most stupid/funny thing anyone has ever asked you?
I have 2 (both by the same person first was when she asked us what does idk mean and we were like I don't know (as in the meaning) and she said me neither. The second was when we were joking around and my friend ran into a phone box and asked her what's the number for 911? And she believed her and panicked and said I don't know. It never gets old
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My classmate once asked me "Do you sleep with your glasses on?"
Like seriously, why would I need glasses on when my eyes are closed and I am sleeping .__.
I was once asked if my family was rich by a classmate once, simply due to the fact that I often wear a dated casual suit in place of modern fashion (second hand shops are a wonderful thing).
"what are your preferred pronouns?"
To wake up to clarity?
You could possibly damage the glasses by sleeping with them on, not to mention how uncomfortable it is (I speak from experience; I tried it when I first started to wear them).
A friend of mine once asked me where the Cannes Festival takes place...
Some girl in school asked me who The Beatles were. I have never facepalmed so hard in my entire life.
This is something I found on yahoo answers. I thought it might be pretty funny...
Someone asked me what Hitlers last name was. (This was in history class)
Any time people ask me if war is like COD.
People can be just flat out stupid sometimes...
I dated a girl who asked me about the process of masturbation...
Yeah, she was fucking weirdo.
Now THIS is pretty funny...

Not so much a stupid question as a missed opportunity.
Lol, you dirty bitch
Once we had discussion in my music theory class and we were talking about the reason jingles exist and one of the examples was, "1-600-RUGS" and some girl interrupted the teacher to ask what "R-U-G-S" spelt.
Anither question I found on yahoo...
I'm going to pretend I didn't read that and move on.
Fucking comedy gold.