Funny you mention Stuckmann, my teacher looks exactly like the guy and loves the same movies, and they are both from Ohio. Just saying. I actually write reviews in a Roger Ebert style every so often when I have nothing else to do, probably not the best, but I do put in a ton of detail, something I noticed a lot of critics nowadays seemingly don't do.
Thanks! I try. But then again, nobody really likes a critic lol.
I learned to write reviews from ChrisStuckmann and Roger Ebert. They're really good critics. I highly advise watching them.
I watched the original trilogy a lot, so the lack of dialogue from Max is Fury Road was really nothing new. Road Warrior is very similar, except I am pretty sure he says LESS if I ran the numbers. As a precaution, I recommend watching at least Road Warrior, because that movie is the closest to Fury Road. If you liked it, then watch Fury Road, if not, well... i'd still say see it, because its still pretty different, but you probably won't love it, because it does share a ton of similarity's with the original movies.
I agree! Though, I am still at a tie between Kingsman and Inside Out. I can't decide! We'll see by the end of the year.
Oh wow really? Ma… mored Max is like my third favorite movie this year. My least would have to be Furious 7. Not saying it's bad or anything. I just didn't like it as much compared to the other ones I've watched this year. The problem with Fury Road in particular was Tom Hardy... didn't say much! He spoke like 7 lines or something? I didn't really mind though.
Nightcrawler was a "Requiem for a dream kind of good" for me (if it makes sense). It's good, it made me think a lot but also made me feel sick and depressed x)
I heard about Whiplash I'll give it a try thanks for the suggestion!
I'm sure Star Wars will be good, but I'm pretty sure there are going to be those asshole nitpickers. Let's just hope they don't repeat thems… moreelves with the sequels.
I thought Nightcrawler was awesome. My only gripe was the ending because it felt really abrupt and quick.
EDIT: If you want to see something truly amazing, watch Whiplash. That's is the definition of an amazing film.
I feel like it's been a dry year with a couple of really good movies. I've like the few I've seen, namely, Nightcrawler, Birdman, The Avian Kind, and Coin Locker Girl. Honestly, I probably liked The Avian Kind the best and found Nightcrawler to be the most entertaining. I just thought the Avian Kind was really deep and philosophical, even if I can't claim to have understood it. It shifts between two stories which basically mimick each other - a woman and a young girl do to seek a mysterious and experimental medical treatment, and 15 years later, a man meets a woman who claims to know what happened to his missing wife, and they go to find her. Spoiler, not really a spoiler, the woman is the girl from 15 years earlier and the man's wife is the woman from the past story. The medical treatment is for people come to find living a constant emotional pain, and so try be reborn as birds. It's a strange premise, but it deals with issues of identity, and consciousness... Again, I don't claim to understand it all, but it's an incredibly well-made film.
(Tagline: "A wife disappeared 15 years ago... she is about to awaken.") Which sounds like a horror film... but hey.
I want to see another movie tomorrow and I'll probably get to seeing Mad Max on Saturday... and looking through the internet, it looks like there are a lot of movies coming out that should be pretty good.
Yea I see what you mean. If that was the intended effect the film was supposed to have on its audience, then it did its job well. My sister actually felt the same while watching Nightcrawler.
Nightcrawler was a "Requiem for a dream kind of good" for me (if it makes sense). It's good, it made me think a lot but also made me feel sick and depressed x)
I heard about Whiplash I'll give it a try thanks for the suggestion!
This movie... Was ok, in my opinion. I like the concept A LOT. The story is that the San Andreas plate is breaking off. There are two stories that we follow. One girl, a daughter, has to survive with a man and the man's brother. The parents are trying to look for their daughter, which is the girl with the 2 guys. The effects were great. The tsunami was realistic. But the cargo ship. I can't get over that.
There are really mixed reviews for this movie. they are all basically 50%. The movie was very dramatic. Everytime something nice happened, something bad happens. Now, I like the movie, but I can see why people can HATE it. The actors, the dramatics, and the contrived coincidences. But the movie was thrilling enough for me to enjoy it, the characters were good. D+.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantained now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
Oy vey.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantain… moreed now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
I'm not even the least bit familiar with the Hitman franchise, but even with that said, it does look like it's gonna crash and burn. Just by looking at the trailer, I can agree that the acting is awful. It's like everyone is about nod off at any minute.
