just take it and leave. That's a thing that doesn't break your friendship.
No it's not and he didn't even give me the 5 bucks...
Yeah I guess so.
What is insulting is that he didn't even give me the 5 bucks nor the games he promised, I told him to "give the fucking money or games" but he didn't so I guess I gotta smash his kneecaps and make him pay a big price for my stuff he stole...
Edit: I swear, auto correct, everyday god damn time.
You're kinda missing the point. He's bothered that his property hasn't been returned, not specifically because it's a video game. Anybody would be very bothered if their "friend" took their property and never gave it back.