Ludd Whitehill: Not evil
Already predicting people will go ape shit here. To be honest he doesn't strike me as a monster and is the best of the worst of villains in the Game of Thrones/ASOFI franchise. He treats the Forresters like shit, yeah but really does someone hating the protagonist make them a monster? He cares and loves his children and (much like Tywin) is pushed to a stoic, emotionless state after the death of his wife. Is he a hateful, arrogant old fuck? Sure but does that really warrant Telltale's "All antagonists must die" rule. Hell I'd say he's the most forgivable, redeemable antagonist yet look at the facts, Jack
He doesn't have pregnant women and defenseless men murdered."
He doesn't have thousands of innocent men, women and children burned before him for his own amusement
He doesn't impregnate his own daughters and leave his own sons for White Walkers
He doesn't kill children and rape their mothers
He also dosent want peace with the Forestters but want to see theur house burn.
He´s a bannerman for the boltons the house that no one in the north respects.
He´s sending gold to buy a army of mercs so he can burn them.
(Ludd grow up with stories about their famalies and they being fightig for centurys. its like israel and Palestina. dont think is a REAL bad guy, but he does alot of shit.)
Ludd reminds me of Capulet in Romeo & Juliet. Well, actually, the entire feud does.
He's taking advantage of the situation. I'm sure the Forresters have done this plenty of times.
After episode 4 I gained a little respect for Ludd but the Whitehills will be destroyed or under my boot hopefully by the end.
yeah, after episode 4 I think I understand the Whitehills alot more. I understand that they are just trying to take care of their family just as much as the Foresters. Doesnt mean they arnt dicks though.
He said the Ethan brought his death on himself so screw him. He's arrogant and cruel and so determined to try put another house down so he can what, feel like a king?
He's a fucking pig who deserves to die, he's cocky because he have the Boltons in his back, but he will get what's coming. He is evil.
That's what I was thinking. It seems there is gonna be trouble for both WhiteHill and Forresters when Ramsay comes.
Is he evil? Not necessarily. Is he a gargantuan douche canoe who deserves the get the shit beaten out of him just like his fourthborn? Yes. By all of the Gods yes.
i agree, he is not evil. he could have done anything he wanted to the forresters. He did some shit, and i'll fight him to the end in the game, but i'll only kill him if i have to, same for Gryff, he could have made Rodrik his bitch and that's why i regret... well... wrecking his face.
He's not EVIL. I mean, at least he never laid a hand on Ryon before he found out about Rodrik kidnapping his son. BUT what he did do is taunt a grieving mother whose eight year old he was taking away and fourteen year old son bleeding to death on her arms as his twin desperately called out for help.
He doesn't do all of this thinks because, well, is too busy for fucking my family, the Forrester family, house Forrester, for Jesus Christ how can you call him not being evil? If he was and is a good guy, he was willing to accept my offer for an alliance, instead he shit and threatening me, the only way that I see as good reason to appeal to his good side is through his daughter, Gwyn Whitehill, if it continues to threaten my family or friends, I will break his neck! However the alliance will be done if Gwyn marry Asher.
It's very easy to think of your enemy as truly evil, but there is evil on both sides in every war ever fought. Except for Ramsay, he needs to die.
Episode 4 has tried very hard to humanise the Whitehills. I do empathise with their family and if the choice comes for full-blown Lannister on Reynes and Tarbecks level revenge, I won't do it
Having bad things happen to you doesn't excuse you being a dick. You can feel bad for their situation initially but after how they go after the Forresters I'm not gonna call him a good guy and stuff
Gryff's mother dying at childbirth is only speculation right?
I'd like to add that, contrary to Tywin, he does love his "runt" child, Gryff, who apparently also killed his wife at birth.
All the other brothers hated and teased Gryff when they were growing up, but Gwynn says Ludd was always kind to him.
I found that kind of endearing.
However, I would not trust him. He is still amassing a sellsword army in secret to destroy the Forresters. Any offer of peace and alliance should be taken with a grain of salt.
