The Overrated Thread (post anything that's overrated in life)

This is the Overrated Thread. In this thread you can post anything in life that you perceive or feel that is overrated or gets the praise that it doesn't deserve

I'll start it off

•Boyhood is the most overrated film. It had no plot and annoying characters. (I'm talking about you Mason!)

•Football is a overrated sport. I don't see anything fun watching men in tights tacking each other in the mud.

•The Big Bang Theory is a overrated T.V Show. It's nothing but cheap laughs, an insult to the entire nerd/geek subculture and the characters don't look like your average nerds.

Feel free to post anything and say it loud to the world of what gets too much praise and maybe...maybe you will enlighten someone and that someone will say

"Hey maybe that person is right, maybe I should stop watching The Bachelor because it makes me more stupid and instead start watching TV shows that will make me think more about the socioeconomic problems in our society such as The Wire."



  • Movies:

    Interstellar - I almost fell asleep

    X Men movies - can't find them that interesting, but haven't seen them for awhile so maybe I'll like them more if I watch it again

    Lord of the Rings - people act like its the best thing to ever happen to movie history, and where I find it good just not that good


    House of Cards - season 1 was great but I found season 2 immensely boring

    Flash - it's good, but I can't get behind the people saying it's better than Arrow (which is one of my favorite shows rn, despite the slightly poor season 3)

    Once Upon a Time - it just feels like a cheesy romance story


    Life is Strange - I thought Episode 2 was great but the other 2 not so good, I also personally think the dialogue is really cringe worthy at times

    Battlefield - I honestly can't find it to be any better than CoD. Funny enough, the only one I enjoyed was Hardline, which is probably the most hated one but I enjoyed it purely because it was completely different than the others.

    Tales from the Borderlands - don't find a lot of the jokes funny, can't get into the characters or story that much.


    Baseball - the fact I suck at it doesn't count as a reason, since I suck at a lot of sports but still enjoy them. Just don't find it that fun or immersing as other sports

    These are just some off the top of my head, and they are purely my opinion. They might change, they might not but yea

    1. Life is Strange: I honestly don't see the big deal about this game. Choices have the same impact as a typical Telltale game, the characters are one dimensional or stereotypical high schoolers, Chloe is a terrible person who I wish would go away, and the story has been more of High School Simulator instead of actually trying to investigate the mystery (episode 3 did better in this regard, but it still doesn't excuse the previous two episodes).
    2. Daryl Dixon: I don't hate the guy, but the way people practically worship him and threaten to stop watching the show if he dies infuriate me. He's a good character, but not nearly as good as someone like Rick, Michonne, Carol, and others.
    3. Starved for Help: It's not a bad episode, but a lot of people act like it's one of the best episodes in The Walking Dead Game series. It's a fun episode to play, but not much happens plot wise except for Larry's death and stealing the supplies from the car.
    4. The Kardashians: Does this even need an explanation.
    5. Led Zeppelin: I could never get into them, they have a couple of good songs, but I never understood their appeal, I don't think Robert Plant is a very good singer and Jimmy Page himself is an overrated guitarist.
  • edited June 2015
    1. Emma Watson: If you've ever been to 9gag, you know this.
    2. Emma Stone: What's up with Emmas?
    3. Life is Strange: Not 4 me, but it's a nice game.
    4. Breaking bad: People act like it's God of TV. It's not, but it's still in my top 15 shows.
    5. Weed: It's a new "cool" thing I don't want to be associated with.
    6. Superheroes: There's nothing but superhero movies nowadays. People say it's a great time to be alive because of that, but I beg to differ.
    7. Gym class: Totally not needed in schools. If people don't want to exercise they won't do it in gym class either. Trust me, I know.
    8. The witcher: nuff said
    9. Anime: I do't consider Pokeon or Yu-Gi-Oh anime
    10. Alchocol: I can't stand the taste of any alchoholic drink.
    11. Knowledge because: Alt text
  • Mathamatics in the later years of secondary school.

  • Having children is pretty overrated.

    edited June 2015

    The Walking Dead (TV show) - overhyped because zombies are mainstream as hell. Robert Kirkman used to say that the zombies are "the icing on the cake" - but in the show it seems like there's a thimble full of icing and the cake is made of shit.

    I love the comics though.

  • I partially agree with that Football one. I don't like watching Football (Unless I'm watching my friends play) but I LOVE playing it.

  • F**k yeah I will agree with that one lol.

    Mathamatics in the later years of secondary school.

  • The Last Guardian is overhyped/overrated. Everyone saw the trailer and went crazy while I'm just sitting here saying it doesn't look impressive.