Oy vey.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantain… moreed now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
I loved Inside Out, saw it with a couple of friends, I loved the short film before it too, the feels overwhelmed me, the movie and short film were pure genius, I can't wait for Inside Out 2 where the Puberty Alarm goes off.
I thought the short film was a little weird. Even after seeing it a second time, I still cried at that one part I refuse to spoil still. Inside Out 2 please!
I loved Inside Out, saw it with a couple of friends, I loved the short film before it too, the feels overwhelmed me, the movie and short film were pure genius, I can't wait for Inside Out 2 where the Puberty Alarm goes off.
Oy vey.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantain… moreed now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
I swear all those parents in the theatres only brought their kids so it didn't make them feel weird watching the movie lol it was great, me and my friends cried and laughed.
I thought the short film was a little weird. Even after seeing it a second time, I still cried at that one part I refuse to spoil still. Inside Out 2 please!
I hated Sponge out of Water, I mean, there were a Few Chuckle worthy moments but it was... Just awful... I thought my faith in the Spongebob series could be restored by this, But all I got was an Hour and 30 minute shitfest of Confusing Plot, Dumb Jokes, and horrible development.
Spongebob: Sponge out of Water Movie review
So, this is the second Spongebob movie. The first one was supposed to end the series (And I w… moreish it did). But this movie was pretty good. It wasn't as good as the first one, so for the sake of convenience I will be comparing the two.
So, the first one had a good plot, and was really funny. The Second one had a worse plot, better animation, plot holes and The advertising kinda lied to you.
The First one was better. I'll be blunt about that, but they were both good. But we're here to review The second movie. The Second movie had great animation. It was better than the first one, but I can't really go on about that as the movies were released 11 years apart. But the Plot was worse. The whole part where they were underwater felt like the sub plot in the episode 'Whatever Happened to Spongebob' (aka WhoBob WhatPants). But, things get REALLY interesting. Like how they go into time travel and the … [view original content]
Oy vey.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantain… moreed now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
Eh... Inside Out was not too good In my Opinion. It was bland, The plot was predictable, and I got sadder watching Toy Story 3, A movie that I hate. I honestly don't like it. I mean, it was okay, But it just doesn't feel like a Pixar Movie. I will say though, The "Lava" short at the Beginning was damn adorable, The most enjoyable Part of the Film Imo.
I loved Inside Out, saw it with a couple of friends, I loved the short film before it too, the feels overwhelmed me, the movie and short film were pure genius, I can't wait for Inside Out 2 where the Puberty Alarm goes off.
Inside Out, is The Newest film by Pixar, a Company who has made Many amazing Movies such as Cars, Toy Story, Brave, and The Incredibles. Inside Out is the companies first movie since Brave, (Or Planes: Fire and Rescue, I'm not sure if that's Pixar though.) and I'm going to give a Review on it. Also, I put the spoiler tag Because I am indeed going to spoil shit, So don't get Pissy with me if you were the one who Opened the tag. Anyway, Inside Out follows the Story of a Preteen girl named Riley, Who packed up from her home to Move from San Fransisco. But, what Makes this Movie is not Riley, But it's the 5 Voices inside her head, Controlling her emotions. Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger and Disgust. Now, I had extremely High hopes for this Movie, But, Unlike a lot of people here, I was extremely disappointed. I had many problems with this Movie, But for now, I'd like to speak a Bit about "Lava", The Short that plays before the Movie.
Lava was The newest, In a Line of Pixar shorts before the Movies, Others include, "Tin Toy", "Knick Knack", and More. I found Lava, to be the Cutest, and Most enjoyable Part of this Film. The story is real Basic, There's a Volcano, he wants Love, he sings a Beautiful song everyday hoping for Love, and One day he begins to die out, Until a Volcano on the Ocean floor rises up, and Happily ever after. But the story is not what Made this short so Amazing, what Made it so amazing is how Little the story gives you, All the Nothingness in the story, Just love, But it's still meaningful. I Loved Lava, and I'd probably go see Inside Out a few more times, Just to rewatch it.
Now, Onto Inside Out...
Problem 1: The Story.
