What are Your Favorite Games of all Time and Why?

Similar to the "Worst games" Thread, I'd like to see what everyone's Favorite games are, I'll start, I have about 5.

The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

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To just say this Is the Best Zelda game is Physically impossible for me, It's pretty much, In my opinion, One of the Best RPG's of all time. With the Anime Art style of Final Fantasy, The Musical talents From the Composers of Silent Hill 2 and Ocarina Of Time, The beautiful shading, I could play this game for Hours. The World is HUGE, The gameplay is fun, The controls handle Flawlessly. Twilight Princess is a special game to me, and The First Zelda game I had ever played (Because I was late to the Party.) So this game is definitely a Masterpiece to me.

Final Fantasy X-2

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Final Fantasy X-2 was the Very last FF game before a Never ending downpour of Shit. This was, The very Last good Final Fantasy game, and I can see why the new games are shit, Because they used the best of it on This. The game was beautiful, the Story was great, It was fucking Open-world, It was Like... A... Ummm... FANTASY COME TRUE! That's right! I said it, and it was Cheesy as fuck! This game was My Life for an entire Year, I clocked 278 Hours into it, and Never regretted any of it, The first game I have ever Played, and I thank Square Enix for This games greatness.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

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This is Quite Possibly The greatest Stealth Shooter of all Time. This game came out around the Same time as MGS3, and As The MGS grew worse in the Stealth Mechanics department, Splinter Cell just kept getting Better! There were so Many things right with this Game! Dat Music! Dat Graphics! Dat Tight Control Scheme! Everything about this Game screamed Yes. "Bring The Battle Closer", Oh, and Closer they brought it.

Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric

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"UGH, THIS IS THE WORST GAME EVAR, WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT HERE! RAGE RAGE RAGE! BITCH BITCH BITCH!" Haha, Yes random Person online, In your opinion, It's the worst, But all whiny Internet Trolls and Glitches in good games aside, Sonic Boom was Just what this Franchise needed. The TV series is Funny and Fresh, the New designs are great, All that was missing is a Bug Fix, and This game had the Potential to bring Sega Back from all that Hate! This game was Perfect, Just executed wrong. If you think about it, With the Music, Story and The Whole, "Sonic Being an Anchient God" Thing would Fit perfectly with A Bunch of game fixes.

Game Of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series

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If Someone from Telltale is Reading this, Thank you! Game of Thrones is probably one of the Best games I've ever had the Pleasure of Playing. This was Executed so Perfectly, The story was Great, the Scenery was Beautiful, and It's the whole reason I'm into the GoT Lore now a days. This game, In my opinion, Puts all other Telltale games in the Bargain Bin at Target! Game of thrones is One of the Greatest Telltale games ever!

Those are mine, Your turn!


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