Do Any of You Guys Go to Movies Alone?
I get criticized for this all the time. I get called antisocial because I prefer to go to movies by myself. Is that really that weird? I didn't really realize that quietly sitting in a dark room staring at a screen projection for two hours was really that social of an event.
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I never go alone lol. Gonna be going to see jurassic world with a few friends this week actually
Not weird at all. I have been by myself a number of times and I actually find it better, in a way, because you can watch the movie without being interrupted by your friends and such.
Thank you. Finally, someone who gets it.
(And it's also not that I hate going with people, I just find it more cheap and enjoyable to go alone.)
I've never been to the movies alone, and I don't think I would like it. I'd feel so lonely.
I agree with kiwi (tasty :Р)
If you go to the movies alone, no one will distract you from watching.
For me, this is better than with others.
Don't pay attention to what other people say
I watch a lot of movies alone, but I don't go to the movies alone.
Also don't mind people who call you antisocial just because you want to be alone sometimes. If you define "weird" by "uncommon" - then yes it's weird, but so what?
I do, I move a lot and I'm used to having people coming and going, all of my relationships (Friendships, colleagues, coworkers and romantic relationships as well) last very little because of this and as a result I almost never have someone I can go with or am comfortable in asking to go with me and while I won't lie that for some bizarre reason it is actually more enjoyable to watch movies with a bunch of people you know than not, the movie is still the movie and I should be able to enjoy it alone, no point in missing it if I want to see it too badly and I couldn't really care less of what people think of me either, I don't think it's particularly weird either.
Yes. Mostly because I have no friends.
I have a few times but usually I'm with someone else but there's nothing wrong with going alone.
Cheap? You mean you pay for your friends? Actually groups usually get discounts so it's actually cheaper
Nah, it would be boring as all hell.
I remember when I went to see The Secret of Arrietty a few years ago. It was awesome. We threw twizzlers at people and made fart noises at the sad and/or quiet parts lol. We didn't get thrown out because the people who run the place don't even have ushers that give a shit. They pop in, stand there for 1 millisecond, then leave.
Well, one time I got stood up - I was going to watch a movie with a female friend, she didn't show up and I was standing in the back of the theatre waiting for her through the whole movie. And this was Lord of the RIngs...
Though where I live now, there's not really a stigma against going by yourself, so I do it all the time. Especially since my friends always seem to choose shit movies...
I always go with my sister, but considering the fact that I'm getting older I most likely plan on going by myself.
And sometimes, it's better to watch a movie alone. Thank God I watched The Wolf of Wall Street by myself.
I don't go to movies anyways cause over twenty to thirty dollars to see another shitty CGI-fest half baked Hollywood pompous bore of a film isn't something I want to do with anyone.
Netflix, bitches.
Even when I'm in a theatre with strangers, I'm soooo uncomfortable if there's a sex scene...
Nope, I can usually find someone to go with, never went alone.
I don't blame ya. Some of the shit in that movie is raunchy as fuck. My sister would probably leave the theater if that had happened.
no because i need people to use them as separators from the people i dont know. usually where im from, if there is a family together people leave 2 seats between them unless the movie its really packed then the whole row is filled or they leave one seat between them.
but no why go alone waste all that money just for yourself? and again its more than likely going to be full, i could just watch it in my own house with no one charging me bullshit amounts. now it it were to be half empty then probably. BTW i think its bullshit that people make it seem weird if you do that, just like going eating at some place alone its weird
I always prefer to go with atleast one other person. I find it fun to talk about the movie before seeing and then talking about it afterwards
Both I'm so busy with college, sport and other stuff I rarely get free time so I sometimes go alone if it's a really awesome film comes along and I go see it at a certain time to fit it into my busy schedule but 99% of the time I go with someone
haha I just saw the Secretary for the first time. MAGGIE I LOVE YOU.