Okay, I have No real problem with the story, It's real Simple, real Easy to follow, But... It's just bad. It doesn't Mean anything to me, Joy and Sadness are lost, and they just go find the stuff, go Back, Joy realizes she's a Bossy bitch, (From what I got out of it) and a Bunch of wacky other stuff. Every other Pixar Movie up to this Point Meant something to me, It had a meaning, and a Purpose, and a Lesson to serve, It was deep, But this? If I wanted to experience Sadness and Anger, and feeling emotionless all the time, I could have just fucking stood up and did My daily routine! Toy Story 2? Be true to yourself. Brave? Family is important. Cars? Don't be an ass. Inside Out? Fuckin'... It's okay to be sad? I don't fucking know because they never let me know! That's like if I changed my Name to todd, and said, "I'm not gonna tell you why, Just figure it out, Dick.". Honestly, I can't be too Harsh on the story. I mean, they were going into this Creating all New Original characters, A lot of the other Pixar movies have had a story to Base it off of... But the Story just irritates me.
Problem 2: The Characters.
All of the Characters felt Really bland to me. They were all generic. Joy was the Bossy, yet kind Main character. Riley was a Plot device. Sadness was Comic relief. Boing Boing, also a Plot device. Anger, Disgust and Fear, The 3 stooges. Riley's parents, 2 more fucking plot devices. If this Movie had any more Plot devices, I'm pretty sure I'd be watching, "Disney Pixar's: Ex-Machina: The Movie". But wait, There Are more! The Abstract thoughts room, The thought Train, The memory balls, Hockey itself, That gum theme song, The lost memory pit, The clown dude, and Many more! It was just... A whole lot of awful characters, and I really disliked that part of the Movie.
Problem 3: The So-Called, "Feels".
Look, It's gonna take a lot more than Some shiny Yellow girl about to Lose everything, and then saved by Plot device number 45 to make me cry. Up was sure as shit sadder than this. Toy Story 3 was sadder than this. Hell, Even fucking Cars 2 was sadder than this because Doc Hudson died, something that was only mentioned, TWICE. Nothing was really sad about this Movie. Hell, I just finished Watching Finding Nemo, and I had more enjoyment watching that while Half paying attention to it, than I did watching Inside Out! It's not a Sad Movie, But that's Just my Opinion.
In the end, I rate Inside Out a strong 4.5/10. It's not too good, But it's still not awful.
Sorry Clemy, but I sure as hell strongly disagree with you on a wide array of levels.
The Story
You obviously don't realize that the movie is telling us that we need a little bit of sadness in order to be truly happy in the end. Remember when Sadness consoled Bing Bong after he lost his rocket? He was able to let it all go by crying it out, and in the end, he was more than happy to help them out again. Also, remember when Joy found one of Riley's core memories when they were in The Dump? Once she rewinded it, it turned out be a sad memory at first. Then, it all became happy once her family and friends showed their support. That's when Joy realized the importance of Sadness. Sadness helps us sympathize, or at the very least empathize with what people are going through. You obviously don't need to be sad in order to connect with others, but in bad situations such as the ones I mentioned, you usually feel sad for them and want to help them in anyway possible. Another thing is that Sadness was the one to help Riley deter from running away. It helped Riley realize how wrong this act is because it's not only hurting her, it's also hurting her parents! Wouldn't you be sad if you were the one to put your loved ones through those situations? The hardships that we go through, are the ones that brings us all together. Plus, if you were truly happy all the time, it would get kinda boring and overwhelming.
The part where all the orbs were now mixed signifies that Riley is starting to mature slowly. She's learning how to accept the new home she is in, thus her handling her emotions in a mature way. Why do you think the mom and dad's emotions were all organized and formal? It's because they have matured. They've learned how to deal with them in drastic situations. That's usually why they don't get into fits like Riley. Or at the very least, don't let their emotions go TOO out of whack. This is the type of movie you need to watch again in order to truly get it. Read my review and you'll probably understand it. There are more layers to this movie than you think. It's all just a matter of being able to dissect them. Don't be lazy, use your head!
Plot Device
Some of the things you mentioned were potential plot devices, true. I suppose the clown was one, but that doesn't completely detract from the enjoyment of the movie. If anything, it felt pretty relevant because that's one of Riley's deepest fears. The Bubble Gum commercial was not a plot device. The purpose of it was to be used as comic relief, nothing more. And if you think about it, that's relevant to real life as well. Haven't you ever gotten an annoying song stuck in your head? But out of all of them, you say Riley is a plot device... are you kidding me? Riley is essential to the movie because the main goal of these little emotions, is to help her live a happy life whilst trying to endure the bullshit that comes along with it. I don't see how she is a plot device. I'm sorry Clemy, but I'm just gonna say that's downright stupid.
