Who else think that TellTale should do something like that?!
This would breake internet! You know "TellTale Techno dance" with GoT, TWD, TFTB, TWAU characters!
I hope someday we'll see somethink like that. ; p
Ahh, Don't listen to those guys buddy! That sounds like a very Interesting Idea! Maybe not to be implemented in the Game itself, Maybe they can add it to the "Telltale: Super Show!" Though!
Ahh, Don't listen to those guys buddy! That sounds like a very Interesting Idea! Maybe not to be implemented in the Game itself, Maybe they can add it to the "Telltale: Super Show!" Though!
Feels like you only wanted to post that video somewhere... sorry but it's kinda weird idea and there's a lot of these fan made funny dance videos of TWD/TWAU already.
Is this a joke? O.o
XD it is not meant to mean that
Something about your name rubs me the wrong way
Oh my god lololololololol
Dont you think this would be awesome? Lee x Carley vs Rodrick x Elaena dance or something
I don't think it works between GoT and TFTB, and TWAU and TWD.
Ahh, Don't listen to those guys buddy! That sounds like a very Interesting Idea! Maybe not to be implemented in the Game itself, Maybe they can add it to the "Telltale: Super Show!" Though!
This idea would be a good one. Seeing all the Telltale Cast doing that would be... Interesting, to say the least.
This guy doesn't know what the super show is does he
Bruh, do you even idea.
Can't help but feel that TftB will end in a dance party. With Claptrap, obviously.
Feels like you only wanted to post that video somewhere... sorry but it's kinda weird idea and there's a lot of these fan made funny dance videos of TWD/TWAU already.
Fahrenheit did it
Indigo Prophecy. I'd shag Carla all night then dash outta there in the mornin ♥♥♥♥
Since never.
What? Since when is this a good idea?
0/10 no shrek
Here you go-