I had a beautiful dream last night... I've went on Twitter and I saw official TWAU Season Two announcement... then I woke up and realized it was just a dream, I've spent rest of the day wondering why world have to be so cruel I think I'm going to suffer from depression again, thank you Telltale
So, Ill just mention this. This feels like the final stretch for Season 2 or a DLC. Looks like there is going to be some big news for Walking Dead this week, and basically confirmation that Season 2 will be getting a DLC. So, if Season 2 gets a DLC, then I think all hope for wolf will be gone. As we are also started to get close to the 1 year mark from when Wolf ended.
So, Ill just mention this. This feels like the final stretch for Season 2 or a DLC. Looks like there is going to be some big news for Walkin… moreg Dead this week, and basically confirmation that Season 2 will be getting a DLC. So, if Season 2 gets a DLC, then I think all hope for wolf will be gone. As we are also started to get close to the 1 year mark from when Wolf ended.
I never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to accept that there will be no more Wolf. It has been WAY too long without any kind of hint or reveal of more to come...
By July 8th (TWAU Ep. 5 release date) if we haven't heard anything from TellTale, then I will give up hope at last
So, Ill just mention this. This feels like the final stretch for Season 2 or a DLC. Looks like there is going to be some big news for Walkin… moreg Dead this week, and basically confirmation that Season 2 will be getting a DLC. So, if Season 2 gets a DLC, then I think all hope for wolf will be gone. As we are also started to get close to the 1 year mark from when Wolf ended.
I never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to accept that there will be no more Wolf. It has been WAY too long without any kind of hint or … morereveal of more to come...
By July 8th (TWAU Ep. 5 release date) if we haven't heard anything from TellTale, then I will give up hope at last
I never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to accept that there will be no more Wolf. It has been WAY too long without any kind of hint or … morereveal of more to come...
By July 8th (TWAU Ep. 5 release date) if we haven't heard anything from TellTale, then I will give up hope at last
This is true, but it's been so long now with no words or anything dude... I don't know what to do, I can't spend the rest of the year worrying about TWAU Season 2 if nothing has been said thus far
Well, I'll never give up - I'll silently hope for it and never forget it. After all, I've been here since the Episode 1, and I'll have the faith forever
This is true, but it's been so long now with no words or anything dude... I don't know what to do, I can't spend the rest of the year worrying about TWAU Season 2 if nothing has been said thus far
Well, I'll never give up - I'll silently hope for it and never forget it. After all, I've been here since the Episode 1, and I'll have the faith forever
I never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to accept that there will be no more Wolf. It has been WAY too long without any kind of hint or … morereveal of more to come...
By July 8th (TWAU Ep. 5 release date) if we haven't heard anything from TellTale, then I will give up hope at last
It might be due to the fact that I haven't slept in two days, but I suddenly got the hunch that TellTale si waiting for the comics to end before announcing season 2. And these are my very much arguable reasons:
• They don't want to distract the attention from Fables' ending and practically steal the show from Willingham, making all his efforts in creating suspence far less dramatic
• It would be a good plan to make a season 2 as a celebration of the comic's end, plus imagine the effect: just when you thought it was all over and were starting to accept the idea of no more Fables, suddenly Telltale comes up with this damn new season! I believe they're ready to smash our feelings right when we least expect it, those bastards
It might be due to the fact that I haven't slept in two days, but I suddenly got the hunch that TellTale si waiting for the comics to end be… morefore announcing season 2. And these are my very much arguable reasons:
• They don't want to distract the attention from Fables' ending and practically steal the show from Willingham, making all his efforts in creating suspence far less dramatic
• It would be a good plan to make a season 2 as a celebration of the comic's end, plus imagine the effect: just when you thought it was all over and were starting to accept the idea of no more Fables, suddenly Telltale comes up with this damn new season! I believe they're ready to smash our feelings right when we least expect it, those bastards
Every time I see this thread or anything with season two, I bust out singing 'Don't stop Believin' by Journey. Forever holding on!
Huff and puff #TeamGeorgie
This is my song of choice:
Hungry Like the Wolf
...because... get it...? I'm.... I'm "hungry like the wolf" for Season 2... and I... I'll just see myself out the door then I suppose.
Considering they retweeted somebody complementing the art style of Wolf Among Us, I'd say they were just taking the chance to advertise the game as opposed to cryptically hinting at something. I'd sooner think that #SeeYouAround and the images with quotes were hinting at something.
Considering they retweeted somebody complementing the art style of Wolf Among Us, I'd say they were just taking the chance to advertise the … moregame as opposed to cryptically hinting at something. I'd sooner think that #SeeYouAround and the images with quotes were hinting at something.