The Characters/The Feels
I thought the characters were great! It's up to your opinion, but they all did their jobs in the movie really well to me. Bing Bong was not a plot device, because he was still pretty relevant to the movie. He was Riley's imaginary friend back in her younger days, and just wanted to feel important to her again. He represents Riley's childhood. Let's put ourselves in his shoes. Obviously not as the imaginary friend, but as someone that has experienced a heart breaking situation. For example, have you ever felt like you weren't important to someone anymore? A best friend? A love interest? A family member? Imagine the amount of pain you'll be in once you realize that they just don't care about you anymore. The worst part is, you still care about them! The feeling is no longer mutual. You're nothing, but a memory to them now. I've been through that, I'm sure a lot of people have. (I'm getting sad just from writing this!) That's Bing Bong's situation. Once he and Joy were in the void, he realized that he really wasn't important to Riley anymore, so he sacrificed himself to save someone that is. That was a selfless act made by Bing Bong, and that made me want to cry. Let that ponder in your head for a while. It's a bit similar to the Toy Story 3 situation as well. Woody and the rest of the gang were no longer relevant to Andy anymore as he's all grown up. He may have not forgotten them, but the special bond between Andy and Woody is no longer their. It's nothing but a memory. The heartache from letting go and moving on. It sure is a bitch. The reason why it's sad is because Inside Out is more personal.
There that's all I have to say. I'm sorry for being brash, but the tone in you're writing pissed me off quite a bit.
Also, I just have to say this, Cars 2 was shit because it focused on the wrong character, To-mater. The spy aspect was super irrelevant to the story of these cars RACING. Who the hell thought of that? If you found Cars 2 sadder, then I implore you to watch Inside Out again, or at the very least consider the points I have made.
The only 2015 movie I've seen this year is Jurassic World, which was fucking great so I'm not complaining. I wanna see Inside Out and Mad Max though, I've heard so many good things about them. Once I catch up on my MCU movies (been on a binge) I'll probably watch those two. As for movie yet to release that I'm hyped for, I can't wait to see Ant Man tbh
The only 2015 movie I've seen this year is Jurassic World, which was fucking great so I'm not complaining. I wanna see Inside Out and Mad Ma… morex though, I've heard so many good things about them. Once I catch up on my MCU movies (been on a binge) I'll probably watch those two. As for movie yet to release that I'm hyped for, I can't wait to see Ant Man tbh
Look dude, You can think what you want about the Movie, and I can think what I want. To each their own opinion. There are no right ones, or Wrong ones, I just didn't like Inside Out as much as everyone else. I see a lot of the Points you make, But To me, it's Just one of Pixar's weaker Movies. I know that the Sadness is a part of life thing matters, But it just doesn't make sense. and You said many times, it's about growing up, and Letting go, and everything else. If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
Also, I just have to say this, Cars 2 was shit because it focused on the wrong character, To-mater.
To each their own. I for one, Thought Mater made that movie great. I will say, the Spy aspect was dumb as shit, But I didn't Think Cars 2 as a whole was sadder, But the Doc being dead thing sure as hell Upset me more than The shit I go through everyday, Put up on a screen with cute characters instead of horrible monsters.
Sorry Clemy, but I sure as hell strongly disagree with you on a wide array of levels.
The Story
You obviously don't realize th… moreat the movie is telling us that we need a little bit of sadness in order to be truly happy in the end. Remember when Sadness consoled Bing Bong after he lost his rocket? He was able to let it all go by crying it out, and in the end, he was more than happy to help them out again. Also, remember when Joy found one of Riley's core memories when they were in The Dump? Once she rewinded it, it turned out be a sad memory at first. Then, it all became happy once her family and friends showed their support. That's when Joy realized the importance of Sadness. Sadness helps us sympathize, or at the very least empathize with what people are going through. You obviously don't need to be sad in order to connect with others, but in bad situations such as the ones I mentioned, you usually feel sad for them and want to h… [view original content]
Look dude, You can think what you want about the Movie, and I can think what I want. To each their own opinion. There are no right ones, or … moreWrong ones, I just didn't like Inside Out as much as everyone else. I see a lot of the Points you make, But To me, it's Just one of Pixar's weaker Movies. I know that the Sadness is a part of life thing matters, But it just doesn't make sense. and You said many times, it's about growing up, and Letting go, and everything else. If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
Also, I just have to say this, Cars 2 was shit because it focused on the wrong character, To-mater.