  • Harry Potter. I didn't like how the setting took place in Hogwarts most of the time. I wanted Harry Potter to explore the wizarding world so he could learn magic from the the best Wizard teachers around the globe so he could defeat Voldemort. Not spend the next seven years dwelling in a boarding school dealing with predictable cliches that you can find in a school story such as bullying and crushes.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Puberty is pretty overrated, everyone's been hyping it up as a terrible thing since 5th grade for me and I'm very underwhelmed, nothing's really that different.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^ SO MUCH THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Puberty is pretty overrated, everyone's been hyping it up as a terrible thing since 5th grade for me and I'm very underwhelmed, nothing's really that different.

  • I agree

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Puberty is pretty overrated, everyone's been hyping it up as a terrible thing since 5th grade for me and I'm very underwhelmed, nothing's really that different.

  • Well if we didn't humans would go extinct

    versacebabe posted: »

    Having children is pretty overrated.

  • edited June 2015

    I never knew what puberty was until I was told about when I was 15. U are right

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Puberty is pretty overrated, everyone's been hyping it up as a terrible thing since 5th grade for me and I'm very underwhelmed, nothing's really that different.

  • edited June 2015

    Mad Men the tv show - I guess its an interesting period peace but outside of that I found it really boring, I saw maybe 5 episodes and the only thing I liked was the actual advertising part (where the protagonist tries to figure out why a black dude smokes only a certain brand of cigarettes) and I was really put off with the sexism in the show (which was of course a realistic portraial of the period).

    Titanic and Avatar - visually stunning tech demos.

    Call of duty series - its all the same and its boring as hell.

    American dream of a suburban life with a house and dog and whatever - I'd rather live in a cramped NYC apartment.

    Long term relationship - people get bored of each other, we are not swans.

    Professional sports - its just guys chasing a ball or similar trivial activity, I couldn't care less and this includes videogames, I play games but I think professional gaming is stupid.

  • versacebabeversacebabe Banned
    edited June 2015

    ...And your point is?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well if we didn't humans would go extinct

  • We'll be like the dinosaurs

    versacebabe posted: »

    ...And your point is?

  • versacebabeversacebabe Banned
    edited June 2015

    ...and your point is?

    zeke10 posted: »

    We'll be like the dinosaurs

  • American Football.

  • Agree with #6. I mean, I do like them, but sheitt a lot of people are circle jerkin around that stuff!

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    * Emma Watson: If you've ever been to 9gag, you know this. * Emma Stone: What's up with Emmas? * Life is Strange: Not 4 me, but it's a nic

  • edited June 2015

    The Dark Knight - Most overrated comic book movie I've ever seen.

    Fargo (movie) - Expected a lot, but felt very disappointed in the end. Don't get the big praise because the whole film felt generic.

    Skyrim - More of a bias for me because I'm a Fallout guy, but I did try it and I got bored with it. With that said, I hated Oblivion.

    Pokemon - I just never liked it.

  • Some sh*tty lesser species will take over

    versacebabe posted: »

    ...and your point is?

  • edited June 2015

    Kim Kardashian's butt

    One Direction


    Staying up all night

  • Sir...your point....where is it?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Some sh*tty lesser species will take over

  • Humans being extinct is a pretty big thing

    versacebabe posted: »

    Sir...your point....where is it?

  • Not to me. Wanna agree to disagree?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Humans being extinct is a pretty big thing

  • Amen.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Puberty is pretty overrated, everyone's been hyping it up as a terrible thing since 5th grade for me and I'm very underwhelmed, nothing's really that different.

  • edited June 2015

    Chicken pox, soccer, and faithful marriages.

  • Football is a ton of fun to play, but watching it sucks. You get like 5 minutes of action per 10 minutes of commercials.

  • Chicken pox are overrated?

    Chicken pox, soccer, and faithful marriages.

  • but in the show it seems like there's a thimble full of icing and the cake is made of shit.

    Analogy of the Year, right here. Somebody get this man a trophy!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The Walking Dead (TV show) - overhyped because zombies are mainstream as hell. Robert Kirkman used to say that the zombies are "the icing on

  • Just out of curiosity, but why is it that you don't consider Poke'mon or Yu-Gi-Oh! anime?

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    * Emma Watson: If you've ever been to 9gag, you know this. * Emma Stone: What's up with Emmas? * Life is Strange: Not 4 me, but it's a nic

  • Mad Max: Fury Road: It felt like it was more concerned with action than actually telling a story.

  • i agree with #10 the rest not really.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    * Emma Watson: If you've ever been to 9gag, you know this. * Emma Stone: What's up with Emmas? * Life is Strange: Not 4 me, but it's a nic

  • HOW DARE YOU???!!!




    Chicken pox, soccer, and faithful marriages.

  • this. i dont get the major hype. i love the action though. 8.5/10, no 8/10

    ralo229 posted: »

    Mad Max: Fury Road: It felt like it was more concerned with action than actually telling a story.

  • "Not to me" lol. Easy for you to say that, Europe and America is severely underpopulated, In the future people like you who choose not to have kids will be hated.

    versacebabe posted: »

    Not to me. Wanna agree to disagree?

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