Whats ur opinion on the video game shadow the hedgehog
so far i have beat the neutral route of the game and overall i love the levels designs and color choices and the music and the story aint half bad and the gameplay is awesome i dont understand why people hate this..
Anyways share ur opinion below on it
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It's not a Bad game, I mean, It sure as hell has it's flaws, and The story is Sickening, But it's a fun game to play, It's not glitchy, and it's the sequel to Sonic Adventure 2
yeah the gameplay is good the story is ok i suppose the level design i like very much the music is good its not a bad game its a great game in my opinion that is overlooked by many but not overlooked by me
You got it all wrong, Gameplay is fun, Story is shit, Level design is badass, Music is heavenly. That's the game. XD
Basically shadow
Edit: I was too harsh to clemyclooandbabyboo/noah with this message
Okay, Jeez dude. I was making a Joke, sorry to have offended you... I'll just fuggin' go that way then.
@TDMshadowCP This thread is right up your alley.
no u did not offend me and im sorry for yelling at ya anyways go on skype i wanna talk to ya bud
It was okay. And thanks @Allthatremains for showing this
So tdmshadow what did u like about the game and what did u hate?
purple (cool kind not gay kind)
I know but i just love using em to shoot the heck out of the enemies its so dang fun the game for me is overall good in my opinion
It was um... different (that's a good word right?). I didn't hate the game and I liked the multiple story paths. It tried to be too cool for school.
It was ok... The story was choppy and the fast action gameplay resembled Sonic 06 except not to a very horrific point. The alternate endings were pretty cool and I liked aspects of the game
I didn't like it, I thought the story was bad, the guns were weird the vehicles handled bad and were also useless and a pointless thing to include, can't tell you about level design or anything in much detail since I played it when it was new, I remember not liking it and never finishing it, that's about it, can't say I would bother getting it again to revise my opinion with a fresher view either.
Im gonna have to disagree with ya i actually love the heck out of the game but we all have different opinions so ill respect ur opinion
You asked, like I said it was a long time ago and I remember it being bad, to be fair though I didn't like the Adventure games all that much either,and Shadow is definitely worse than those, I don't think I like 3D Sonic games much and my favourite Sonic games are 3 and CD.
I understand we all like different stuff i respect yo opinion
The worst game in the series.
Im gonna honestly say i have not played all the games so far this is my 1st and i dont hate it to me its pretty good and u saying its pretty bad is over thinking i respect ur opinion but i love this game i would say the only issue with it is maybe somewhat slippy controls and not much of a story everything else to me is good the level designs the color choices the guns were not needed but i think they are cool and overall fun to use the dialogue is not bad i suppose and the gameplay is overall i would say good but u know once i play all the games ill update ya but aint rise of lyric the worst i heard from many sonic boom rise of lyric pretty bad anyways i like shadow the hedgehog its a good game and it dont cost much so thats a plus
There wasn't even one period in that run on sentence, not a single one.
whatever u say
Ok, so I know this might just sound like a pet peeve and all, but can you please try to spell out words properly instead of using "ur" or "u" all the time? Proper grammar is not a forum guideline and we don't punish people for spelling words wrong as that would be overkill, but to be honest, it's not exactly good forum etiquette to purposefully not spell out words either since you are on a message board and not a chat room/text message/etc. It makes for better discussion if you actually take the time to try and spell things out right, and we don't want the forums to read like a text message conversation. I'm not trying to be rude, but more effort would be appreciated.
To stay on topic, I didn't really think the game was that good back when I played it when I was younger. I mean, if you were to apply the same gameplay to a different franchise, I'm sure it would've worked some. However, it doesn't fit for a franchise like Sonic. Cursing/Guns/Aliens/Doomsday scenarios don't match with a cartoon Hedgehog who runs fast. That, and the dialogue tried waaayyy too hard to be edgy.
Like taking candy from a baby
Reminds of this 10/10 dialogue:
So edgy
Well we all have different opinions ill respect urs if u respect mine ill tell ya what i like and hate about
Pros for me
Good level design
Ok dialogue
Good music
The guns (I love to use em sure they are unneeded but dang fun to use they also have some cool designs some of em remind me of halo weapons
The story ill be honest its nothing special but its a ok story i would say in my opinion but compared to other games its nothing much
The vehicles to me are not really required since shadow can go dang fast and hes the ultimate lifeform im pretty sure and the vehicles aint really that fun in my opinion to use
I'm not gonna lie the game is somewhat a guilty pleasure for me. I said somewhat mind you, I haven't played the game now in about six or so years. But when I first played the game (around the time it came out) I was really digging the fad of games trying to be edgy. Especially when I was in my early teens. Jak II was another game where it's predecessor went from being colorful and friendly to being dark and gritty. Though I would argue it worked with Jak and Daxter. Sonic though? Dear smeg no.
Edgy Sonic? It's ok
I don't like it. Way too edgy.
I thought this game was okay as a child, but now that I'm older I now see that this is one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.
What I like:
The Gunplay:
Even though the concept of guns being in a Sonic game was thought as ridiculous at the time, they're actually a lot of fun to use. I like the fact that Shadow automatically aims at incoming enemies so I don't have to worry about it.