To each their own. I for one, Thought Mater made that movie great. I will say, the Spy aspect was dumb as shit, But I didn't Think Cars 2 as a whole was sadder, But the Doc being dead thing sure as hell Upset me more than The shit I go through everyday, Put up on a screen with cute characters instead of horrible monsters.
You're all for not liking the movie, completely acceptable. I just thought some of the points you brought into your review were idiotic. Like saying that Riley was a plot device. C'mon.
But it just doesn't make sense
Well, you'll probably learn it soon.
If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
Look dude, You can think what you want about the Movie, and I can think what I want. To each their own opinion. There are no right ones, or … moreWrong ones, I just didn't like Inside Out as much as everyone else. I see a lot of the Points you make, But To me, it's Just one of Pixar's weaker Movies. I know that the Sadness is a part of life thing matters, But it just doesn't make sense. and You said many times, it's about growing up, and Letting go, and everything else. If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
Also, I just have to say this, Cars 2 was shit because it focused on the wrong character, To-mater.
To each their own. I for one, Thought Mater made that movie great. I will say, the Spy aspect was dumb as shit, But I didn't Think Cars 2 as a whole was sadder, But the Doc being dead thing sure as hell Upset me more than The shit I go through everyday, Put up on a screen with cute characters instead of horrible monsters.
Yet to have seen Jurassic World.
You should mos def see Inside Out and Mad Max. Catch up on them man! Ant Man looks really good. I just hope the same goes for Paul Rudd's performance.
No! I don't want virtual hugs! I want to murder everyone who is working on this God damn Movie, No... It doesn't deserve the title, "Movie", It deserves the title of, "Abomination"
I don't Hate it... But it Just doesn't feel like I can put it up with the Ranks of Masterpieces like "Finding Nemo", "Toy Story 2" and "Up". It feels more like a Film along the lines of Frozen. I do not like it...
But then again they have more stuff and ideas and special effects.
Funny you mention Stuckmann, my teacher looks exactly like the guy and loves the same movies, and they are both from Ohio. Just saying. I actually write reviews in a Roger Ebert style every so often when I have nothing else to do, probably not the best, but I do put in a ton of detail, something I noticed a lot of critics nowadays seemingly don't do.
I watched the original trilogy a lot, so the lack of dialogue from Max is Fury Road was really nothing new. Road Warrior is very similar, except I am pretty sure he says LESS if I ran the numbers. As a precaution, I recommend watching at least Road Warrior, because that movie is the closest to Fury Road. If you liked it, then watch Fury Road, if not, well... i'd still say see it, because its still pretty different, but you probably won't love it, because it does share a ton of similarity's with the original movies.
Nightcrawler was a "Requiem for a dream kind of good" for me (if it makes sense). It's good, it made me think a lot but also made me feel sick and depressed x)
I heard about Whiplash I'll give it a try thanks for the suggestion!
I feel like it's been a dry year with a couple of really good movies. I've like the few I've seen, namely, Nightcrawler, Birdman, The Avian Kind, and Coin Locker Girl. Honestly, I probably liked The Avian Kind the best and found Nightcrawler to be the most entertaining. I just thought the Avian Kind was really deep and philosophical, even if I can't claim to have understood it. It shifts between two stories which basically mimick each other - a woman and a young girl do to seek a mysterious and experimental medical treatment, and 15 years later, a man meets a woman who claims to know what happened to his missing wife, and they go to find her. Spoiler, not really a spoiler, the woman is the girl from 15 years earlier and the man's wife is the woman from the past story. The medical treatment is for people come to find living a constant emotional pain, and so try be reborn as birds. It's a strange premise, but it deals with issues of identity, and consciousness... Again, I don't claim to understand it all, but it's an incredibly well-made film.
(Tagline: "A wife disappeared 15 years ago... she is about to awaken.") Which sounds like a horror film... but hey.
I want to see another movie tomorrow and I'll probably get to seeing Mad Max on Saturday... and looking through the internet, it looks like there are a lot of movies coming out that should be pretty good.
Yea I see what you mean. If that was the intended effect the film was supposed to have on its audience, then it did its job well. My sister actually felt the same while watching Nightcrawler.