I'll never get why is the author always taking the defence of the bad guys killing innocents by comparing them to eviler. Evil is evil : Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference.
I thought Gwyn actually said it when you look at the portrait but I'm not sure
I thought it was implied, but I don't recall it ever been directly mentioned.
It's speculation, she says her mother died shortly after Gryff was born, and that his brothers always hated him growing up, but Ludd always cared for him.
This Is Exactly Why I Want The Trade To Go Well. I Feel Sorry For Both Ludd And Gryff (Mostly Gryff)
I completely agree Ludd is definitely a prick there's no denying that but he's not a monster, it's time for the Forresters and Whitehills to make peace I have no interest in vengance.
I wouldn't say he is evil, but he is by no means a good person. He has done some very shitty things and I will beat the hell out of him if given the chance
Oh, a guy who nearly stabs my youngest brother to death, isn't evil. No biggie.
Douche canoe? Hahahaha!
If you choose the option to beg him he spares Ryon immediately and says he knows mercy. I guarantee you any other villain in this fucked up franchise would slit the boy's throat and have the Forresters Robb Stark'd
Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't you call him boring and bland at one point?![:p :p](
Only in the early episodes where he kinda was and seem to only exist to be hated but after episode 3 and 4 we've seen more of his story/ motives and personality same with a lot of characters in the later episodes seem to have finally seen the light of development (Rodrik, Mira, Gryff; Ludd etc)
You got a like for quoting Geralt.
You just made me realize that the plot is kind of like Romeo and Juliet, with Asher and Gwyn not allowed to marry each other due to them being from rivalling houses.
You just assume that every villain must be killer, there are more way to hurt someone, anyway I chose the option to beg him, he was please that I'm his puppet and the he can control me especially that I kiss his ring , did you even notice his smile, just after he say "Oh, so now you beg?" and If you bluff he say he care about his son, but this thinks doesn't make him or any one a good guy. You can say he isn't evil but neither god it is, so he is bad and villain character and I don't care if he inhibit his emotion, as long he launched a threat to me and my family, I call him being a EVIL. you say he knows mercy but let me assume that next episode Gryff Whitehill is free or worse death, what do you think Ludd our beloved non evil villain will do to Ryon?
Yeah he may not be evil, but it will be fun slaughtering his entire family if given the option nonetheless.
I really have a tough time believing that Whitehill would kill a child but Roose Bolton (a man far worse) would not. I can see him taking out frustration on them especially if you chose to maime his defenseless son. I have an example I'd like to use for this Galactus (Marvel) is probably the biggest threat in the Marvel verse due to him consuming planets in order to survive with no true malicious intentions. Would I call him evil? Nah he's just a disaster he's no more a villain than a tornado or earth quake. Really all obstacles or opposing forces that go against the protagonists aren't always complete monsters just people that need to be stopped for the better.
True enough, I'll take your point, still Ludd Whitehill is evil in my eyes and I will break his neck!, maybe not but he can chose to alliance with me instead of make us slaves, isn't like he doesn't have a choices at all, or you see the slavery as good deal?
Ludd Whitehill brought the Boltons down on my house. Fuck that scumbag!
He didn't even mention Romeo & Juliet. I did.
Et tu, Brute?
Ludd is not evil...he is an asshole.
exactly! what these comments boggle my mind, he is not evil? he could have used our houses weakness to his advantage without shitting all over us. I called his bluff because i was willing to sacrifice Ryon. and the little dude calls out "iron from ice" as he is lead away, he gets it.
Hashtag not evil? Well, he's not exempt from evil status just because evil has standards.
Enmity between Houses is as old as dirt in the ice and fire universe. Ludd and the Forresters, who pretty obviously have an equally irrational hate for the Whitehills, are just playing the roles their ancestors left them. The Maester put it beautifully in his introduction 'someone killed someone and that led to more killings of someones and here we are'
After seeing that Forrester Whitehill shield in Highpoint. It made my want to see if i could try and unite the families once more. Hopefully against the Boltons. And while i don't really want to anymore. If they get way to crazy, I'll kill em all and torch their castle then salt the ground, If TT lets us.