How do You feel about Gay Marriage?
So I wanted to know, What is everyone's stance on Gay Marriage? I find it completely Okay, Love is Love, and That's how it Needs to be. Homophobic people disgust me, saying all Gay people are Pedophiles, it's disgusting to me, They're nothing Like that. Some people are okay with it, But say it should be called something else due to The bible, and Here's what I say to that, I may be someone of the Christian faith, But fuck what the Bible says. That was Hundreds of years ago, and Love means more than one thing, It is Gay Marriage, and You know what? It's just Plain Marriage. That's what happens when two people who Love each other are Bonded in Holy Matrimony. I support it 100%
How about you? What are your stances on it?
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Don't we have enough threads about this already?
I mean 99% of people here will tell you that they support it, and there's always 1 idiot that will try to state their honest opinion that is different than others and he'll get bashed. So this thread is completely uneccessary, since it's better to keep some things for ourselves.
I guess, But I really wanted to know what people thought, and It's not like I can remove posts, that's up to the Mods to decide now.
As long as they don't shove it down my throat, they can have it all they want.
I don't think ALL gay People shove it down Straight peoples throats, But it is probably really annoying when Straight people try to shove Religion down Gay peoples throats, don't you think?
That's not what I was trying to get at. I'm OK with it, just not all that fond of it. And I can honestly tell you, I've never tried to force my religion on people. I know not all gay people force it upon people, but the ones that do I find annoying.
This thread seems like flame bait.
I'm pro-gay marriage, but I'm not getting into it any further than that.
Okay, I suppose it's all opinion right? I was just stating that Straight people do it too, we can agree on that, right?
Not sure what Pro-Gay is, But I completely support and respect your opinion either way.
I support it
Yeah, we can agree on that. And yes, its all opinions. Not like opinions matter or anything.
I dont really mind if people dont support it either. I'll disagree but wont get mad over it. I dont get mad over very much to be honest. Some people get really aggressive about it (both sides)
That's a great thing to leave it at man! No flame war inducing statements, Just truth. I respect you.
Yup, Opinions really don't matter, Especially on the Internet, They aren't allowed here. XD
Then I respect your opinion even more! XD
pro-gay marriage
It means in favor of gay marriage.
A man is a man. A woman is a woman. A homosexual is a homosexual. A heterosexual is a heterosexual. Gay marriage is gay marriage. Straight marriage is straight marriage. All of these things are deserving of equal respect.
To put it simply, I support a person's right to gay marriage.
I support gay marriage, everyone should be allowed to murder their love relationship the same way. Just don't expect it to happen in a church.
I don't support it and think if anyone thinks differently than me, they're flaming commie sub-human garbage that supports the most evil president of all time.
Should we never create threads asking people about a popular opinion that some may disagree with?
I can't see any threads asking people how they feel about gay marriage for 5 pages back on telltale talk.
What do you define as 'shoving it down your throat'?
Straight people constantly display their sexuality and marriages in public.
Only commie scum support gay marriage! Brb going to beat some disabled commie scum until he shoots a child in the shoulder
Shhh, Flog! Don't tell them the secret of my success!
Basically what Charlieh said. Almost everyone will say they support it on here. Me I'd rather not give my opinion.
It's all a matter of opinion. While I don't agree with you, I still respect your opinion.
There have already been threads about this subject before, if possible please try and look to see if there is already a thread about a subject before opening another one.
Forum Guidelines
Unfortunately this type of subject tends to start arguments so i am going to close this one.