No prob for the suggestion.
Jurassic world is good.
San Andreas Movie Review
This movie... Was ok, in my opinion. I like the concept A LOT. The story is that the San Andreas plate is breaking off. There are two stories that we follow. One girl, a daughter, has to survive with a man and the man's brother. The parents are trying to look for their daughter, which is the girl with the 2 guys. The effects were great. The tsunami was realistic. But the cargo ship. I can't get over that.
There are really mixed reviews for this movie. they are all basically 50%. The movie was very dramatic. Everytime something nice happened, something bad happens. Now, I like the movie, but I can see why people can HATE it. The actors, the dramatics, and the contrived coincidences. But the movie was thrilling enough for me to enjoy it, the characters were good. D+.
I hear good things about Ex Machina and Mad Max, planning on checking those out.
Oy vey.
Congratulations, Hollywood. You have taken a proverbial shit on my hopes for this movie. What optimism I mustered and mantained now lies betwixt you and I in shards. I will only see this movie now so that I can shit on your stuff in return via a scathing review on this thread (provided it will be as bad as you are making it seem). Oy vey.......
Damn. Sorry bro.
Next week, I shall see Max, and maybe see Inside Out a fourth time.
They have unleashed my inner fanboy rage.
Just saw Inside Out for the second time with my friends. Still love the living shit out of it.
I'm not even the least bit familiar with the Hitman franchise, but even with that said, it does look like it's gonna crash and burn. Just by looking at the trailer, I can agree that the acting is awful. It's like everyone is about nod off at any minute.
I loved Inside Out, saw it with a couple of friends, I loved the short film before it too, the feels overwhelmed me, the movie and short film were pure genius, I can't wait for Inside Out 2 where the Puberty Alarm goes off.
I thought the short film was a little weird. Even after seeing it a second time, I still cried at that one part I refuse to spoil still. Inside Out 2 please!
pfft, they spoilt the big twist in the trailer
that takes a special kind of retardation
Fucking wow. The action looks retarded too.
They did the same for Terminator Genisys.
thats PIXAR for you
That pissed me greatly.
I swear all those parents in the theatres only brought their kids so it didn't make them feel weird watching the movie lol it was great, me and my friends cried and laughed.
Better than I thought it would be, but still not very good.
I hope Arnold is good at least.
I hated Sponge out of Water, I mean, there were a Few Chuckle worthy moments but it was... Just awful... I thought my faith in the Spongebob series could be restored by this, But all I got was an Hour and 30 minute shitfest of Confusing Plot, Dumb Jokes, and horrible development.
I fucking... I can't... This trailer pissed me off, SO BAD... GAAAAAH!
Eh... Inside Out was not too good In my Opinion. It was bland, The plot was predictable, and I got sadder watching Toy Story 3, A movie that I hate. I honestly don't like it. I mean, it was okay, But it just doesn't feel like a Pixar Movie. I will say though, The "Lava" short at the Beginning was damn adorable, The most enjoyable Part of the Film Imo.
Inside Out
Inside Out, is The Newest film by Pixar, a Company who has made Many amazing Movies such as Cars, Toy Story, Brave, and The Incredibles. Inside Out is the companies first movie since Brave, (Or Planes: Fire and Rescue, I'm not sure if that's Pixar though.) and I'm going to give a Review on it. Also, I put the spoiler tag Because I am indeed going to spoil shit, So don't get Pissy with me if you were the one who Opened the tag. Anyway, Inside Out follows the Story of a Preteen girl named Riley, Who packed up from her home to Move from San Fransisco. But, what Makes this Movie is not Riley, But it's the 5 Voices inside her head, Controlling her emotions. Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger and Disgust. Now, I had extremely High hopes for this Movie, But, Unlike a lot of people here, I was extremely disappointed. I had many problems with this Movie, But for now, I'd like to speak a Bit about "Lava", The Short that plays before the Movie.
Lava was The newest, In a Line of Pixar shorts before the Movies, Others include, "Tin Toy", "Knick Knack", and More. I found Lava, to be the Cutest, and Most enjoyable Part of this Film. The story is real Basic, There's a Volcano, he wants Love, he sings a Beautiful song everyday hoping for Love, and One day he begins to die out, Until a Volcano on the Ocean floor rises up, and Happily ever after. But the story is not what Made this short so Amazing, what Made it so amazing is how Little the story gives you, All the Nothingness in the story, Just love, But it's still meaningful. I Loved Lava, and I'd probably go see Inside Out a few more times, Just to rewatch it.