A good point is that they haven't denied a season 2 yet. Now I know that you all think that the telltale office is just full of people who get turned on by agrivated fans but I think there's something brewing otherwise they would confirm it.
8) Never thought of that...
I may be a bit late on this, but prior to this I had not seen that.
Heh, at this point I think this thread is pretty much the Wolf Among Us: Season 2 waiting thread. :P
I had a beautiful dream last night... I've went on Twitter and I saw official TWAU Season Two announcement... then I woke up and realized it was just a dream, I've spent rest of the day wondering why world have to be so cruel
I think I'm going to suffer from depression again, thank you Telltale
We should totally just make one and wait...
So, Ill just mention this. This feels like the final stretch for Season 2 or a DLC. Looks like there is going to be some big news for Walking Dead this week, and basically confirmation that Season 2 will be getting a DLC. So, if Season 2 gets a DLC, then I think all hope for wolf will be gone. As we are also started to get close to the 1 year mark from when Wolf ended.
Season 2 will be getting a Season 2? Poogs wtf
The hope will never die! We must keep hoping for it
TWAU is love, TWAU is life.
Huff and Puff
God damn.
Writing about Season 2 for a Season 2, while a Dlc is coming for a different Season 2 has never been harder to type in my life.
That even sounds confusing, not even talking about typing it out.
I never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to accept that there will be no more Wolf. It has been WAY too long without any kind of hint or reveal of more to come...
By July 8th (TWAU Ep. 5 release date) if we haven't heard anything from TellTale, then I will give up hope at last
In was half expecting that image to be annotated to say "Join us, Hazza" XP
I haven't given up YET though... There is still time.
Well, if there's been no reveal then there's still place for a reveal
This is true, but it's been so long now with no words or anything dude... I don't know what to do, I can't spend the rest of the year worrying about TWAU Season 2 if nothing has been said thus far
Well, I'll never give up - I'll silently hope for it and never forget it. After all, I've been here since the Episode 1, and I'll have the faith forever
I'll never give up on the inside at least, can't let it all go
Just as there will be a Half-Life 3 (even if we are decomposed dust by then), there shall be a season 2
It might be due to the fact that I haven't slept in two days, but I suddenly got the hunch that TellTale si waiting for the comics to end before announcing season 2. And these are my very much arguable reasons:
• They don't want to distract the attention from Fables' ending and practically steal the show from Willingham, making all his efforts in creating suspence far less dramatic
• It would be a good plan to make a season 2 as a celebration of the comic's end, plus imagine the effect: just when you thought it was all over and were starting to accept the idea of no more Fables, suddenly Telltale comes up with this damn new season! I believe they're ready to smash our feelings right when we least expect it, those bastards
Maybe. It would be incredibly interesting if Willingham gave Telltale all the rights to Fables after he ended it
Vertigo own the rights to Fables, not Willingham...
Every time I see this thread or anything with season two, I bust out singing 'Don't stop Believin' by Journey. Forever holding on!
Huff and puff #TeamGeorgie
Yes I jnow, I just ment an overall rights handoff
I kinda don't want them to hand over the rights though...
I think it's cuz of the amount of rewrites TellTale had to do when making TWAU, they were enough for me to wonder.
This is my song of choice:
Hungry Like the Wolf
...because... get it...? I'm.... I'm "hungry like the wolf" for Season 2... and I... I'll just see myself out the door then I suppose.
Freaking love this song! So TWAU themed!
Uhm... any thoughts why Telltale retweeted a post from 6 months ago showing a screenshot from TWAU?
To let us know that they haven't forgotten, little do they know that the pain just gets worse because of it...
To drive us fucking insane
So they can see fans do this:
Whoa, that's intense
RIP A guy caught in the infinite loop because he tried to break an indestructible laptop †
Considering they retweeted somebody complementing the art style of Wolf Among Us, I'd say they were just taking the chance to advertise the game as opposed to cryptically hinting at something. I'd sooner think that #SeeYouAround and the images with quotes were hinting at something.
None that we know of as of yet, but it seems too specific and out of left field for it to have been meaningless.
So was there any purpose of the #SeeYouAround retweet that Telltale did a couple of months ago?
So, not a Telltale tweet, but still ;-;
C'mon, Telltale. Give us more Wolf! Pleeeeeaaaaaassssseee.
This is getting so depressive it's not even funny... depressive and frustrating
A good point is that they haven't denied a season 2 yet. Now I know that you all think that the telltale office is just full of people who get turned on by agrivated fans but I think there's something brewing otherwise they would confirm it.
That. Is. Awesome.
A friend came over yesterday and we binged through the entire first season. Must have season 2!