Any Remakes You Prefer Over the Originals?
The only one for me was Let Me In. I love Let the Right One In too, but I personally prefer the remake.
Are there any remakes you prefer over the original?
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The only one for me was Let Me In. I love Let the Right One In too, but I personally prefer the remake.
Are there any remakes you prefer over the original?
The Nolan Trilogy was better then the original Batmans
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Departed
Not sure if remake but I loved this film
John Carpenter's The Thing.
The crazies, the original was shit.
Peter Jackson's King Kong.
Though honestly they're from such entirely different generations of filmmaking it's hardly fair.
I really loved the 2007 version of Sweeney Todd. I guess this counts as a remake lol.
I thought The Incredible Hulk was a pretty well done reboot even though it's the black sheep of the MCU.
Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.
Beat me to it. The Thing and David Cronenberg's The Fly
I love this movie, I'm so glad I'm not the only one
Many people dislike it or looks at me like I'm some kind of freak for liking this film.
Only Remake i like is Resident Evil Remake.
Dark Knight trilogy
Dredd 2012 over superhammy Judge Dredd. Laaaaaaaw!
If TV shows count, the reimagined Battlestar Galactica was so much better than the old, cornball series.
Oh hell yes. I forgot about that.
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Movies and TV:
I think the only Remade game I prefer over the original was Tomb Raider (2013)
Hmm, I would really like to know what Makes SH: Shattered Memories so much Better than The first game, Is it the Voice acting? Because when I played it, all I saw was a confusing plot, annoying characters, and Something that belongs more of a Sequel than a Remake. Did I miss something about the game? Eh, who knows, Maybe it's just Pure Nostalgia that makes me love it better, or Maybe the Non-Resident Evil style controls and camera movement, Or the monsters... I don't know... All I wanna know is why is it so good to most people?
In my opinion, I think ORAS was a huge disappointment, all It was was Ruby and Sapphire with Updated graphics, I could just as easily play the copy of the originals I have on my GBA, or get the originals on the E-shop for a lot less.
I agree, and not sure why but that's a very unpopular opinion :P
I know right? Andrew Garfield PERFECTLY captured what spidey is all about! Quips and Puns while beating the shit out of assholes! Not whatever the hell this shit was:
Seriously! Who casted him? A fucking ape?!
Don't even remind me of that Jazz dance scene, it still haunts me every night. t_t
Original SH, I love it but right now it has awful controls & camera. It's very outdated. SM on the other hand is a great reimagining. It showed us that you don't need combat to make a good SH game. The story is great and the controls are smooth. Plot may be confusing but which SH game's plot wasn't confusing? And annoying characters? Never saw one.
Even the people at the street are like ''wtf are u doing???'' xD
Dude, I bet the people he walked by Had no idea about the movie, and GENIUENELY Looked at him like he was a Jackass. XD
He was definitely a jackass :P
We're at a Semi-Agreement there, While I will say the Camera was shitty, I LOVED the Controls in old Horror games like that, It gave me a HUGE sense of fear and excitment!
I don't know, I think it holds out pretty well, Compared to the shitty horror games we get now-a-days Such as Slender, Resident Evil 5, and Alone in the Dark (360)
Reimagining? Yes. Not a remake though, It does not follow ANYTHING that happened in the Original game, and I guess that's kind of what made me dislike it. I will say however, the UFO ending made me laugh really hard. It was the one true ending to whatever the hell happened in that game.
I've got no counter argument there, You're completely right.
Not if you're a Die Hard Silent Hill fan like me, Sure the plot is Long, but never confusing. I just did not understand a single damn thing in that game, I have no clue what the real ending even was, Hell, I have no clue if silent hill even existed at all at this point, and Harry and his Wife got divorced? In the original Game Harry's wife just died. I still have no idea what went on, Like, who was the Blonde slut following you around? Why the hell does Cybil not look like Cybil? If this is supposed to be in the olden days, (As demonstrated by the older cars and the Main menu screens video quality) Why the fuck does Harry have a Cell Phone? Why is Silent Hill covered in snow, and not Ashes like the Town is SUPPOSED to be covered in? Where does this take place in silent Hills timeline? See what I mean? The story is great, Yes, Easy to follow? Hell no.
The Therapyst dude and Harry himself pissed me off everytime they said something.
Nice counter-arguments. Well, of course SH holds up compared to other bad horror games such as Alone in the Dark(360) And I am still not sure if SM is a re-imagining or a remake or mixture of both. As for this game I don't think it has a place in the timeline. What I mean by that is SH1 and SH2 and etc. are in the same canon but SM has it's own canon. I think that's why it is confusing. But the end made me cry.
And UFO ending is hilarious.
That was really the point of it -- a remake with better graphics, slight changes in the story and Mega Evolution. Each to their own, I honestly didn't like Hoenn that much until ORAS, probably because I played Ruby and Emerald too much as a kid (never Sapphire, I don't like Kyorge as much as the other two).
Hmm, nope. Honestly can't think of any.
Huh, Okay, I see your point now.
Fuck yes, Kyorge was shit, Groudon is where it's at, I'm replaying Ruby right now actually, I just caught Groudon and now I'm deciding whether to train up a little, or fight Wallace.
Probably train it up if you plan to use it. If I remember correctly, Groudon is a lot lower levelled than other Pokemon at that point in the game. But yeah, Groudon for life!
Nope, He's Level 50 when you catch him, I actually caught him with a Premier Ball
I usually catch everything in a regular Pokeball. I don't carry anything except for regular Pokeballs, actually.
It consists a lot of necks getting slit, so I couldn't sit still while watching it lol.
Fuck yea. Biggest surprise of 2012.