Now, Onto Inside Out...
Problem 1: The Story.
Okay, I have No real problem with the story, It's real Simple, real Easy to follow, But... It's just bad. It doesn't Mean anything to me, Joy and Sadness are lost, and they just go find the stuff, go Back, Joy realizes she's a Bossy bitch, (From what I got out of it) and a Bunch of wacky other stuff. Every other Pixar Movie up to this Point Meant something to me, It had a meaning, and a Purpose, and a Lesson to serve, It was deep, But this? If I wanted to experience Sadness and Anger, and feeling emotionless all the time, I could have just fucking stood up and did My daily routine! Toy Story 2? Be true to yourself. Brave? Family is important. Cars? Don't be an ass. Inside Out? Fuckin'... It's okay to be sad? I don't fucking know because they never let me know! That's like if I changed my Name to todd, and said, "I'm not gonna tell you why, Just figure it out, Dick.". Honestly, I can't be too Harsh on the story. I mean, they were going into this Creating all New Original characters, A lot of the other Pixar movies have had a story to Base it off of... But the Story just irritates me.
Problem 2: The Characters.
All of the Characters felt Really bland to me. They were all generic. Joy was the Bossy, yet kind Main character. Riley was a Plot device. Sadness was Comic relief. Boing Boing, also a Plot device. Anger, Disgust and Fear, The 3 stooges. Riley's parents, 2 more fucking plot devices. If this Movie had any more Plot devices, I'm pretty sure I'd be watching, "Disney Pixar's: Ex-Machina: The Movie". But wait, There Are more! The Abstract thoughts room, The thought Train, The memory balls, Hockey itself, That gum theme song, The lost memory pit, The clown dude, and Many more! It was just... A whole lot of awful characters, and I really disliked that part of the Movie.
Problem 3: The So-Called, "Feels".
Look, It's gonna take a lot more than Some shiny Yellow girl about to Lose everything, and then saved by Plot device number 45 to make me cry. Up was sure as shit sadder than this. Toy Story 3 was sadder than this. Hell, Even fucking Cars 2 was sadder than this because Doc Hudson died, something that was only mentioned, TWICE. Nothing was really sad about this Movie. Hell, I just finished Watching Finding Nemo, and I had more enjoyment watching that while Half paying attention to it, than I did watching Inside Out! It's not a Sad Movie, But that's Just my Opinion.
In the end, I rate Inside Out a strong 4.5/10. It's not too good, But it's still not awful.
Sorry Clemy, but I sure as hell strongly disagree with you on a wide array of levels.
You obviously don't realize that the movie is telling us that we need a little bit of sadness in order to be truly happy in the end. Remember when Sadness consoled Bing Bong after he lost his rocket? He was able to let it all go by crying it out, and in the end, he was more than happy to help them out again. Also, remember when Joy found one of Riley's core memories when they were in The Dump? Once she rewinded it, it turned out be a sad memory at first. Then, it all became happy once her family and friends showed their support. That's when Joy realized the importance of Sadness. Sadness helps us sympathize, or at the very least empathize with what people are going through. You obviously don't need to be sad in order to connect with others, but in bad situations such as the ones I mentioned, you usually feel sad for them and want to help them in anyway possible. Another thing is that Sadness was the one to help Riley deter from running away. It helped Riley realize how wrong this act is because it's not only hurting her, it's also hurting her parents! Wouldn't you be sad if you were the one to put your loved ones through those situations? The hardships that we go through, are the ones that brings us all together. Plus, if you were truly happy all the time, it would get kinda boring and overwhelming.
The part where all the orbs were now mixed signifies that Riley is starting to mature slowly. She's learning how to accept the new home she is in, thus her handling her emotions in a mature way. Why do you think the mom and dad's emotions were all organized and formal? It's because they have matured. They've learned how to deal with them in drastic situations. That's usually why they don't get into fits like Riley. Or at the very least, don't let their emotions go TOO out of whack. This is the type of movie you need to watch again in order to truly get it. Read my review and you'll probably understand it. There are more layers to this movie than you think. It's all just a matter of being able to dissect them. Don't be lazy, use your head!