The Soundtrack:
Arguably not the best in the series, but I like a lot of the music. My favourite has to be Sky Troops.
Unfortunately, the good stops here. Yep, I'm taking an opportunity to tear this game a new one.
What I don't like:
The art style:
It bugs me that this game looks too much like Sonic Heroes. Even though the CGI cutscenes look good, the animation in the in-game cutscenes can look awkward and stiff. Worst of all, the human character models (especially Maria) look disgusting.
The repetition of the gameplay:
Missions: This is a bit on the biased side, since I can't stand missions that involve searching for a large number of items or enemies inside a huge stage. This game does this way too much. Of course you don't have to do these missions, but that means you're basically stuck with the neutral pathway. I feel like nearly every stage has these, and it just gets extremely irritating. FUCK LOST IMPACT.
Westopolis: Why is Westopolis the only stage you can start story mode on? What kills me is that you have to get all of the endings, and to do that you have to play this stupid stage over and over again. Why not have at least two more to start from so it doesn't feel so bloody tedious?
The Melee weapons:
Absolutely worthless in this game. The guns do everything that melees can and can't do, so there's no point to having them at all. Oh, and please explain to me why they have ammunition that goes down every time I hit people with them? Maybe if you get like 20 or 30 hits like how you get 20 or 30 bullets for nearly every gun, they wouldn't be so bad. You get only 4 per weapon. Stay the hell away. You're better off with a ranged-weapon that has a bullet meter that makes sense when it goes down.
Oh yeah, and Shadow has punches and kicks...that do half the damage that bullets do.
The Allies:
Every enemy in the game will attack you regardless of which side your on. Even though Doom's Eye is in clear sight of the aliens, they will still try to kill you. The same goes for the G.U.N. soldiers, and for Eggman's robots. If you defend yourself, you get scolded by whoever's with you. Game designing at its finest.
Hero or Villain Concept:
Well, clearly he's a hero since that's what the game wants thanks to the last story segment. Say what you want about Telltale Games but at least when you make a choice to be bad or good, the game makes you stick with it from start to finish. They don't insult you with a last story that pretty much says, "all those hours you've just spent on this game now mean jack shit." The game markets itself as a "Choose to be good or bad," kind of game, but it fails completely by having a true ending with Shadow ultimately being a hero.
The Story
It's a very small story when you think about it. Doom tells Shadow to get all of the Chaos Emeralds. He does (regardless of how you get them, it doesn't matter). He ends up in the Black Comet with all of them in hand. He fights Doom, wins, saves the Earth and stays inside the ARK. It kind of pisses me off that it took me countless hours just to get this. Among this, Sonic and his friends are phoned in just to accompany you in the missions. They don't really have that much of an impact on the actual plot of the game.
On top of that, the writing is beyond sloppy.
One more thing. Shadow would never have been motivated to fight Doom had it not been for Gerald's video message to him. Team Chaotix somehow not only got the video to play in the Comet, but to G.U.N. and (possibly) all around the world. How the fuck do they do this?!
Overall; Awful.
I haven't played Sonic '06 nor Rise of Lyric, so this is by far the worst Sonic game I've ever played, let alone one of the worst games I've played period. It's a shame too because I personally like Shadow as a character and back then, and the thought of him getting his own game sounded awesome ('till I found out about the guns, but the gameplay proved me wrong). This game does not do him justice. There's very little care and detail put into it to make at least tolerable for me, and putting more effort into making this game edgy rather than actually making it enjoyable to play just makes it worse.
hmm... i disagree its a awful game but ill respect ur opinion since we all think different and such i love the heck out of the game some like the game like me some dont like u i respect everyones opinion as long is its civil opinion and such
Um also there is 1 game element u missed to take into consideration , the vehicles u could drive in the game the motorcycle and the car i think those for u would go under bad its 1 of the few things i hate about ,the game since i like the game and uh vehicles are useless since shadow can go pretty dang fast by vehicles im only talking about the motorcycle, and car vehicles not the robots u use to jump on platform sections and such those vehicles are fine im just ,talking motorcycle and car vehicles in the game in the highway level.
I thought the game was ok and I used to play it quite a lot when I was younger, until the disc got badly scratched one day. It then got a bit annoying during cutscenes when characters would repeat the same word over again for five minutes straight.
One of my best game from my childhood.
I agree its awesome @JMOREL i just dont understand the hate on it i really dont
I thought the game was pretty "meh" when I played it and I can see why a lot of people disliked and/or hated it. Like what a lot of posters said, the game tried way too hard to be dark and edgy even for Shadow, like the firearms and cursing. Tyler_Durant already expressed all the reasons on why I thought the game was mediocre, so I see no sense in repeating them. And the final boss fight where you're playing as Super Shadow was disappointing and severely underwhelming to say the least. The only thing I liked about the game was the soundtrack which isn't saying a lot since most Sonic games usually tend to have good music, even Sonic 06.
I was a kid back then so I actually liked it. Looking at it now, it's not as good as I remembered.
He made me read it all without even catching a breath ;__;