The Trials Evolution riddle has been solved and it is truly unbelievable

This some pretty insane shit, imo. If you don't want to check the link, and check out the story, this is pretty much what happened:

Back in 2012, RedLynx released the game Trials Evolution, on XBLA. In the game, there were a series of wooden planks that, when pieced together, created this jumbled text:

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After it was deciphered, the message revealed a hidden trick within the game, which unlocked a song. The song invited player to take a clooser look, which led to some people convert it into morse code, through Spectral analysis. It was through this that people discovered a website created for the next part of the puzzle.

In 2013, the website was updated with this:

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The answer was eventually found. It was"Big freeze with no complete end", one of the possible theories for the end of the Universe. This was the reward:

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People thorughout the world investigated these addresses, and in each location, they found these:

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Each chest contained one message on the front, like "It was forever ago", and on the back, they all had the same message:

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