Some of the things you mentioned were potential plot devices, true. I suppose the clown was one, but that doesn't completely detract from the enjoyment of the movie. If anything, it felt pretty relevant because that's one of Riley's deepest fears. The Bubble Gum commercial was not a plot device. The purpose of it was to be used as comic relief, nothing more. And if you think about it, that's relevant to real life as well. Haven't you ever gotten an annoying song stuck in your head? But out of all of them, you say Riley is a plot device... are you kidding me? Riley is essential to the movie because the main goal of these little emotions, is to help her live a happy life whilst trying to endure the bullshit that comes along with it. I don't see how she is a plot device. I'm sorry Clemy, but I'm just gonna say that's downright stupid.
I thought the characters were great! It's up to your opinion, but they all did their jobs in the movie really well to me. Bing Bong was not a plot device, because he was still pretty relevant to the movie. He was Riley's imaginary friend back in her younger days, and just wanted to feel important to her again. He represents Riley's childhood. Let's put ourselves in his shoes. Obviously not as the imaginary friend, but as someone that has experienced a heart breaking situation. For example, have you ever felt like you weren't important to someone anymore? A best friend? A love interest? A family member? Imagine the amount of pain you'll be in once you realize that they just don't care about you anymore. The worst part is, you still care about them! The feeling is no longer mutual. You're nothing, but a memory to them now. I've been through that, I'm sure a lot of people have. (I'm getting sad just from writing this!) That's Bing Bong's situation. Once he and Joy were in the void, he realized that he really wasn't important to Riley anymore, so he sacrificed himself to save someone that is. That was a selfless act made by Bing Bong, and that made me want to cry. Let that ponder in your head for a while. It's a bit similar to the Toy Story 3 situation as well. Woody and the rest of the gang were no longer relevant to Andy anymore as he's all grown up. He may have not forgotten them, but the special bond between Andy and Woody is no longer their. It's nothing but a memory. The heartache from letting go and moving on.
It sure is a bitch. The reason why it's sad is because Inside Out is more personal.
There that's all I have to say. I'm sorry for being brash, but the tone in you're writing pissed me off quite a bit.
Also, I just have to say this, Cars 2 was shit because it focused on the wrong character, To-mater. The spy aspect was super irrelevant to the story of these cars RACING. Who the hell thought of that? If you found Cars 2 sadder, then I implore you to watch Inside Out again, or at the very least consider the points I have made.
The only 2015 movie I've seen this year is Jurassic World, which was fucking great so I'm not complaining. I wanna see Inside Out and Mad Max though, I've heard so many good things about them. Once I catch up on my MCU movies (been on a binge) I'll probably watch those two. As for movie yet to release that I'm hyped for, I can't wait to see Ant Man tbh
Yet to have seen Jurassic World.
You should mos def see Inside Out and Mad Max. Catch up on them man! Ant Man looks really good. I just hope the same goes for Paul Rudd's performance.
Look dude, You can think what you want about the Movie, and I can think what I want. To each their own opinion. There are no right ones, or Wrong ones, I just didn't like Inside Out as much as everyone else. I see a lot of the Points you make, But To me, it's Just one of Pixar's weaker Movies. I know that the Sadness is a part of life thing matters, But it just doesn't make sense. and You said many times, it's about growing up, and Letting go, and everything else. If I wanted to do that, I could have just gone and lived my own Sad life where I'm already depressed.
To each their own. I for one, Thought Mater made that movie great. I will say, the Spy aspect was dumb as shit, But I didn't Think Cars 2 as a whole was sadder, But the Doc being dead thing sure as hell Upset me more than The shit I go through everyday, Put up on a screen with cute characters instead of horrible monsters.
I haven't seen the movie yet but you seem awfully needlessly hateful of it.
You're all for not liking the movie, completely acceptable. I just thought some of the points you brought into your review were idiotic. Like saying that Riley was a plot device. C'mon.
Well, you'll probably learn it soon.
Well I'm deeply sorry about that.
I know how you feel. Here, have a virtual hug.
You should
I shall on Sunday.
No! I don't want virtual hugs! I want to murder everyone who is working on this God damn Movie, No... It doesn't deserve the title, "Movie", It deserves the title of, "Abomination"
I don't Hate it... But it Just doesn't feel like I can put it up with the Ranks of Masterpieces like "Finding Nemo", "Toy Story 2" and "Up". It feels more like a Film along the lines of Frozen. I do not like it...