Can my decisions really change the game?

Hey friends,
Im thinking atm about buying the game, it looks really interesting but theres only 1 thing that really bothers me before I buy it.
Do I really change the outcome of the game with my decisions ?
I mean yeah ofc you can change some interactions with ur previous decisions but I dont know if I can really change the ending ?


  • No.

    There are minor changes, but if you're expecting major major impacts of your choices, you'll be disappointed. Telltale doesn't do that.

  • Change yes.

    Super major change not so much.

    But you know, sometimes TellTale throws some unexpected and there is a big decision that changes stuff, so I would never rule it out.

  • Hmm now im sad but thanks buddy :)

    Flog61 posted: »

    No. There are minor changes, but if you're expecting major major impacts of your choices, you'll be disappointed. Telltale doesn't do that.

  • Since I don't know the GoT ending I can't tell you if your decisions will change the outcome. I really hope so.

  • Nope. If you want that you'd have to play Mass effect or something. I love telltale, but they don't do anything like that that actually makes a difference.

  • Yeah its still a super interesting series, I already watched some lets play on youtube, but for me the most attractive feature is that you can really change the outcome of an whole episode or the whole series, but I think I will still give it a shot :P

    Nope. If you want that you'd have to play Mass effect or something. I love telltale, but they don't do anything like that that actually makes a difference.

  • Probably not much no, maybe save a few characters if we are lucky and maybe the ending however a season 2 would likely ruin even that. One of the better telltale games for choice so far as in mild dialogue

  • Nope but its still a great game

  • Tales from the borderlands does a lot better on the impact of your choices, I'd try that instead. It's much more enjoyable as well.

  • Or Heavy Rain.

    Nope. If you want that you'd have to play Mass effect or something. I love telltale, but they don't do anything like that that actually makes a difference.

  • Tales from the borderlands does a lot better on the impact of your choices

    Except it doesn't

    It's much more enjoyable as well.

    Alt text

    kaza125 posted: »

    Tales from the borderlands does a lot better on the impact of your choices, I'd try that instead. It's much more enjoyable as well.

  • Except it doesn't

    I think he's referring to the go to Hollow Point or Old Haven, which does change the thing quite a bit.

    Tales from the borderlands does a lot better on the impact of your choices Except it doesn't It's much more enjoyable as well.

  • Telltale tailors the experience based on your individual choices. While it all leads to one conclusion, there are different paths as to how you get there. So think of it more as personalizing a path to get to a specific destination.

  • Not anything major (Expect for perhaps a different ending when all is said in done.) If the game had major changes that branched off into more major changes that branched off into even more changes Telltale would probably still be working on the third episode of the Walking Dead season 1 due to all the work it'd take.

  • Let me explain this as best I can:

    Your choices affect the story, not the plot, which is what everyone confuses the story with. Better explanation:

    A story is the way things play out (kill a man, somebody arrests you for the murder, etc.) A plot is where it is going. Everyone thinks they are changing the plot of a game which oddly angers a lot of people. So will you change the outcome of the game? No. Will you change how it plays out? Yes.

  • edited June 2015

    If you're only gonna play through the game once (like me), maybe twice, get it. You won't regret it. But if you're gonna play episodes several times over or watch lets play (really dumb idea), you might consider passing. Point I'm making is, even though your choices aren't impactful enough to change the entire game dynamic, when you play it just once it genuinely feels like you've got more control over the game.

  • If you expect impact in level of Dragon Age Origins etc then no. You could try Life is Strange game.

  • Problem with that of course is that dozens of companies have been able to do multiple ending games for years. If they have trouble finding such examples you need only go to the Japanese visual novels, the most famous of which would be things like Fate Stay Night. At the time this was made the company behind it was exactly large, but they bothered to put the thought and effort into giving it six different endings. That effort was rewarded with a massive cash windfall, it came out with games that came out with anime, came out with comics.

    There is no reason that Telltale Games cannot do what another small company in Japan did over 20 years ago, of course if they're not willing to do it for whatever reason then they shouldn't advertise that choices actually matter in their games. Changing what a person says to you before they drive a sword into your character's chest is not changing anything. That difference and pretty much every other so called change in the majority of their games are completely meaningless to the overall story. Your choices don't save lives, your choices don't end lives, your choices make absolutely no difference in how things end for most of their games.

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