Weaboos are annoying people who know nothing about japanese and learn the language just from anime. Otakus are just people who like anime and can tell you its flaws. That might change your views
Weaboos are annoying people who know nothing about japanese and learn the language just from anime. Otakus are just people who like anime and can tell you its flaws. That might change your views
Well, I don't care enough about school to be called a nerd, and I don't think I'm trendy enough to be a geek.
I don't fit in either label, really.
Ok what the fuck
I'm just an awkward lonely person, neither of those though.
Yeah, same.
I don't like school but I'm a great student. Also I belong to many fandoms. So, what am I?
I don't really know the exact definitions of the two words, but if Geeks don't like DnD, then they suck ass.
cant wait to get sued for hate speech
A fagit
ur a fagit, m8
Obviously nerd. Geeks want pork and bordeaux. Really? Red wine with pork? What's the matter with you...
Neither. I'm...
I'm neither of this two, but I'm a Dork, still I take a quiz http://www.playbuzz.com/elizabethderryberry10/are-you-a-geek-a-nerd-or-a-dork and it prove that I'm a Geek, so that mean I'm a Doek (Dork-Geek)
I am the one that was invented by Dr. Suess for one of his books.
Bitch I'm a fucking DORK!
Your Avatar, I like it......
Jock but a closeted geek
What's the fuck is a weeaboo?
Neither Erm I'm a Mark I guess it's something
An Introvert who enjoys playing games, I guess.
a fgt
I guess all of my friends and me are weeaboo's then
lol y u on the computer while u takin a shit
Did u at least wipe ur ass first?
fuk u den u lil shit
A fagit
Weaboos are annoying people who know nothing about japanese and learn the language just from anime. Otakus are just people who like anime and can tell you its flaws. That might change your views
ayy just like that other guy
U wot m8?
(BTW, I meant a nerd).
I don't even like anime much so..yeah